Ash, who traveled lightly and even wore only a thin windbreaker, seemed relaxed and comfortable in the sudden snowstorm, just like in the drizzle.

This made Fulilian a little jealous. After a little thought, she couldn't help but point to the ground: "... squat down."


"Anyway, you are not cold and it is convenient to move. Then carry me on your back, and you can help me block some of the wind and snow in front." Obviously she was asking for help, but Fulilian was not polite at all and expressed her request expressionlessly.

"....You are so lazy."

"We are companions, or friends, right?"

"...Why do you emphasize this at this time?" Ash couldn't help shaking his head: "To be honest, I regret meeting you."

"We already know each other, there is no point in talking about this, and I am freezing now... In addition, if you provoke Philen in the future, I will not just watch like before, is this okay?"



After a brief negotiation, Ash reached an agreement with Fulilian, and turned around and squatted silently, letting the elf lie on his back.

During the whole process, Philen did not speak, but just stared at the two silently, but there was a sense of annoyance on his face.

If I had known that this could happen, I would have let Ash carry me.... Lady Fulilian is so cunning! —— Philen stared at Fulilian silently, unwilling to help but step on the snow under his feet in the back.

This made Fulilian, who was a little bit unbearable to be stared at, subconsciously look back: ".... What's wrong? Philen, are you cold too?"

"Yes! I am very cold too!"

"... Then, let's take turns?"

"Is it okay?!"

"Of course."

"I'm sorry, Lady Fulilian." Philen stepped forward immediately after hearing this, grabbed her hand and showed a guilty expression: "... I actually doubted you again."

"Huh? Did you eat dessert behind my back again?" Fulilian slowly widened her eyes, and after a few days, she calmly showed an expression as if she had been betrayed again. Even the hand holding Ash's neck tightened unconsciously:

"I haven't eaten dessert for half a month... Philen, it's too much; Ash too, we said we were friends."

"... No, I don't know anything? What is the topic?"

Ash, whose neck was suddenly tightened, felt the resentment of the girl behind him, and now his head was full of question marks, and his face was innocent.

"No? Why? Philen?"

"...Don't worry."

Not only did Ash suffer an unexpected disaster, but also made Fulilian feel isolated, but Philen just turned her face away stiffly.

But she couldn't help but feel guilty for accidentally causing a rift between the two of them.

Of course, at this moment, she couldn't help but doubt whether their long friendship... was just made of paper.


After Ash carried Fulilian for a distance, Fulilian got off his back with some reluctance, and Fulilian carefully lay on top of him instead.

While Philen was hugging his neck gently with an unconcealed joy, he whispered: "Um... Lord Ash, am I very heavy?"

"Well~ What if I say it's heavy?"

"... Then I can only kill you and then commit suicide."

He just asked casually, Philen tightened his hands around his neck, and even his voice became colder and piercing than the blizzard on the plateau, just like the permafrost of the Demon King's Castle.

This made Ash's expression also frozen, and he forced a smile and teased: "I'm not saying it, saying such scary words in such a cold tone... Even a joke is a bit scary."

"What are you talking about... I'm quite serious." Philen's face was different from the usual excessive seriousness.

"You're serious..."

"...Then? Lord Ash, what's your answer?"

"Of course I'm lighter, you're much lighter than Fulilian~!"

Under the girl's overly heavy words, Ash could only pat his chest and speak against his conscience.

After hearing this, Fulilian couldn't help but complain: "No, why are you lying with your eyes open? No matter what, from the perspective of body size, Philen can't be bigger than me..."

"Lord Fulilian!"

"Hmm? I just feel... I always feel... Oh, forget it..."

Flilian, who didn't want her to be deceived, faced the girl's overly stern eyes, with a little confusion, hesitated and chose to give up exposing this clumsy lie.

Although she couldn't figure out why such a smart child like Philen would be deceived by such an obvious lie.

".....Did he catch a cold and have a fever? The weather in the north is really dangerous. Let's find a place to rest and take Philen's temperature."

