Haita could probably guess what the child was thinking, but now facing the child's ignorant gaze, he could only nod his head. He didn't want to bring a bad influence to the sensible child, so he laughed very stiffly:

"Ha, haha... It's rare for an old friend to visit, and I can't help but want to reminisce about my youth."

"... Is that so? It's a good thing to be energetic."

Philen didn't doubt him, and nodded slightly in agreement. Instead, he seemed a little embarrassed because he was held. He twisted his body unconsciously and looked up in confusion:

"Master Ash...Now that you have won, can you let me go?"

"No, you see the guy on the other side is shaking, he must be unwilling, I have to make him more unwilling."

"Haa...Although I don't quite understand, aren't you friends? Why do you do this?"

"It is precisely because we are friends that you want to add insult to injury."

"Is that so...? I always feel...as if it is unexpectedly understandable?"

Thinking of his friends Connie and Rabinie who always fight each other, Philen nodded in agreement unconsciously.

And this made Haita see it, and he couldn't help but start to worry about how this guy would lead Philen astray when raising a child? ?



Wait until the two finished and returned to the house.

Feeling guilty, Philen ate Haita's potato stewed beef at Ash's instigation. Because she was tired from the journey and was still walking through the forest, she fell asleep early in the guest room.

In the living room, Haita was staring at the man who was drinking his treasured wine and nagging him to prepare the braised meat.

If it was someone else, Haita would have told this guy to get out, but the other party was Ash... He really couldn't do anything about this guy.

But thinking of Philen's attitude towards Ash during their short time together, he knocked on the table again and said, "Now I want to talk about serious things."

"You said me... Listen."

"No... Since I became a bishop, you are the first person who eats and talks in front of me."

"It's an honor."

"I'm not praising you... Oh, forget it." Haita couldn't do anything about him. Although he sighed, his face showed a smile of the past. He shook his head and said again:

"You, you should have discovered it yourself, right? The relationship between you and Philen is really not like the relationship between foster parents."

"I feel this too, so I came here to hope that you can help find a reliable person to take care of him."

"...Reliable person ? You can't do it yourself?"

"Actually, I might be dying soon, so I hope you can help me take care of Philen, or can you bear to let Philen live on the streets alone?"

"......" Hearing this, Haita frowned and was silent for a moment, then he said in a reproachful tone: "..... Do you really want to be beaten by me?"

"Just a joke, don't get too excited." Yaxiu smiled and waved his hands: "Actually, I just feel that I can't take care of Philen."

"Are you evading responsibility? I really didn't expect that you would push your responsibility onto others."

"Actually, I have my own difficulties."

"Are you going to say that you are dying soon again?" Haita felt that he was almost there, and he could really get angry.

But Ash put down the braised meat in his hand and finally got serious: "No, I'm serious this time. I just feel that I can't take care of her. After all, you can see it, right? The way I get along with Philen."

"... From my feeling, the child has been holding back something, sometimes getting close to you, and sometimes keeping more politeness and distance than necessary." Haita pondered and said his guess, and then couldn't help asking: "... How long have you known each other?"

"Including the journey here, it should be almost a year, right?"

"... Really?" Haita took off his glasses and rubbed his temples: ".. ...Is it because she is hurt too deeply, or because you are irresponsible?"

"The problem should be with me."

"....What is it exactly?"

"Actually, I am very busy and I really can't take good care of her, so she basically lives alone, and at most there is a maid to take care of her, so I hope you can introduce someone."

"....I think the child will be sad."

"But this is a plan for the benefit of both parties."

"It's good for both parties...probably so."


Haita didn't say much, nor did he ask why it was good for both parties, or whether he was dissatisfied with his ruthlessness.

After all, he probably understood why Ash had such an idea.

Just like when the adventure ended, before parting in the capital, everyone persuaded Fulilian to take an apprentice or something, so that at least there would be someone to talk to on the journey.

