Your wisdom, patience and noble character, like a beacon, illuminate my way forward, and I benefit a lot from it. I can't express my gratitude in words.

However, after careful consideration and self-examination, when I faced the precious inheritance that Master was about to give me, my heart was filled with complex emotions and struggles.........】

A series of words, basically rainbow farts, extremely hypocritical clichés, made Celia feel a headache.

Looking at the letter, and then looking at him with a smile on his face, Celia was so angry that her mouth was about to be twisted, and the next moment she directly tore the letter into pieces, threw it on the ground, and angrily scolded:

"What have you been doing for the past thousand years? Did you learn aristocratic hypocrisy? What kind of bullshit is this? Say it to my face!"

"Then I refuse."

"You, you guy.....!"

Celia's face instantly became extremely gloomy.

Sensing danger, he quickly stood up from the ground and squatted in front of Celia, putting his hands on her shoulders and said solemnly:

"Actually, we can have a good chat, or... let's calm down first and talk?"

"Okay, I want to hear what else you want to say,"

"... Isn't it normal for you to have something to say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Of course I refuse, why do you want to take over this mess? That suicide note is not written to me, right?" Facing Celia's warning eyes, he also took it for granted, and even preached:

"I don't mean to say anything about you, but it's really not good for you to do this? It's not good to push Volame's wish onto others! What if it's messed up? It's even worse, her spirit in heaven..."

"I just tested your ability. If it was an ordinary first-level magician, he would have died just now. This is definitely not casual. You have the ability, believe in yourself."

"....Aren't you afraid that I will die too?" He asked this, but he didn't want to hear the answer. He sighed and continued: "Let's put this aside for now. To be honest, I actually have my own things to do. There's really nothing I can do."

"Tell me first? What exactly do you want to do?"

Celiai, who was annoyed about going out to teach people and build forces in person, and therefore casually put Volame's will "slightly" behind, now saw Ash's free labor, naturally did not intend to let him go easily.

But he was so reluctant that he relaxed his attitude a little, and did not intend to force him, but just urged him to tell his reasons with his eyes.

But it was obvious that if there was no suitable reason, she would not let Ash go easily.

Even though he admitted that he controlled the kingdom and planned to manage the country well and accumulate strength, Celia's attitude was ambiguous. She agreed and disagreed, but she probably didn't intend to continue to force him. It was just...

"You are really promising. You actually controlled the entire kingdom. Then the reconstruction and expansion here will be left to you." On the wooden chair on the ruins, Celia crossed her legs without any image and smiled evilly: "Let me see your sincerity in honoring your teacher."

"That's all the people's blood and sweat. I can't do such a thing as sucking the blood of civilians!"

"Civilians? Civilians What kind of money can you have? Why don't you ask the nobles to donate? You control a lot of nobles anyway, right? After all, this place will be yours in the future, so what if you make it better? "

"But I don't want to take over this thing at all, this is simply..."

"I won't force you, but you should think it through." Although she said this, Celia also emphasized her tone, making him sigh: "I say... you are really a devil."

"Hehe, a demon who controls others, tell me this?" Celia retorted with disdain, and he really couldn't say a word.

There is no way, whether from the body or from the behavior, it seems that he is more devilish.

In desperation, he originally came to fight against counterfeiting but kicked the iron plate, forcing Ash to temporarily settle in the magic city and organize the construction of the mainland magic association branch.

These people he saved in the magic association seemed to really regard him as Celia's future successor and branch director, and even a very generous "donating" noble.

Apart from those false reputations, he also got the opportunity to continue reading the books in Celia's collection... Faced with a ticket that allows him to freely read all the magic knowledge in the world, money seems to be not so important compared to it?



Several years passed in the blink of an eye while learning and dealing with Celia.

Ash also occupied the Demon King's Castle that had lost its owner, but in the first year of occupation... he encountered the challenge of the strongest warrior of the demon clan, one of the oldest demons in existence, the blood-stained military god Livale.

"What a younger generation! No wonder you dare to occupy this place!"

When Livale, a demon uncle with a big back hair and thick eyebrows, saw him, he laughed happily and gathered magic power in his hands into a giant sword, and slashed at him head-on without saying a word.


