And then two years.

The cheerfulness of spring is blowing through the window.

On a refreshing and good day that cleared my mind and body, I was somehow listened to the vain stories of Father Volke.

"So, even in the nanobots, Phoenix is written much differently. I don't know if it's called differently... Fenrir and Yugdrasil are different beings even if they are allies, but Phoenix alone is the same, I don't feel like talking to human counterparts."

So it was hard to decipher, and Father Volke shrugged his shoulders.

"Are there any specificities around here? The temple now enshrines the dragon god, forgetting Phoenix. What do you think about that?

Bad priests are filled with academic curiosity, but come to me with a serious look.

On the other hand, I decided to respond with as much sincerity as possible.

"If that's all you need, please leave now. It's more intrusive than a paperwork."

"I told you the first thing I needed to know. Give me the money."

You entered the contents of the ancient documents of the previous period of ancient civilization without even breathing.

"No, in the first place, just a word of money when you look at people's faces won't cost you money. Please report the situation and the amount properly."

I'm not playing games here, I'm working on hobbies.

It was my honest opinion as a person at work, but Shizukuishi only expresses his needs in a young and unattended manner, knowing bad priests, morals, rules, etc.

"Without such trouble, Ash knows what's going on here, right? My report is very clear."

"Yes, not Father Volke, but Lucia."

I told you that you are not qualified to say it, but the person does not break his/her attitude of confidence.

"It's okay, it's my men. My subordinates work for my boss."

"It makes sense, but if a subordinate is working for his boss, he won't be there."

"Oh, yeah? Well, let's make Russia the head of the orphanage, and I'll stay in a safe house..."

"Haha, how many months does it take until the funeral of a lonely dead priest?

"... how many weeks?

It's okay to count your illness as a lifestyle that doesn't heal even though you're so conscious.

Well, I do understand why Father Volke came to complain that he wanted money.

The operation of the orphanage seems to be tight with the current budget. A proper report on this has been sent by a Russian lady who is involved in the operation of an orphanage under Falke.

So, well, I'm ready.

Father Folke, this way, please.


When he presents a piece of paper, Father Volke receives it as if he knows what it is.

"Oh, the delivery note at Quid's."

Former widow priest laughs at the name of his acquaintance from the village of Noscura when he became great.

"I don't think the wooden tip merchant who was traveling in the village in the corner of the border, along with the peasants of the village, is now turning around the border territory policy."

"Recently, there have been a lot fewer people who bring up such old stories."

"Well then, if you and Quid are in a bad mood, ten necks won't be enough."

It seems that Father Folke understands that I and Mr. Quid have gained a higher status.

So, is Father Volke about a hundred necks?

Even now, in my dialogues, I often smack the door with a "hey, asshole" and show you the manners by smacking your neck.

"The protection of the three gods is also a new great priest. Can't you see there's a thousand of them?

"I can't see. You must have hunted for all the rudeness you've had."

Lord Folke, smiling invincibly, drew a smile into my next dialogue.

"My sweet neck hunter."

"Hey, stop. There's a line you can't joke about."

What is it, the reaction?

Why is this not a joke? I'm sure Father Volke and Micah are close.

"No, it certainly wasn't something that happened with Micah... He knows me and you, and he won't be angry if he hears this conversation."

Still, Father Volke trembles like a cold sky.

"Well, that's fine. There is a mystery in the world that it is happier not to pursue it."

It is implicit when you say it now.

In an attempt to change his mood, Father Volke throws the tea on the table into his mouth.

The finest tea leaves, sent by the Grand Priest Birkan as a thank you for the tomato sauce can (the finest canned gold), disappeared into Falcone's throat before enjoying the flavor.

"Clothes and bedding, that's enough, right?

"Oh, that's enough. Thank you."

"If you want to thank me, please tell Lucia. The report was appropriate, so I was ready."

Ah, totally...

In the middle of my words, my office door was knocked.

"Hello, Ash's brother! It's me, it's Russia! There was no boss in the gap that slightly distracted me, but I thought it might be a little too much, but I knew it!

The last dialog took shape in the past because the door opened in the middle of the dialog.

