The duel was barbaric enough to take place indoors, so we moved to the courtyard of the Mansion.

They have weapons for the duel a lot faster. From thin to thick, from long to short, there are quite a few.

"Please, both of you, choose your weapons of choice."

"Yes, thank you, my lord."

Vicomte Yasoga also storms a sword with a large crotch there in gratitude.

Grab a dagger that looks just right on the back of the Viscount Yasoga without wondering if his favorite sword is there.

"That's it for me!

Are these people going to hide that they are glued?

With a bitter smile, I pick up a small sword that is thinner and shorter than that of Vicomte Yasoga.

After checking about three swords, it turns out that only one sword was chosen by Viscount Yasoga.

All the remaining swords are well made in appearance, but there is a crack under the surface.

Metals are hardened by temperature changes of quenching and requenching, but failing to add or subtract them can make them brittle or cracked. It was difficult at this time, and my lab also produced many failures when making lathes.

The experience of that time teaches me the state of the sword.

"Can't you find your favorite sword?

Vicomte Yasoga loosens his cheeks and talks to him.

This person didn't call my name just now, but don't you remember my name? It seems possible.

"No, they're all jewel-like swords, so I'm lost. As I said earlier, I'm not good at handling swords, so it's hard to choose if I break them."

"Hmm, don't you express yourself well inside? Like a jewel, it's a clever word."

The Marquis d 'Atara mixed up with the conversation when Countess Yasoga complimented me on my expression while holding his mouth shut.

"Stream stones are the knights of the Sakura Border Clan. The sword I have here is the work of a blacksmith who is also known for his mastery in the Marquis of Datala."

Can I say that this defective product is a masterpiece?

If we shoot them properly, they'll break in one. In a way, I think the technology to make this many defects in this appearance is amazing, but it is too wasteful.

Perhaps the sword on the folding side is the same masterpiece, so I'm going to make an excuse for the difference in skill.

I'm looking forward to hearing your excuses. I don't think I'll get a chance to ask.

"I'm afraid I'm going to use so many pieces, but... here."

The results are all the same, so choose a common dagger of both width and length. With a light sword, emphasis was placed on ease of movement.

After seeing that the choice was made, the Marquis d 'Atara orders his servants to clear the other weapons. If something happens and the sword details come out bright, it won't be good.

Although I think most people are aware of the unnatural nature of a series of flows. The Daikon actor of the Viscount Yasoga has behaved badly.

Miss Alicia is a little nervous, too. In that state, Mr. Gentow standing next to him whispers in a strong tone that he is fine.

I appreciate you trusting me, but I don't think you can kill me, so what the hell do you think I am?

I'll die if they kill me, too. Actually, he was killed before.

There are a lot of vague memories of the past life, and I can't really remember which one is the real cause of death, but I think the dreams I've seen lately are probably the cause of death.

The feeling of molecularly reinforced ceramic blades slipping into your belly is a reality you never dreamed of. Such antiques were well left behind. Looking at it from now on, it is an auto part.

But the dream of sucking in polluted gas and falling down is quite real, right? When it comes to the pain that breaks down your lungs...

Either is the real cause of death, and either survived.

Or it could be just a dream influenced by a story. My imagination is tough.

In either dream, the feeling of "ahh, dying" is regenerated because I'm dead once.

Yeah. After all, if you're experiencing that, you're crazy about the criteria of fear.

As I remain mad, I face Count Yasoga at a distance.

"You said you were a bad sword."

"Yeah, it's true. I'm better at bows and spears."

Next is around throwing stones and daggers. If you can include poison and traps, the order will change again.

Hmm, a spear. I think it's because I grew up, I think I'm used to dealing with long things. "

"Yes, I was born in a farmhouse. Even when I encountered a werewolf, I responded with shovels and pitchforks that were rolling around. I was glad to be used to farming tools."

When the Vicomte de Yasoga gently flushes his full provocation, he expresses his indignation. If this doesn't work for provocation, I feel even more sorry for you.