The giant sword and the long sword collided with each other, creating fireworks flying everywhere, and Ash, who was unstable on his feet, moved back at a terrifying speed.

But when he was uncontrollably moving backwards, he suddenly took a step forward and forcibly stabilized his body. The aftermath of the impact still directly lifted the ground behind him, forming a magnificent landscape like an inverted waterfall.

This makes Levale grin, and his smile makes him happy:

"Not bad! You are really good! That dwarf Aize couldn't stop himself even after being punched by me. How could you still control your body after taking a blow from my sword?"

"....I've heard about you, and you're actually stronger than the rumors say." Ash's face was full of depression at the moment, and Levi seemed to really like fighting, and the way he looked at him now was the same. Extremely hot:

"Come on! Young man, as long as you defeat me in terms of force! Old man, I will approve of you being the new Demon King!"

"Wait a minute...are you serious? I'm a magician? You, a warrior, want me to fight you hand to hand?"

Ash looked at Levale dumbfounded, and really couldn't understand how he could have the nerve to say such a thing.

"Magic? I feel like you are more like a warrior, and there is no way a magician can block my sword!"

"My main job is to be a magician. By the way, I know a little bit about martial arts. Ah... By the way, let's do this! How about you teach me how to fight? This way I can improve myself so that I can deal with you."

"This... let's do it!" Surprisingly, Leviale actually agreed to his whimsical proposal after only thinking about it for a moment, and even said to himself overjoyed:

“It’s a very good idea to train with your own hands and defeat your outstanding juniors and opponents in all aspects!”

"Uh... Even though it was my proposal, you actually agreed."

"Rather than looking for an opponent everywhere, it's really better to cultivate one directly, and... I really can't think of anyone else who can be better than you! Although you say you are a magician, this power - it is definitely not something that humans can do. Mentioned!" Levi looked at him up and down, raised the giant sword again, and a bloodthirsty smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth:

"——Come on, let me give you some guidance."

"No, wait a minute, you don't seem to be giving instructions, but..."

“Only in actual combat can we make the fastest progress!!”

The giant sword was wielded vigorously by Leviale, but Ash smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say, but...he could only bite the bullet now.

Ever since, the following days.

He almost learned magic from Sellie while training as a warrior with Levale.

In busy days, time always flies by. In the blink of an eye, the fifty-year appointment is already close at hand.

But he was sitting on the wall of the Demon King's City, looking at the night sky in the distance while resting, and then he remembered the agreement made half a century ago, but he was troubled and didn't know whether he should keep the appointment or not.

After all, I may have fewer friends this time, and... I should have almost reached the limit of human lifespan this time, right?

The Buried Fulian·Thousand Years to Present: Chapter 62: Reunion with Old Friends (3K)

If someone dies while attending the appointment, Ash will definitely be very depressed, but it doesn't feel good if he doesn't go. After all, it is an agreement with a friend.

This made him sigh on the city wall, and he was troubled by endless dilemmas, and he couldn't make up his mind no matter what.

It was also at this time that Levi suddenly and silently appeared beside him, without waiting for his reaction...

"——What? Your martial arts attainments have reached the pinnacle of humankind, and you will catch up with me if you take any further steps. And now you still show such an un-warrior expression!"

Levale patted him on the back unceremoniously, making his back "bang bang", and almost pushed him off the wall.

This made him look back at the old man in depression, but he was smiling so much that people really didn't know what to say about him.

For a moment, I just felt that none of these big demons seemed to be that much like demons... Aura might still be able to understand, after all, it was normal that he brought them up single-handedly.

But Livale doesn't have any of the demons' fear of death, only the fanaticism for fighting, which simply goes against the demons' instincts.

Yes, Levale has no fear of battle - this is according to the dwarf warrior Aize who once fought against him.

It can even be said that Levi's strength has reached the peak of martial arts that humans cannot reach. Even if Levi uses an ax to take care of Aize, it is still a level beyond the reach of Aize who has reached the peak.