Of course, I didn't have time to say anything that would allow me to enter.

It is a mid-degree girl who stretches her forehair with sweat and looks relieved.

He is wearing the same officer robe as Father Volke.

"Hey, Russia. You're not an orphanage, so get permission to enter before you open the door."

Father Folke, who teaches courtesy, and something very unusual appeared in my office.

Unexpectedly, I open my eyes and admire.

"Because, boss! I'm worried that my boss might get executed for being rude to my brother! Boss's rudeness is what we know best!

"I'm fine. I mean, you're so much more rude."

"I'm fine! If you're cute, most men laugh and forgive you!

Neither is good, I whispered, but they didn't reach me at all.

These two are the director and vice president of the second Phenex Nursing Home, which was newly created here by Father Volke.

This is the director and vice director of the facility that collected a lot of orphans.

... if you express it as positively as possible, you're going to grow up with incredibly tough kids, right?

Incidentally, this russian lady is a first-year student at the Phenex nursing home in King's Landing.

In other words, he is one of the bad children who was uninhibited and quarreled and succumbed to by Father Folke, and then one of the orphans who received Folke education and was named King's Capital One.

When Father Volke left King's Landing, half of the first-year students remained in the operation of the orphanage in King's Landing, and the other half came here.

They say the reason is, "If the boss goes anywhere, I'll follow him."

Completely a member of the antisocial forces. I don't think it's the result of the clergy's work.

"Ah, already! Aniki, Ash Aniki!

"Yes, Lucia. But I still feel uncomfortable being called Aniki."


Lady Lucia strangely leans her neck as if the calories were zero.

"But you're my brother, right?

"Hmm, I don't have any brothers."

"But you're my boss's teacher, right?

"Yeah, well, what about classification?

"Well then, I'm still your brother!

These people and all the people in the facility are recognized by their families, right?

So, it seems that I am the eldest son of Father Folke, the boss of the parent. My sister calls me Micah in number two.

"So, oniisan! Tell my boss, too! Choose the time, the time and the opponent, and sell the fight!

"I must have taught you that! It's not good for this fucking kid, no manners!

I am in favour of choosing the time, the case and the opponent.

That's why I don't want to deal with barren people if they show up in front of me.

Because wherever you look, it looks like a good father and daughter are worried about each other.

I'm the one who's worried, but I'm the oldest son, and it's so chaotic that you're asking me to help you preach.

But, well, it's also wild to talk to family.

"Well, please keep going until you're done. I'll take a look outside, so you can use it here."

"Ah, niisan!

"Hey, Ash, wait!

Leaving behind the voice of my dear father and daughter, I close the door and let the sword I took hold of it.

Nice and tight.

Apparently you don't have to worry about loneliness and death anymore - I left satisfied with the noise and cursing at the door.

Outside the office, it was a fortress.

Recently, my workplace may be that fortress that has retreated a swarm of werewolves.

This is not a military threat. Vicomte Yasoga and Sakura Border Territories are at a critical juncture, so the Emergency Disaster Response Office was just in time.

Send the refugees and supplies gathered in the Sakura Border Territory to the Countess of Yasoga.

Instead, manage the refugees and requests from Viscount Yasoga's territory here once and pass them on to the entire Border Alliance.

It was only recently that I was able to make this flow and determine that all the people involved had adapted.

Finally, we can say that we have a solution to this disaster.

"Ah, Ash, just in time. I was just about to go see him."

The helper who set the course for this trouble came along with a fresh smile.

To my fiancée, Alicia, now Countess Yasoga.

After two years of hard work as a lord entrusted with the restoration of devastated territory, Alicia felt powered up in the opposite direction.

The clear beauty that had a somewhat harsh impression is now filled with strength that the viewer would like to salute.

When the soil of the border suits her better than the soil of the King's Landing, she always talks, but I'm sure she does.

"Welcome back, Alicia. How are you?

"Of course, as the number of manageable compartments increases, so does the number of returnees. It's very helpful because Sakura is making good adjustments."

It is a reliable reply.

It is deplorable that the response of the Vladimir Yasoga territory has been delayed by the royal capital, and I still want to cheat the right straight from the full rush to the royal capital.

