The next day, some time after the sun passed the summit of the day, I rushed into the mansion of the Sacramento family in King's Landing.

Fuhahaha, I ran two days with a horse in less than a day!

It's a surprising world record for me.

The gatekeeper of the Mansion also agreed to my surprise with a full face.

"Lord Fennex!? Hey, Lord Fennex is here!

"Ah, thank you. Can I have some water, please? I have to wipe my body and change."

Bring it quickly, and the gatekeeper abandons his job and rushes to the well.

On the way, Sir Fennex will arrive, and I will not forget to report it out loud.

As I waited at the front door with the dust on my clothes, the housekeeper's maid and the knight with the bucket rushed over.

The lack of goods as a noble servant is not popular in the middle, but the Saccura Border Homes are popular for their quick and wonderful work.

"Sir Fennex, you have arrived early! We can still make it!

"Was this close? Where's Lord Gentow?

Take off your travel clothes and check your sweat and dirty body while washing with water.

"I have already entered the imperial castle. The meeting is about to begin, but you and the Rhino attaché should be working to delay it."

"I see. You can't have an advance meeting. Where's the meeting?

"I hear it's a conference hall in the east wing of the castle."

Remove all dirt from the full marathon and put your sleeve through the knight's dress you brought for the meeting.

"Is there anything else you need to confirm?


The housekeeper raised her voice forcefully, floating her veins in the fist she gripped.

"Please beat those guys to death!

This fighting spirit is a heavy civilian town, and even if you reside in the warm King's City, there is no sign of extinguishing the fire. It is the exudation of the Sakura soul.

In general, the Saccura family looks like this from top to bottom.

Even people who are usually very gentle do it when they do it.

For example, she is a very depressing renge, but even she showed her good luck and fist with her eyes full of fighting spirit in the state of chest service when I took over immediately before going to King's Landing.

It was a low voice I had never heard before.

Does the First Prince or the Central Nobles sell fights while they know this?

I nodded with a full smile with pity for the angry people of the Sakura Border Family.

"Yes, I'll tell you exactly how you feel."

Okay, I'll go.

Walk through the streets of King's City with a refreshing body and reach the gates of the castle.

It's still a waste of stone, but today's full filling of anger is always getting worse and worse.

I approached the castle gate rapidly, and the guards stood with their spears in surprise.

It is not a good idea to waste any more time rubbing things up, so I slip through the lower-end soldier with the spear and slap him on the shoulder of a superior guard.

"Hi, thank you very much for your service. I'm Ash George Fennex, a knight of the Sacramento family attending today's meeting. I'd like permission to enter."

"Hye-fe, fenex!?

You wouldn't be surprised if that voice flipped over.

The movement itself is faster, but not as sharp as mica's head hunting.

"Yes, this is Fenex from the Saccura Border House. The location of the meeting in front of you is the east wing, but I would like you to show me."

He pushed the guard's shoulders and walked out without forgiving his refusal.

"Well, wait, Lord Fennex!

"Yes, what is it? Can I help you? Let me ask you something."

But I won't wait.

He pressed the guard's shoulders tightly towards the east wing and listened to the story.

"I can't stop! I've heard that the meeting has already begun, I can't allow you to join now!

"Oh, my God! You've already started the meeting! Then we have to hurry!

"Ha? Ha, ha, were you listening to me?! Don't pull! Don't move! Don't move!


I thought you were deliberately ignoring the second half because you heard it clearly.

It appears that this guard guarding the gate was an enemy agent trying to disrupt my attendance at the meeting.

I'm not popular enough to listen honestly to my enemies.

"How thoughtful of you to have this meeting! It's not a lowly substitute to be late!

"Ah, the nearby escort, may I ask your name? Oh, thank you so much for buying the information and coming out. I will definitely thank you for this later, so please give me your name."

I thank you as well as Sir Argono.

But thanks for the hostility.

Asking for the names of the rangers, I concentrate my sense of smell on the ingredients drifting in the air.

At this rate, we can't expect to guide you to the conference hall, so we have to find it ourselves.

Fortunately, I have five senses enhanced by mysterious power, so I can follow the scent of someone I know among the meeting participants.

There was. The scent of the perfume used by Miss Alicia.

I know immediately because I am using the same product as Micah.

"Come on, tell me your name as soon as possible. I'm going to talk about the conference room."

"Ah, you rude bastard! Hey, you're a coward! Stay away from the entrance!

At last, at the entrance to the conference hall, the guard flies instructions to the two soldiers who are courteously guarding the conference hall.