Looking at the two people who walked to the front without noticing, Fulilian hurriedly followed them and was really worried about whether Philen had a fever due to the cold... or even fainted from the fever.

The Buried Fulian·The Journey Officially Begins: Chapter 11 The strangeness brought about by Faeren’s growth·The elves were almost frozen to death (8K)

Fulilian was really worried about Fearon's physical condition.

It's just the difference in race that makes Philan unable to understand her worries at all, and he doesn't want to care about it now. The person who takes care of herself and needs to be taken care of by herself is completely the old mother and eldest daughter. After all, Fulian just said it. If it makes her unhappy.

So she was naturally happy, just hugging Ash and enjoying the warmth in the wind and snow.

In contrast... Ashi's mood was in a completely different situation.

Oops...I can't feel my heartbeat at all. Is the gap between people so big? ——The "deep" solid and oppressive soft touch behind him made him feel a mood that he didn't know how to describe, but also had some inexplicable subtlety.

Although he tried hard not to care, the beautiful sense of oppression was so strong that he couldn't ignore it at all. Even because he could feel it so clearly, a strange feeling of guilt inevitably gradually appeared in his heart.

And his wordless silence in the wind and snow made Feilun aware of it. He lowered his head unconsciously and worried: "Master Ash? Could it be... am I really too heavy?"

"No, that's not the case..."


"I was just thinking that you said you would always stand by my side, but now you suddenly say that you want to die with me... Sigh~ As an old father, I am very sad~"

It was impossible to say what he really cared about. He could only pretend to be worried and sighed as he looked at the wind and snow ahead.

Fearon suddenly looked embarrassed, lying on his back and whispering: "That, that was just...a joke...!"

"Will you stand by me?"

"——No! What I said was that we will die together!"

"...It obviously doesn't sound like a joke at all."

"Because...I would be really angry!"

Fearon hugged his neck tightly and whispered in his ear awkwardly to emphasize her feelings.

Just...why do girls care so much about weight? He couldn't understand it before and now.

The only thing that can be said for sure is that a girl's mood is indeed more fickle than the weather, right? ——He unconsciously raised his head to look at the sky, and let out a long sigh in his heart.



In the vast world that was ravaged by endless wind and snow, the snowflakes were like feathers pouring down from the sky, dense and fast, almost blocking all sight, and the whole world was dyed with a thick layer of silvery white.

The wind, like a wild beast, roared through every inch of space, trying to swallow up all warmth. It also caused the girl behind Ash, with her long purple hair to follow the wind, fly past him and bring it, I don't know if it's the scent of shampoo or perfume.

It didn't seem to be quite the same, but it was close with the temptation and sweetness of hormones, which once again added more worries to his calm mood.

I even don’t understand. I’m obviously a demon, why do I feel that kind of hormonal aura?

No, animals can also sense humans in this way. The gap between species does not seem to be that big of a problem. It’s just that different creatures have different hormonal effects on each other, but these can really be put aside for now...

It's really big! Philan is so big! Ah, no, I have to block these thoughts and think of something else! Am I a pervert? The person behind me is Feilun! I grew up watching it! We are still human beings who will die in a blink of an eye! ——He worries and condemns himself alone.

On her back, Feilun not only hugged him tightly with both hands, but also unconsciously leaned her head gently on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth in the wind and snow and always watching the changes in his expression quietly. Curious said:

"Master Ash...what's wrong? Are you worried about getting lost?"

"Ah, yes, that's it..."

"....You lied to me again." He affirmed subconsciously, causing Fearon to narrow his eyes suspiciously:

"Why do you have so many things that you can't tell me? I obviously decided a long time ago that I will definitely be your help, but you..."

"....I am very grateful for your trust and help, but life is always troublesome, and even people who are close to you will hide some little secrets, right?"

"I don't have either, Master Ash, this is unfair."


"Really, I can tell you whatever you want to know."