In one case, Alicia's arm, which became Count Yasoga, was not quite as good as expected, turning the right straight into the left straight.

By the way, I am bicommunal now.

Alicia's ability is Alicia's, and the incompetence of the King's City is the King's.

It's it, this is it.

Anyway, Alicia's arm was brilliant. It was a smart technique that blended with her birth and the experience she had developed.

First of all, when the former princess entered the abandoned village, which was staring at by Micah's reconnaissance, she sat down on a building that looked like a peasant's house.

Instead of a metaphor, the former princess herself took the lead and started sleeping in the abandoned village. And the maid of honor.

Seriously, those people are in a good mood. My spine trembled when I heard about this plan.

If that happens, Sakura's neighbors won't stop bragging every day, "The first generation slept in a hut with the pioneers and piled up the foundations of the Border Territories."

The most silent proxy, the bloodthirsty lord, stormed the barracks.

"Hey, you bastards! The one who volunteers for the real princess, drink this!

The barrel emptied in less than an hour, and one more was added. It was enough to require a selection contest for children.

The frontier bandits became the ex-Prince's fervent guards.

Micah also says, "Stream Alicia! I did not spare any praise.

Once the lord himself and his escorts have formed, the refugees fleeing the territory of the Count of Yasoga will also form a group that begins to return home, saying that it is safe there.

Alicia's prospects are correct.

Along the way, he was attacked by bandits, but Alicia didn't take a step.

Without the Commander's retreat, there is no place for the morale of Bordering Warriors to defeat less skilled bandits.

Leading the primary returnees, Alicia instantly revived the abandoned village and secured it as a stepping stone for the reconstruction of the Viscount Yasoga territory.

After all, it was a tragedy that Alicia was taken.

In the first place, a competent princess who knows all about this country, or existence itself, is like a miracle, right, this person?

"Yes, Amin praised the new reporting format created by Renge. How concise and easy to understand."

"Mr. Renge has been visiting a considerable amount of Shura grounds. Recently, refugee movements have calmed down, so I guess we can build on our experience to make improvements."

Recently, that shy lenge has also had a crush on me.

The quality and quantity of work done probably gave rise to the pride that "I would not be left behind if I were in this field."

Recently, the beauty of the inner confidence has become well known.

It seems that the seniors' subordinates are in a different mood when Miss Renge asks them to work.

As she was walking around talking to Alicia, she giggled and laughed.

"What's wrong?

Yeah, I'm so happy.

I don't know what's going on. I lean my neck for explanation, but Alicia giggles and laughs.

It looks really fun, so I'd like you to share it.

Outside the fortress, you'll find splendid fields and simplified houses.

If we do not look back on the fortress, we can only see a large rural area.

There's a problem with military installations, but this is the place that should be a new city as soon as possible.

Nature and refugees also gathered here, as it was the crux of traffic between the Viscount Yasoga and the Sakura border areas.

Therefore, this scenario is the result of planning to create a new city here in order to accommodate refugees who have reached two temporary cities.

One end of the sight is making a loud noise with a tall voice.

The children are surrounded by a machine like a carriage attached to a steam engine. Those are the children of the orphanage. Maybe she's here about Miss Lucia.

The children complain indistinctly with sparkling eyes.

Hey, oniichan, give me a ride.

"Get in, get in!

Surrounded by machines, we are Hermes, the deputy director of the Institute.

"Ah! You guys, stay away from me because it's dangerous! I can't give him a ride because it's under repair!

Hermes can follow most machines very closely, but it seems that organisms can't handle boulders that well.

Miss Reina is better at that.

"Er, what's up, uncle Ketchie!

"Kechi! Uncle Kechi!

It's a big booing from oniichan to uncle.

"Pussy! You don't have an uncle! I'm telling you not to get hurt!

When Hermes says back with his injured expression, the children start calling his uncle with extra joy.

No, Hermes, if you show me your weaknesses, I'm telling you to concentrate.

Hermes could be seriously injured by the hands of the director and the vice president's children, so I strongly hit Kashiwato to appeal to his presence.