However, I am not ashamed of the birth of a farmer, and I will not be upset if I am poked around it. Please think of another way.

The Marquis d 'Atara shouts when the provocation battle is over.

"Now, I will perform a duel between Viscount Yasoga and Knight Fennex. In the name of the Marquis d 'Atara, I swear to be just."

The vows have been broken since before they started.

Good luck and good luck.

My inner comic did not reach me, and the Marquis d 'Atara signalled the beginning.


The Countess of Yasoga jumps out with the start and waves down from the upper stage with enough temper.

It's a rather delicate attack, but it's a good choice given that my sword is defective.

This blow with weight and acceleration has a good chance of breaking if you take it with a sword and parry it.

That's why I decided to shake down in half and avoid an attack.

"Nuu!? Don't do it, it's good. I got it!

Thank you, and keep it back inside, and continue to cut up, sideways, and cut down diagonally.

The sword arms of Countess Yasoga are unbearable even if they are graded sweetly. I think it's about the top of the bottom.

I imagined it from the moment I saw the flesh, but I honestly think I can win. That's why I took this duel, but I don't know why I was willing to fight with this kind of skill.

For example, Glenn's sword, which I often apply to practice with, is a force-pushing sword that utilizes the same strength as that of Count Yasoga, but is twice as sharp. The difference between stepping on your feet and using your hips and ankles in a sophisticated way.

Glenn seems to be using his body a lot, but the fact that he has a clever attack and hides his preliminary movements slows him down to figure out what kind of attack is coming. Vicomte Yasoga knows where he wants to attack before stepping in. It's a discovery.

In other words, Viscount Yasoga's sword is a fight-or-fight technique that uses his body, and Glenn's sword is a sword that adds reason and skill from there.

If you continue to avoid it, Vicomte Yasoga's fat body will shorten her breath and naturally win. Defense alone is my strongest method of warfare.

When this way of fighting was allowed, I had a non-defeat rate of over 80%. Why is it not a winning rate? Because it will be judged as a "draw" of about 50%.

By the way, Glenn won't get into this nondefeat rate of 80%. [M] Stream stone is the number two force of the Military Sons' Association at the same time. They blow up my craftsmanship.

To be honest, Glenn can hardly win with his opponent, so it's hard to go out with practice, but it's hard to refuse if he asks me to "If Ash is his opponent, don't hesitate to put him in good training."

With my high defenses, Glenn can really practice. [M]

Thanks to this, my defenses have been sharpened and Glenn's attacks have been sharpened more and more.

What happens then? Glenn has even fewer people to practice with. [M] You might call this a negative spiral.

Anyway, we're going to be able to pick up the wins safely, so let's stick to the way we win.

Continue the unpredictable attack and turn to the attack as soon as you can see that Count Yasoga is out of health.

Slightly tap with a small sword to avoid a swinging down blow and dislocate the Viscount Yasoga. At the same time, the durability of the sword is measured again from the response hit.

Convinced that I could break enough, I put a backstep once and distance myself.

This distance is the rescue distance.

Viscount Yasoga looked at me away and somehow relieved. Maybe I thought you'd breathe.

Now, let me give you a break to meet your expectations. It's settled in the next offensive, so you should rest plenty after defeating.

Step in with full acceleration from the first step. It's a speed that only thinks about linear motion. If the opponent is Glenn, we'll intercept him. [M]

But it wasn't Glenn. In a hurry, Viscount Yasoga holds his sword in defense.

I slammed the defective sword with all my heart. It is a slashing that hits the body with sufficient acceleration and weight.

Naturally, my sword broke. If we were to fight each other, we would have stood defenselessly before the sword of Count Yasoga.

I knew the sword was defective, and of course I didn't do that. Still running through the side of Count Yasoga.

Passing by, the face of Viscount Yasoga smiled in fatigue, but his gaze did not follow me. Fragments of the broken sword splashed apart, creating a deadly gap to close your eyes aggressively.