Although Asher was not there when they fought, the team members also said that... Levale was a far better warrior than Aize, and his martial arts skills were completely terrifying that humans could not reach.

Ai Ze's special attack hit his face and his face was only scratched. Ai Ze's ordinary attacks hit him, but he was unscathed.

The body is so hard that it is beyond imagination. Even a dragon cannot be so exaggerated.

However, he lacked fear and only wanted to fight. Instead, Ai Ze seized the opportunity and used a unique move to knock him off the cliff... and cut his face.

But that's all. Apart from that, there is nothing else. Its strength can only be described as terrifying.

.... Of course, this is somewhat irrelevant to the current situation, and it is quite suitable for a teacher.

In terms of appearance, he is a strange uncle with a slicked back hair, over two meters tall, and always smiling.

So Ash just turned his head and glanced at him, and he was convinced by his curious look back - even if he went to see the shooting stars again with Fulilian and the others, he definitely shouldn't watch them with this weird uncle in this castle!

Celiai's words...seem like they can be forgotten, Aura...that's the original shadow, right?

"...watching meteors with Celia or Aura seems to be not much different from watching with Livale..."

"Watching meteors? Ah~it seems that the half-century meteor is about to appear again? Do you want to watch meteors with me?" Livale asked curiously when he heard his name.

For him, it seems that these are not important, but...Ash's face is full of resistance: "...No, just thinking about it makes me sick, let's not do it."


"...Two grown men sitting side by side in the middle of the night watching meteors, what can you think of this picture?"

"Warrior's friendship!" Livale didn't even think about it, and he was speechless with one sentence.

After a long time, he held his forehead with one hand and sighed: "...Okay, I'm old-fashioned, please forgive me."

"Ah! Forgive me, then let's fight again! This time I'll only use one hand! Let's fight with all my strength without weapons!"

"Huh? What are you talking about without permission? I still want to--woooo?!"

Before Ash finished speaking, Livale's fist as big as a casserole hit him in the face without any hesitation.

Caught off guard, he was hit directly in the face with a heavy punch, making his body disappear from the wall and fall to the ground like a cannonball.

Not surprisingly, his troubles also disappeared under this heavy punch.

Although he was really helpless against the berserker-like Livale, Ash also made clear his will in the fist-to-flesh fight and planned to witness the last moments of his old friend.

So, the next day.

With a bruised face and a body full of injuries, he flew to the Central Kingdoms at full speed... There was no other way.

Healing magic is the patent of the goddess, and normally only people who hold the holy book (mainly monks) can use it.

Unfortunately, as a demon, he couldn't use the holy book even if he had it. The goddess seemed... no, it was obvious that she disliked him and was unwilling to give him even a little favor.



Half a century later, the capital seemed like a lifetime ago to Ash, who was still young among the demons.

Many new buildings have sprung up, and the streetscape seems to have changed a little, but it's only been fifty years, and the changes in cities of this era won't be too big. The direction of Xinmei's house...

"--Oops, I don't remember it at all!"

He had only been to a place once, 50 years ago, so he couldn't remember it clearly and got lost in the streets.

And there was a barrier in the capital that prohibited flying, which made him start to worry. He even wondered if he should cast some magic into the sky to attract attention and see if he could attract the attention of acquaintances...

"Are you... Ash?" A strange and old voice came from behind, making him look back subconsciously.

"Hmm...? Who are you?"

He looked back, but only saw an old man with a bald head, a big white beard, a blue cloak and a cane standing behind him, looking at him curiously just like him.

"Are you..." He leaned on the mole at the corner of his eye and asked tentatively, "Xin Meier——?!"

"Haha~ Your surprised expression is as interesting as Fulilian's." Xin Meier stroked his oversized beard with a kind smile.

"No, wait a minute..."


"——You are a head shorter than Fulilian, right? Have you finally stopped being a human and changed your job to a dwarf?" Looking at this old man who was almost as tall as Azer, Ash couldn't hide his shock and complained subconsciously.

After all, even if normal people get shorter when they get older, they shouldn't get so much shorter. Now Xin Meier is almost half a meter shorter than before, which can really be called a mutation to some extent.

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