Somehow, those who were surrounded and those who were surrounded made their eyes shine when they recognized me.

"Ah, Ash! Just in time! Do something about these guys!

"Ah, it's an aniki!

"Really, it's Ash's aniki!

Yeah, that's right. I am your brother.

It's really because of the thickness of Vice President Kaoru's pottery.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't trouble the people who are working. My brother is a very great person."

You know what this word means, don't you, Kaoru?

When I laughed at him, the children straightened their spine and raised their voices.

"Oniichan, I'm sorry!

"I'm sorry!"

Yes, well done.

Let's give candy to a good boy.

Hand over a jar of honey with candy balls and the children run away with treasures on it.

Hey, these are good kids.

"Are you a good boy?

With my murmuring and questionable voice, Hermes leans his neck.

"Aren't you a good boy? Really honest with desire, switching quickly, and promising for the future."

"My standards of judgment are very different from those of a good boy."

"Oh, Hermes, what kind of person is a good child to you?

"Eh? Well, yeah... you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you kind of, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you kind of, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you kind of, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you

"I think it all applies to those kids?

When he told me that he was a powerful man, he was able to judge the unfavourable situation and apologize loudly.

That's a great tactical move.

As the children of the Second Fenex Nursing Home grow up, there will likely be more talented people.

If I could be a little more available, I could go to study in earnest.

"That's right, but that's not true..."

Hermes sighs heavily when he says he doesn't understand. [M]

"Looks like you're tired. Hermes, please have some candy. I'll be fine."

Remove the candy from another bottle and throw it over Hermes' mouth.



"Oh, don't do anything dangerous!

"It's okay. I'm watching your mouth move."

Physical abilities are breaking the limits of humanity. I can enjoy Superman's daily routine.

"That's not the problem.... but this is delicious. Sweet."

"Am I right? It belongs to the village of Noscura."

"Oh, it's yours. There's a lot more work going on over there."

This is the fruit of Tanya's beekeeping business.

They sent me just right to a place with a lot of refugees because it's durable, satisfying, and nutritious. Mr Van and Mr Jikil also received dried meat. [M]

The meat that accumulates in your stomach and the sweet candy.

Not in large quantities, but valuable support to alleviate daily hardships.

Hermes was moving his hands as he rolled the sweetness on his thighs and tongue, but eventually he wiped his forehead with his hands.

"Okay, it's over. It's all fixed."

Excellent work, Stone.

Hermes was repairing a steam locomotive - a farming tractor - to install farming equipment such as ploughs.

"It's no big deal. The crank was just worn out. I just changed it."

"It's hard for amateurs to find the cause first."

"That's because I'm a professional too."

Hermes nods at all odds.

Of course, Hermes can't fix anything, no matter how good you are.

This is a trick because the Second Laboratory of the Territorial Reform Promotion Office was set up with this military fortress.

It took a lot of money, but when I murmured, "With more laboratories, I'd double my chances of teaching the latest technology," everyone in the Border Alliance gave me a donation.

I am very happy with all the generous people.

"You're sending this to Yasoga, right? Alicia."

Hermes is very kind and carefree to the former Princess and the current Vicomte.

The person said, "It's tough to be afraid even more now, after I've scattered it away at Arthur."

"Yeah, thanks, Hermes."

Those who were abandoned were happy to recall the Military Sons' Association era, so that's how it is.

Whatever your political position is, it makes me feel dusty that you're one of them.

"But I really appreciate it. Steam engines today are much more powerful than horses. I can gradually replant the rough fields of Yasoga this spring. I can look forward to harvesting in the fall."

"The machinery is my job, but the fields are the work of the swine. This autumn, I managed to fill the bellies of all the people of Yasoga Sakura and give them an airflame."

"That's what I'm going to do. I came here today to talk about it."

Alicia nods with a calm expression and a strong will.

The daunting expression of my fiancée, who predicted success, suddenly diminished its color with a continued murmur.

"Sorry, Hermes. The work of the laboratory is already taking care of the refugees, right?

Alicia lowered her head knowing what the dreams of her companions were.

It would have been a responsible, serious, Alicia-like care.

