Furry Ears, His Unknown Brother's Identity

18 Eighteen: Confronting What They Had In Mind


Shao Liling stood, outside the same café she had visited for the first time with Ye MinFeng, as she saw him moving his right arm waved back and forth like a broken fan, as a smile decorated his innocent and childish face, with round cute eyes.

She came alone, Liu Shan couldn't make it due to his football tournaments, but Shao Liqin sure couldn't let the chance of being alone with Liu Shan go to waste as she offered going with him, and he agreed.

It wasn't that she didn't want him to go alone with Liqin, but rather because of Shao Liqin who might have some tricks up her sleeves, and try something with him while she wasn't there. Shao Liling knew that it might be tempting for Liu Shan, but she also knew he was loyal enough that he wouldn't want to ruin their image of being in a relationship for her sake.

Shao Liling made her way inside, she thought to herself as she made her way towards the table he was sitting at, Ye MinFeng looked adorable, a bright smile of his face, looking around hurriedly with excitement, from the scent that wafted into his nose the moment he smelled her sweet peach scent around him.

Shao Liling sat down with comfort as it wasn't as awkward as she thought it would be after the sudden kiss they shared just yesterday, but she noticed him hiding a bit of sadness behind his happy, hooded eyes.

As both of them simultaneously greeted each other, they resumed into a conversation.

"I see you've changed your hair colour, it looks good on you"

"Oh, thank you. I wanted it to match"

Shao Liling nodded understanding the meaning as she began again, softly,

"So, do you want to talk about it?"

Ye MinFeng stared up, with understandable emotions displayed in his eyes as he swallowed loudly with hesitation. He really did wanted to talk about it, but was rather hesitating in revealing it himself.

They were at the far corner of the cafe, so Shao Liling was sure no one was there to witness or overhear the conversation, especially someone from her school, which she was sure of that rumours with spiced information would be spread around like wild fire if someone from her school comes to know of that.

"Uhhh, I wanted to say sorry for acting like that yesterday, it was just on impulse, I really didn't have control over my body, I apologise for that if I made you feel uncomfortable, it's just that I feel guilty now that you already had a boyfriend"

Shao Liling's head darted towards him from the cake in her hands, faster than a bullet as she was surely surprised from how he came to know that. But when she recalled what happened yesterday, she realised he had probably been there since students from other schools also attended.

"Oh yeah, I just had to get away from some people who cared about my relationship status, nothing significant"

Ye MinFeng smiled sadly unconsciously, his face muscles moving without his consent again, but it was fine displaying some emotions at least once in a while, right?

Shao Liling was quarreling inside her mind to whether tell him the truth or just go with the flow, it does seem like a good idea to tell him so he would not get any wrong meaning, but then, did she trust him enough to let him know that?

Yes, she does feel special with him, but it was not her usual self if she submitted too easily to him. He might have some intentions that might bring harm to Liu Shan or herself.

"Yeah, but that was not real, I just had to have a cover so rumors about us won't spread around, apparently someone saw us so they might tell everyone about it, I had to think fast, this was the only option I had"

Shao Liling blurted out all the things she had stored inside her and relaxed her breath, she didn't even knew why she was trusting him with all these information, but it was just her guts telling her to do so.

"That seems bad"

He said quietly, not knowing how to continue, he just stared at her with a dazed look and tried remembering all the things he had wanted to say to her. Ye MinFeng was so panicky about this date and practiced a dozen times to get the speech correct but it all flew out of his brain the moment he saw her heading towards him.

"Would you want to tell me about it?"

He snapped out of the trance and awkwardly glanced at her and made eye contact, he grew red upon the realization that he had spaced out just now, when thinking about what to say to her.

"I'll totally understand if you don't wanna, but I just thought you would want to let all the thoughts going through your mind out, you seemed a bit troubled just now"

"No, no, it's fine, I was just slightly dazed"

Shao Liling let out a breathy chuckle from relief and continued staring at him to go on.

"I will understand that if you feel uncomfortable, I'll stop the moment you feel suffocated from all the things"

She just nodded, trying to keep the atmosphere calm for him to relax and spill it all out.

"Well....As you've seen, I have a pair of animal ears on top of my head, I also have the same colored tail at my lower back, like an animal. Have you ever heard about hybrids though?"

Shao Liling moved her head vertically up and down, and waited for more. Her father had had business with all types of people, the race didn't matter for him, the profit did. He had once invested in a foreign country, where they had hybrid clinics, but more like experiment chambers, the doctors there would take blood tests, make them mate, and torture them for their own liking, they would also test if they would be able to reproduce from different species of them. She was never a fan of that, but her dad had to got to extents in order to gain something since those kind of clinics were taking off these years. And gradually, she came to know that.

Shao Liling understood that why he can't reveal his animal parts, because they would be evicted from the local places, and would be sent to torture chambers, just like how dogs and cats were taken once they were abandoned by their previous owners. Shao Liling wasn't disgusted by the fact that she had kissed one, out of her own will, in fact she felt the opposite.

As if she knew how it felt like to be left, craved for affection and love, being ignored, disregarded even with her godly status. Shao Liling knew the pain of being the outcast so she stayed silent and let him continue.

"I....I never really faced someone who not take advantage of me when they know the truth, I-I thought every human was the same"

Her heart crumbled to pieces when he heard that, she was still unsure of what she was feeling, but it did made her realize one fact, whatever she felt, had to include caring for him.

"B-but, since when we've first met, I felt a dif-different aura around you, no-not l-like the ones I-I've met bef-before, I trus-trusted you, but it fe-felt right"

Ye MinFeng had trouble saying all of that, he stuttered with each word but nonetheless tried to go on with what he wanted to say.

"You- you didn't c-carry around the malicious scent all of them had, you- you felt different"

He obviously didn't even think twice before deciding not to let her know about how her scent made him go crazy, maybe she would have ran away from this creepy act.

"How different did I smell?"

MinFeng's eyes widened, blinking rapidly from the sudden question, but he decided that it would be better to confront the truth then just keep it to himself, she seemed like the right person, someone he could trust so he spoke,

"You smelled like pea-peaches, it was soothing"

Shao Liling didn't expect that question, she was just concerned because she was too lazy to shower that day so she thought she smelt disgusting, but who would have thought peaches? It was her favorite fruit for sure, but she didn't used any products with peaches included.

"I didn't smell funny, right?"

MinFeng hurriedly shook his head no, his bangs going left and right, he looked so cute, without realizing what she did, their lips had already interlocked themselves together.

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