But Fulilian's answer was: It's just a waste of time. After all, no matter how much you teach, they will die in the blink of an eye.

Because of this, he probably understood Ash's worries.

So, on the next day, he began to help contact acquaintances in the Holy City and began to look for suitable candidates.


In the days that followed, people would visit the cabin in the woods from time to time, but... people would come and go, and then leave again.

No matter who it was, Philen was not satisfied, and she gradually realized why Ash brought her here.

But before the truth was revealed... she had never exposed it.

It was only after sending the visitor away again that she understood - she also realized that no matter how she escaped, the facts would not change.

She had to admit that she was already... a reality that she was no longer needed.




(PS: There is one more chapter, I am writing it now, you don't have to wait... but by the way, I am asking for the blades and monthly tickets that will be refreshed at the beginning of the month~!)

The Buried Fulilian: Thousand Years Until Now: Chapter 72 Philen: I Don't Want to Be Someone Else's Child

Although both Ash and Heta have been trying to avoid Philen discovering their true intentions, they have been inviting guests to play, bringing those who look after the children, and asking Philen indirectly about how she feels about them and how they feel about Philen.

Although they think they have covered it up well, they still underestimated Philen's sensitivity as a former street child.

Or...the way those people looked at Philen made Philen feel that they were not looking at a friend's child.

But the key point is that when Ash and Heta went to the Holy City together, Philen, who was looking after the house, was tidying up the room, but suddenly noticed...the guest room drawer that Ash used was half open.

"....Did Master Ash forget to close the drawer?"

The drawer with a special lock was always closed. Today, it suddenly opened, and Fearon couldn't help but take a few more glances with curiosity.

She originally planned to close it directly, but...she couldn't look away after accidentally scanning it.

Because the name of the previous guest was on the document.

Driven by curiosity, she quietly picked it up and found that it was all kinds of information about those guests.

Why do guests who are friends need to be deliberately investigated? Mainly personality, family members and financial situation? And the most important point is - the attitude towards children.

"Is this...that? No, but why...is it like this? Ken, there must be something wrong?"

Although she has been trying her best not to think about it, at this moment, Fearon's mind still emerged with the answer she had always been unwilling to admit in front of the key evidence.

The world around her seemed to have lost its color and sound, leaving only her rapid and disordered breathing and the indescribable throbbing deep in her heart.

Her mind went blank, her pupils dilated unconsciously, and the documents in her hands fell from her trembling hands one by one and scattered all over the floor - just like her broken mood at the moment.

"Ah... No... You can't do this, you have to clean it up... If you mess up the documents casually... Master Ash will be angry... No, Master Ash has not, not once... He has been angry with me... What, what's going on?"

Fellen squatted on the ground and wanted to clean up the documents on the ground, but for some reason his vision suddenly became blurred. He tried hard to restrain himself, but he couldn't control his tears.

"It's so strange... Why can't I stop my tears... I can't see clearly... What should I do... Master Ash will be back soon..."

The tears couldn't be wiped away. He wanted to calm down, but his throat sobbed several times, and the tears kept falling.

Her chest seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand. A sudden pain made her fall to the ground involuntarily. She instinctively covered her chest with both hands, as if this could relieve the pain.

Her face, which usually lacked expression, was distorted beyond recognition at this moment. In the end...

This mature yet young girl was still overwhelmed by the torrent of emotions. She could only cover her face with both hands, trying to avoid making any sound as much as possible.

But all the emotions were not controlled by her will. They turned directly into silent wails, leaking out from between her fingers and echoing in the empty room.


When Ash dragged Haita to look for a suitable candidate in the Holy City again, Haita had actually given up the possibility of finding a suitable candidate in this screening for who knows how many times.

It was not just that Ash's requirements were harsh, but that Philen had no intention of leaving Ash at all...

Why didn't this guy realize that the child didn't want to leave you at all? ——Haita was helpless about the current situation.