In contrast, the bigotry of the dream chaser seemed to be in a blatant mood.

"Don't, don't, don't make Alicia apologize. Disgusting."

However, my face looked more disgusting than words.

"But, Hermes."

"You know, Alicia."

Yet another companion who tried to apologize said to the biased dreamer, think about it.

"What would you think if I told you I was sorry to bother Alicia with the plane research?


Alicia distorted her sorry face into a nasty feeling.

That looks a lot like Hermes' disgusting expression.

"That's... disgusting."

"That's it. That's exactly what I just felt in Alicia's dialogues."

They nodded at each other with disgusting expressions.

"I don't know, this feeling of being given money I don't remember."

"It's kind of a trap. It's gonna get cold."

I'm sorry I said something weird.

"All you have to do is find out."

Probably because of Max's level of trust, he'll be very vigilant if he gets scared.

This kind of labor is a beauty of spirit that is natural among friends.

"Besides, we're not doing any research on airplanes at all. I've done wind tunnel experiments over and over again, and I've figured out how to improve the engine."

Hermes meets his fist with joy.

"It's time to make room for work, and we'll move on from here as soon as we get warmed up."

"That's great news. Is the money okay?

"I've never been there before... but I've secured the materials for research, so you don't need them."

I see.

That means I'll be able to go under the person I had to leave behind for a long time, depending on the outcome.

Well, I think if we combine the communication with the monster, the help of Feilong, and the results of the deciphering of Father Volke's ancient documents, it will be roughly like this.

"Oh, everybody do this! Whoa!

There comes a pleasant voice waved loudly.

It was Micah who brought her from the capital. Miss Reina can also be seen behind it.

"Alicia, it's been a long time!

With the rushing momentum, Micah hugs Alicia.

I often meet the two of them in this fortress, but Alicia in the County of Yasoga and Mayka in the Sacramento do not have a chance to meet.

Friendly two embrace each other happily for a long time.

"Micah is as good as ever."

"Of course! Alicia is working on it, so I have to work on it!

Behind our fiancée, who openly confirms the love of the family, Miss Reina only moved carelessly next to Hermes.

"Glenn and Renge will be with you later. It's been a long time since I saw you in the propulsion room."

"It's going to be busy."

Well, Miss Raina nods to Hermes next door.

Strangely enough, Miss Reina didn't seem to be having much fun, and she had a look that did not mix worry and discomfort.

"Maybe the busiest one is Hermes."

"What? Why?

Hermes is right to question. [M]

The main theme of today's discussion is how much to spread out the vineyards of Vicomte Yasoga.

The star will be Miss Sweeney, who is the main manager of the agricultural plan, Miss Sweeney, who is responsible for coordinating the distribution of resources, and then Alicia, who will be the head of the Countess of Yasoga.

It is reasonable to expect Hermes to give a little opinion on the repair and manufacture of the tools and machines used to expand the field.

When it comes to what you can think of when Hermes becomes the busiest...

"What was it about the plane?

When I turned to Micah, she inflated her cheeks and took out an envelope.

Just looking at the great decoration of the envelope makes it immediately clear that it is not from the perimeter.

"A letter from the center?

"From the middle, from the prince of King's Landing."

Wow, you're not seeing any pleasant signs.

Moreover, the combination of the prince and the airplane is unlikely to make any contact. No, it's rare to find contact with planes outside our lab.

When I take out the contents of the envelope, Hermes sticks his head out from the side and peeks.

It was a momentum to chew my head on the nitro topic of airplane-related issues.

"Is this the invitation to the world's first manned plane in King's Landing?"


At the same time, Hermes, who understood what was going on, shouted with dismay, confusion and hazing.


I didn't let you.

The moment I decided to make a scene, I shut my mouth. Because if Hermes yells at this distance, my hearing will be greatly impaired.

"Hermes, please calm down. The noise doesn't change the content of the show."


"Well, I know how you feel. Reina, I'll take care of the rest."

When I handed over Hermes, the guardian immediately closed his mouth with his own hands, something he was used to.

"Look, Ash is right, so don't make any noise. She's a good kid."