"Sir Goliath? What the hell is going on?"

"Aren't you in charge of guarding the gates today?

The confused voices of the two soldiers prompted him not to let them pass again, apparently the guard - Goliath.

Sir Goliath seems to be in a good position, and the two soldiers squeeze their faces and cross their spears to block the entrance.

Hmm, the conference hall must be there.

I took Sir Goliath's hand, which I dragged so far, and grabbed the two crossed spears with my left and right hands.

All you have to do is push yourself unconventionally, mindful of the mysterious power in your body.

It's powerful enough to blow a werewolf away lightly.

Two soldiers, not as heavy as werewolves, fell under the unexpected force of a spear.

I think it's a good move because my wrist hurts when I force myself to hold a spear.

Our guards will spin the whole body and let go of their power without letting go of their spears.

With my hands tied by a spear, I decided to open the entrance to the conference hall with my feet.

I'm sorry I'm late.

I kick your ass with such an apology.

I don't know why, but the gaze in the open conference hall is focused on me.

That's funny.

Since the meeting has already begun, I thought that no one would notice it to the extent that I came in because of the heated discussions, but what happened to this?

Anyway, it's convenient for me to get my attention.

To apologize for the delay, I hold a spear in both hands in an attempt to thank the lady.

Because it is in the way, I will grip it lightly and throw it away. I don't use very good wood. It broke easily.

Again, I lower my head with a smile.

"Ash George Fennex, the knight of the Sacramento family, has just arrived. I apologize for the delay. For how long is King's Landing and Sakura apart?"

However, while I continue to speak, I smile together, especially to the First Prince.

"I am confident that you will forgive me for being late because of the painful disaster of the destruction of Countess Yasoga's territory and because of my circumstances in Sakura to deal with the refugees."

My apology performance seemed novel to the King's Landing, and there was only one response.

Everyone is silent with their mouths open.

Nevertheless, there are some people at the meeting who are accustomed to my performance. My lord Gentou, who got back to work as soon as possible.

"Oh, Lord Fennex, you're late."

His Excellency laughed as he twisted his lips into a demonic shape delighted that the prey had been trapped.

"But we're on time for the meeting, it hasn't started yet."

"Huh? Luckily - but that's strange."

Beyond the unlocked door, he turned his face toward the nearby guard who stood unaware of what to do and what to do.

"Sir Goliath, you did say that the meeting had already begun."

Isn't that strange?

Why did you say that even though it hasn't started yet?

Behind my back when I rushed to the conference hall, I slowly approached Lord Goliath.

"Um, what was that? Was it 'I heard that the meeting has already begun, I'm not allowed to participate now'?


Grasp Lord Goliath's shoulders once again.

The soldier's spear was also fragile, but this shoulder seems more fragile. Strengthen your meat.

With that in mind, I am invited to smile, and Lord Gentow will bring me more information.

"Hmm, you're not allowed to join along the way? When did you come up with such a rule for your meeting? I didn't know too much about the country guy, but do you know who he is?

In silence, the members of your meeting showed that none of them knew about Gentou's chimpanzees.

"Huh? Sir Goliath, can you give me a convincing explanation?

"And I didn't know! I'm not familiar with the rules of your meeting either! I just heard from people!

"So, who taught you the rules of the meeting? And who told you that the meeting had started?"


To put it bluntly, Sir Goliath's gaze flickered at one of the members of the Council behind me.

It is this thing that the eyes say things to the mouth.

As you all know, I am a kind and peaceful civilized man, but I will not forgive my enemies.

We're going to hunt them down even further.

"Doesn't anyone else, whether a guard or a guard, swallow the words of a human who doesn't know anybody about an important event called your meeting?

"Ah, no, uh, well."

"So who is responsible? Is he your immediate supervisor? Or there is a line called superior boss, superior boss. Who will be held responsible for the serious mistakes that occurred at your meeting this time?"

"No, no, that's what I remember a lot now."

"You don't remember? If you do not know where the clear responsibility lies, you will be held accountable to His Majesty the King, the ultimate head of the Guard. Do you really not remember?

Kintetsu is under the authority of the royal family, and the royal family is headed by the king.

The scandal of the nearby guards is the king's scandal.

Were you working as a janitor without thinking about it?

That's sad. But sin is sin without knowledge.

"You will make a serious mistake and hurt His Majesty's authority. Well, if someone tricked you into interrupting my attendance, things would be different again....."

I will gently tell Sir Goliath, who is so pale that his whole body of blood may have been pulled out.