The opponent's sword broke, which may have convinced him of the victory, but it was delusional.

After I passed behind Countess Yasoga, I immediately stopped suddenly and lifted the sword, which had broken and become a dagger, to his neck.

"Will you surrender, Countess Yasoga?"

When I told him from behind, the back of Countess Yasoga trembled and trembled. He looked incredible when he carefully moved his neck and checked his condition.

Once, I threw myself in front and tried to escape, but I failed because I grabbed the collar on the back side. I'm a hunter too. You'll never be out of your mind until you've stabbed a fox in your prey.

I can't hear the words of surrender from the person inside, so I look at the Marquis d 'Atara, who is a witness.

"Marquis d 'Atara, may I stab you in the face?"

If you want to stab me, I'll take care of your hand dog.

The Marquis d 'Atara seemed lost for a while, but he shook his head and declared me victorious. It is a poor mistress to get lost there.

I shrug my shoulders and offer the broken sword to the less affectionate Marquis d 'Atara.

"I'm sorry. It seemed impossible for my sword arm to handle a sword like this jewel."

I admire the self-portrayal, but I think the expression like a jeweled sword is somewhat good.

Many gemstones have insufficient flexibility and toughness expressed as stickiness even with hardness. No matter how hard it is, if there is no such stickiness and toughness, it becomes vulnerable to impact. I mean, it's fragile.

This is a fatal disadvantage for the samurai's bravery.

Therefore, romantic weapons such as jeweled swords do not exist. At best, it was built for decorations, souvenirs, and rituals.

No, obsidian knives and spears would be, but that's a little different.

Either way, from the beginning, I thought it was a defective piece of equipment.

Above all, those who were told were happy. A glass-like sword would have hurt her mood.

However, it would be better to say a little more about the fact that the masterpiece has been broken. The business of the Marquis of Datala, famous for its metalworking technology, should not be followed by cheating.

Yes, no matter how many defective products were originally prepared, masterpieces are masterpieces. I'll take great care of you.

"Again, I might be better off using agricultural tools. The shovels and quails in the Sakura border area would not have broken like this."

By the way, it's not a farming tool made by a famous artisan. It is the work of a blacksmith of a common standard.

"You can see how sturdy our farming tools were when you used other collars. The shovels and pitch forks I used when I met the werewolves endured the vicious claws of the werewolves many times."

The sword of a master craftsman is like this just once.

"Perhaps it would be better to have a shovel this time for another chance to fight, in my case."

Well, if the sword of a master craftsman is no good, then I guess I have no sword talent. Hahaha.

Of course, it's just me. In the case of a special example, me.

The story of Vicomte Yasoga using me as an example of a bad sword, almost without a sword and without injury.

If anyone else could use it, the Marquis of Datala's metal products would be superior. I resent myself for being truly incompetent.

If someone is as bad at martial arts as I am, it might be better not to buy armor for the Marquis de Datala.

How about Sakura Border Armor for such a person?

Even agricultural tools are so easy to use that they can cross people and wolves. Because unlike some swords, they are delicate and difficult to handle.

On the difference in metalworking technology between the Marquis of Datala and the Sakura Border Territory, I gently talk to the people around me below.

Miss Alicia, who came to me again, whispers to me, who is very attentive.

"Are you going to cut the opponent's strength all the way here?

"I've folded a masterpiece, so I'm going to follow you.

It has nothing to do with it, but it is said that many of the war results can be obtained in chase fights.

A chase can be described as an extraordinary combat action that essentially takes place after winning a final, and is followed by the withdrawal and defeat of the loser.

No, it's completely irrelevant. It's a miscellaneous story.

When I smile at Miss Alicia, she also smiles with a little devilish smile.

"I knew I wouldn't get tired of you. It's fun and happy, Mr. Ferrous Bird."

I'm also very happy to see that face of yours.

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