Now that Hermes has taken care of you, I'll wave an invitation to Micah.

"So, do you have any additional information on what happened and how this arrived?

"Oh, calm down, Ash. I feel a little relieved."

The beast's cage was properly locked, and this kind of relief floats on Micah's face.

"I don't know what you were worried about...."

Alicia and Reina are looking at me the same way when I smile at Micah, who is worried.

Hermes is the only exception because he is busy with admiration. [M]

Apparently, I am prone to misunderstanding, so I would like to make it clear that my generosity and reason are enough criteria to be called gentlemen.

"I won't rush or panic like this. If you want to build a plane in the first place, the knowledge itself was left to the temple, so it's no surprise that no one but us is working on it."

Hermes is one of us now, but he was originally trying to study it alone.

If the research environment is as good as King's Capital, it would be no wonder that there are people who are pursuing development separately from us.

It's a shame to get past it, but it's not as instantaneous as Hermes. My goal is not just flight, but economic flight.

Rather, if someone built a plane apart from us, I would definitely like to meet and talk to them once, I smile.

I'm sure we'll have a conversation with Hermes, who's being held back by Miss Reina over there.

Well, since you're going to be a rival, even if you say it fits, it might be described as bumping into each other.

"But if there is such an interesting person, I think the Birkan Grand Priest taught me...."

I don't know, so if there is additional information, I turn my attention to Micah again.

"Oh, yeah, that's exactly what the Birkan Sheriff sent me."

Um, and since Micah was cute and preconceived, I accepted the explanation gently.

"Four years ago? The Marquis d 'Atara ruined our territory, didn't he? At that time, there was a report that a detective had stolen some of the lab materials... yeah, well, yeah. I don't think that's what happened to the Prince from the Marquis d 'Atara."

Micah adds a good impression that it's going to stop now.

Too much passion to control with the calm heart of the mica mark breaks through the limits.

"Well, I really don't like it anymore, fufufufu."

Straight to the right.

I'll punch you right straight out of the way.

That's why I didn't like the title of the invitation.

"The world's first manned plane" is a good thing.

If you read the literature properly, there is no way that you can use the expression "the first time in the world" out of an overflowing fear of the ancestors.

It should be expressions such as "resurrection" or "regeneration"!

Yes, they were thieves.

There's no way we can talk together.

If I lower my head to say hello, it's like a barbarian who decides to drop a kakato.

He wants to get on with it because I'm a good and big lady gentleman. I'm going to beat you up by turning you into an arrogant and unspeakable ancestor.

Waiting for salt water.

"Micah... you knew this was going to happen, right?

"The first reaction was calm, so I kind of expected it."

I can't do this.

I couldn't do it.

Okay, if that's the case, I'll accept your invitation.

First, I'll look at the other person's face and decide how to hit him.

When I turned my eyes, Miss Reina quickly released Hermes from your captivity.

Yes, thank you.

Hermes, you're coming, too, right?

"Oops! You're going! I'll show you how many monkeys they imitate!

I'm looking forward to it.

"Let's have a good laugh."

Yes, I also caught up with Hermes, who got his nitro kicked.

From now on, let's both go all the way to King's City. Double punch him with tags like a hero.

"Reina, I need to talk to you."

"I don't want to hear it...."

"I know how you feel, but this time it's important to accompany Reina to King's Landing."

"I didn't want to hear that!

"Because me and Alicia are not leaving right now."

The women's side seems to be talking to the women's side.

Let's get ready here too.

"In the meantime, let's get ready to go to King's Landing when we're finished with the next meeting on Vicomte Yasoga territory. Hermes, please finish the handover quickly."

"Oh, leave it to me. And I'm going to start preparing my plane."

After the show over there, it's our turn - and Hermes hangs up the edge of his mouth.

Even if they fly first, I'll flip them right over. Such a confident and determined smile.

Our trusted deputy director laughs back at me.

"Look, look, look! It's all a picture of the Devil and his heart!

"Yeah, that's cool, Ash...."

"Whatever comes, it makes you feel safe that you're about to crush it."

"Well, what about that? It's not bad, is it?

Girls talks also seem to be exciting.

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