I'll prepare a way for you to survive.

As long as I confess everything honestly.

That's enough, Lord Fennex.

The First Prince is going to stop me from being nice to criminals.

"Why, Your Highness? This is going to be very important."

"I agree that it is important, but there will be more important matters now"

"Well, is it more important than the Guards' ability to protect the kingdom's key royalty?"

"Dear Left, the devastating damage to the territory of Viscount Yasoga and the accompanying refugee situation. It involves the lives of more than 10,000 people. Sir has come to this royal castle today to discuss this serious matter. Take your turn."

Take your turn.

I came to see you.

What a funny thing to say to a disgusting face!

I couldn't laugh at all, so I forced a smile on my face.

"Exactly! Exactly what Your Highness said! However, I will correct it, Your Highness. The lives of more than 10,000 people are not accurate."

If we take into account the population of the Viscount Yasoga, the population of the Sacramento border, where refugees flow, and the population of the border area, which is economically and logistically connected, the number of people whose lives are at stake jumps.

"If we mismanage this situation, the number of citizens lost can be as high as 200,000. It is completely inaccurate to recognize that it exceeds ten thousand. If you don't at least tell me it's over 100,000, Your Highness."

The first prince looked pale in the number I gave him, but he glanced at Sir Golem and gently accepted.

I see. I understand what Lord Fennex said. "

"Thank you very much. Now, based on that,"

And I turn back to Lord Goliath.

"This failure of the Guards against a conference that cost the lives of more than 100,000 citizens. I recognise that this is a matter that must be pursued for the future kingdom."

What? You don't think the First Prince's words will make me obey them?

Ha ha ha, you're joking.

In the speech of the First Prince now, it was recognized that this meeting is a super-sensitive one that deals with matters that affect the lives of more than 100,000 citizens.

"First of all, how does Sir Goliath intend to be held accountable?

"Ah, so, sincerity, sincerity?"

"Sincerely! Wonderful!

If you think you can handle it with your feelings, you have a really great head.

"Unfortunately, however much of Lord Goliath's family's assets may be, the amount of compensation is far from sufficient. Anyway, the number of refugees currently known to the Sacramento family alone has reached 12,503. There are 2,000 tents, 3,000 makeshift dwellings and 5,000 makeshift dwellings for them to weather the storm. Their food, medicine, and groceries have reached one city in Sacramento. Of course, a deterioration in security is inevitable, the burden on the guards is increasing, and the economy in the periphery is showing a slight decline."

I leaked my depressed breath, not my act, and then I stared at Lord Golem.

I really want to look at the person behind you. I can't say I'm innocent, but I'm willing to take a beating.

"Unfortunately, some of the refugees we have received in our territory have died from a weak environment that is not enough. The cost of mourning the 2,470 people who are now confirmed is naturally enormous, and we have to pay less for the refugees."

I will also speak for the grudges of the unspeakable.

"Now you know how much Yasoga and Sakura are suffering. So how will you be held accountable?

Sir Goliath, who could not be held responsible, shook his head trembling.

"Then who will take responsibility? Who gave you the wrong information? You said you don't remember, did you?

You tremble and shake, and now you don't even make a statement of intent based on movement.

"Sir Golem... is that your sincerity? Have you ever decided a lot about my question?

Oh, you're so cute to be licking.

As he continued to exert pressure by cutting his menth at a distance from his forehead, Sir Goliath finally burst into tears.

I won't forgive you for crying.

"Ser Fennex, that's enough."

I thought I might be able to drop it with a little more, but it stopped with a different voice than the First Prince.

His Majesty the King with a weak expression on his eyebrow.

"Yes, Your Grace."

When I obey the King's orders respectfully, the air of relief flows to the conference hall.

"But, Your Majesty..."

Tighten it again.

"I am concerned that the place of responsibility will become blurred."

"Don't worry about that. As you said earlier, the general manager of Kintetsu is over. The rest of us are responsible."

"Well, do as Your Majesty wishes."

I humble myself to His Majesty's glory.

However, I personally don't think about it because its prestige is as weak as the winter sun.

Apparently, the King was in the direction of protecting the First Prince, so he just decided not to get a proper verdict.

When I glanced at Lord Gentow, he nodded with a bitter expression.

Lord Gentow and His Majesty the King were supposed to be close, but they had to give up on him.

I shrug my shoulders, sit down gently next to you, take a breath, and then tell the members of your meeting.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm late again. Please, start the meeting."

I told him exactly who was in charge of the situation.

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