But after spending some time with him, he realized that he couldn't blame Ash completely. He was indeed busy with various things. At the same time, Philen's personality was too introverted and he didn't want to say anything... but he was too considerate of others and had a sense of distance that a child shouldn't have. Anyone would probably be confused by this.

The two people in charge didn't know each other's true thoughts, but he was an old man watching from the sidelines... and he saw all of this.

In the process of pulling like this, he really couldn't stand it, and wanted to give Feilun a chance, so - he quietly opened Ash's lock with the spare key before going out.

Therefore, this time, he did not wander around the Holy Capital for too long with Ya Xiu, so he urged him to go back quickly on the grounds of physical discomfort and not to trouble the old man himself.

Although Ya Xiu wanted to screen again, he was worried that Haita would really be unable to handle it, so he could only compromise and go back for the time being.

But... just after he opened the ajar door, he unexpectedly heard the child's suppressed cries in the living room.

"What happened? Did you fall or... No, that's not right."

Except for the night when they first met, Fearon had never cried before. Thinking of this, he immediately put his hand on the handle of the knife and rushed into the room...

However, the expected situation did not occur.

What came into view was a child who fell to the ground and covered his face tightly with his hands, trying to hide all the pain and sadness. His small body was still shaking uncontrollably.

Under the child's body, there were documents scattered all over the floor, and the drawer next to it was also wide open.

Did I forget to turn it off? ——Axiu was slightly confused, but couldn't help but cast a look at Haita asking for help.

But Haita seemed not to notice, turned around and walked out with a faint smile, and closed the door smoothly.

This made him hesitate for a moment while looking at the child on the ground, then squatted beside her, gently stroked her hair, and tried to comfort her:

"What's wrong? Philon? Ah, no...that is to say, um, how should I put it?"

What to say at this time, to be honest, he was a little confused, and he suddenly couldn't think of the right lines.

But Feilun's little body trembled at the moment of being touched, but she finally discovered his presence. She wiped her tears with one hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes with the other while crying. While apologizing to him:

"Yes... I'm sorry! It's me... I did something bad... I'm sorry... It's all my fault... I was wrong, so... I'm sorry... ..."

She choked, her voice was small and trembling, and her eyes were filled with helplessness and even fear.

This made him panic immediately: "No, why are you apologizing? You've never done anything bad, right? Be good, stop crying? I'll buy you whatever you want to eat, okay?"

"No, don't! I...I...don't want to be someone else's child...!"

Although every word he spoke seemed to require all his strength, Feilun gave up even wiping his tears and unconsciously grasped the hem of his clothes with both small hands.

The Buried Fulian·Thousand Years to Present: Chapter 73: I shouldn’t have come into contact with humans in the first place (3K)

The young girl clenched the hem of Ash's clothes with both hands, her fingertips even turned white from the excessive exertion, as if...she was holding on to the last trace of support in her life.

Ash looked at the white slender fingers, and combined with her previous speech, he felt that the child seemed to be silently using this action to tell: Please don't leave me, I will change, I really will change. ; In this case.

Although Ash really didn't understand what the reason for her apology was, so he just glanced down at the small hands and fell into distress.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, and time became extremely slow at this moment.

And his eyes gradually softened from the initial distress, and those complicated emotions turned into love and tenderness.

His heart seemed to be pulled by an irresistible force, causing him to caress Feilun's soft hair. With his other hand, he gently wiped away the tears that fell from the corners of her eyes, using as calm and warm a tone as possible. road:

"I understand what you are thinking...Although I really want to agree to it, it is neither responsible for you nor me. After all, this matter is of great importance to you and me, so I will hand you over to a more suitable family." Let’s talk about it first, shall we?”

"Let's talk... let's talk... let's talk...?" Feilun's words were broken intermittently while she was choked with sobs, but her brain quickly understood what it meant, and at the moment of understanding, she spoke vigorously. Shaking his head, his tone was firm and trembling: "——No!....I don't want to talk!"

"Obey, Philon, I am..."

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