"...The weather is nice today." Even if he really wanted to ask something, it was impossible to ask him. He looked at the world in front of him, which was ruthlessly ravaged by the violent wind and snow, and whispered softly: "Maybe tomorrow, it will definitely happen again." It’s such a peaceful situation now.”

"I'm really glad you could look at the blizzard in front of you and say something like this."

The endless snowflakes were swept by the strong wind and roared in an overwhelming force. Feilun was so cold just when he raised his head that he shrank back to his back, but couldn't help but hit him with his forehead.

Because I didn’t think what would happen with this level of wind and snow, and wouldn’t it be nice to be like this now? ——As a warrior, Ash has no dissatisfaction with this blizzard.

Although there is a section behind it that is empty due to the oversized front armor, the whole thing is unexpectedly warm and even has its own fragrance.

Especially after Feilun grew up, it was rare for him to be so close to him, so he really had no room to complain. Even after getting rid of distracting thoughts, he began to pray in his heart that this snowstorm would last longer.

Although Feilun was also complaining about him, he was actually lying on his back with his eyes closed, feeling at ease, and looking forward to tomorrow...the snowstorm could continue.

But...their companion, Fulian, had a different opinion.

She just shrank her body and followed the two of them, trembling and praying that the snow and wind would stop quickly...

"...Really...I'm going to die...Why is it that the snowstorm here is still so cold after so many years? No, it's definitely colder than before!"

She put her hands into her sleeves and huddled up like a cooked prawn. She was trembling even as she spoke. Now, instead of worrying about Philan getting cold and having a fever, she was more worried about whether she would freeze to death. here.

She even regretted it, thinking that she shouldn't have let Ash carry her in the first place. After all, it had just warmed up for a while, and the feeling of getting cold again... was almost as painful as getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom in the middle of the winter.


Apart from the howling wind and the sound of stepping on the snow, there was almost no other sound.

In this white wasteland, Ash and Feilun are like the only two existences, isolated from the world but closely connected to each other.

Therefore, even though the environment was so harsh, both of them still felt pretty good. However, a certain presence of Philan behind him was too obvious, which made him somewhat concerned. In addition...

"Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten something?" Ya Xiu unconsciously realized that it was too quiet and the atmosphere was too harmonious, and he instinctively looked around.

"What's missing...ah!?"

"—Have we lost Fulillian!?"

Fei Lun just woke up from a dream and thought of something, and Ash instantly realized who he had accidentally forgotten.

Fulian, who should have been calling for a replacement, seemed completely silent as if she was in distress, but when he looked back, he couldn't find a familiar figure.

Fearon looked around anxiously, trying to find any signs in the vast white field, but found nothing in the same situation, and was so anxious that he almost cried:

"——What to do! Master Ash! Master Fulilian must not know where she fell!"

"Calm down, Philon. Although that guy is very afraid of the cold, he shouldn't die so quickly!"

"Please don't say such things at this time! - Lady Frilian! Where are you? If you hear this, please reply quickly!"

Feilun shouted anxiously, but the howling of the wind and snow seemed to swallow up all the sounds. Their calls were like silence, without any response.

The intense snowstorm reduced visibility to such a low level that it was almost impossible to see beyond a few meters.

This made Ashu unconsciously think about whether he had to use some extreme measures to search for those who might be in trouble... He stopped and turned around, but something suddenly hit his stomach.

When he looked down differently, he noticed that Fulian, who was originally small and could not be seen without lowering her head when standing in front of her, was bending over and bumping her head against his stomach, her trembling fingertips not even touching her. He pulled at the hem of his clothes.

"...I see, are you actually here? The wind was so strong that I thought the wind and snow were flapping my clothes."

"Why, why..." Fulilian raised her head tremblingly, showing an expression that was so stiff that it was hard to see her original appearance. Her upper and lower teeth kept chattering as she spoke in unclear words: "Why... you... ....”

"Why don't we leave you?"

"...Oh??" Originally I just wanted to ask: Why did you forget me. Fulilian was confused by his righteous words, and she blinked blankly for a while without making a sound.

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