Something's wrong with Ash.

I noticed my child's anomaly when Ash was six years old.

From now on, I think I've been a strangely smart kid since before.

No, I don't think I'm smarter than you think.If she didn't catch a cold, she wouldn't get hurt.

Me and David may owe it to a good name. What a laugh, but if you don't remember it, it's strange to be a boulder.

Even if I played with children of my age, it was always that child who ran to reward me for having had a fight, and he never came back crying for having a fight.

Sometimes Yuika-sama thanked me very much when Ash noticed that she was drowning while playing by the water.

Even though I took part in the picking of wild vegetables for the first time this year, instead of getting out of trouble, I stopped many children who were going to get out of trouble.

Speaking of which, the village boys do it once - David has done it before - and Ash is not alone in the prank of hitting the alarm bell.

It's a strange thing. It doesn't look like a child.

However, in the busy rural life, I was proud to have cleaned up a child who was "a very good boy without a hand".

I finally ran into a strange place in Ash that I hadn't tried to see before.

On a dark night, it seemed as if my eyes met those of an unfamiliar ghost.

"Ash... this is about Tyree."

"Ah, yeah. How are you?"

Ash smiled happily at the name of a friend who was sleeping with a cold.

After that, I didn't expect the evil to continue.

"That's it... Thierry-kun..."

"Yeah? What's the matter, Mom?"

"I can't play with you anymore.Just now, she took her breath... and she died. "

You shouldn't have told me.

I couldn't do such a thing, but I thought I'd find out about Ash right away.

The look that Ash had on his face was painful.

Even if I was slashed with a sword, it would hurt so much.

Hug Ash in a hurry.

Otherwise, my son would have gotten cold.


The hugged Ash muttered bitterly.

"You had a cold, didn't you?It's not healed..... "

"Cold? With a cold? I mean, a cold..."

That's where I cut my voice off.

Quiet without crying, but worried on the contrary.

Is this kid okay?Ash was just stunned when he looked at his fearful face.

She doesn't look like a doll.

"Ash? Are you okay?"

When it shakes, the expression returns slightly.

"What? Ah, yeah... I'm fine, but... Cold....?"

"Yes, my cold is getting worse.I don't know what to say, but... it's not unusual, so be careful. "

"Aren't you uncommon? Why? It's so easy to catch a cold... isn't it?"

"Yes, that's right. It's not easy.I get the medicine, but it often doesn't work.... "


Again, Ash's expression fell.

"That's what it is. That's what happens in this village....."


Ash's eyes, repeatedly asked, appear to have been punctured deeper than the well.

Behind that, your frozen eyes are swirling.

I see. Now that she finally understands what death is.

How was I?

How many people would have understood death properly?

And from how many years, you could have made a deal with death.

I can't remember. I can't tell clearly.

Someday, I accepted that it was such a thing.That's why I can't teach her well.

It's pathetic.

I can't believe I can't get rid of this child's painful troubles even though I'm his mother.

"Ash, don't worry. It's okay, it's going to get better.The village chief and Yuika-san are doing their best. "

Yeah, but I'm sure he'll see death this winter.Next year, next year.

Does this child's eyes accumulate cold feelings in his back every time?

How much do you think these eyes can hold up?

I wonder if we can hold on to the death that awaits so much from now on.


Someone who died first peeks into the abyss of death to be invited.

A husband who has lost a wife, a parent who has lost a child, or a child who has lost a friend.

"Oh, Ash, it's okay, you're okay."

Hold him, crawl his hands on his back, and see how warm he is.

It's okay. It's absolutely okay.

Because your name is Ash.

No cold thing can take away the warmth behind you.

From that day on, Ash changed little by little.

For example, yes, verbal.

Originally he wasn't a violent child, but he became polite enough to be confused.

"Mom, I'll leave the wheat for today."

"Yeah, yeah, thanks, Ash."

"You're welcome. If you don't need any more help, I'll help you prepare your meal."

"It's okay, it's okay. Come play outside."

Ash's attitude remains unchanged in the words that a normal child would use - as Ash did in the past.

Well then, I'll go to the square a little bit.

I leave the house with the same smile as when you were helping me.

Was it because I thought too much that the step was heavy and the smile looked like a thin-skinned piece of work?

"I wonder if you're okay...."

"Are you so worried?"

David, who cares for my murmuring, picks me up.

"Yeah, I mean, it's totally different than before."

"Sure, things have changed... but there are times when you want to dress up and use difficult words.That's how it feels, can't you explain it? "

"Yes, I see...."

If you say so, there is a verse that comes to mind.

When a traveling entertainer comes, or when a great man comes from the territorial capital, a little imitation of his attitude and language makes him feel somehow approached by a special person.

It's like playing with something like that.

I have been fashionable before, and I think that I have been influenced by the words I yearn for, the elegant Yuika.

"Teale, I wonder if you've been inspired to be an adult."

"I don't think so.I remember being told I suddenly got serious when my father got hurt and couldn't work. "

"Oh, that happened."

The memories I remember make me laugh a little.

David, who had been scolded for not being skilled in field work, began to show his face in the field from the very beginning of the morning and was made to realize, "Oh, this man has become a fine man."

"You don't have to laugh."

"Because it was a good memory."

"My friends and family made fun of me...."

Oh, there's a wedding story just after that, isn't there a good memory?

But, yeah, maybe David's right.

For the first time in his life, Ash faced an inevitable death from the front.

That's why a big change happened in her.

Become a better child than ever to protect yourself from the horrors you suddenly learn.

That way, parents and gods will protect you from what you fear.I wonder where that is.

But, uh...

I knew you were worried.

I answered David's words with a sigh.

"She's got eyes on her."

"I don't feel that weird when I look at it... don't you care too much?"

I hope so.

I can't forget the dark and cold eyes of that child that day.

Because of that, I still feel like I have those eyes on the back of my smile.

I care too much. Maybe so.


Yes, but I think about it.

"Okay, I'll take care of it, so don't worry about it."

"Thank you..."

"What, I'm Ash's father and Sheba's husband.This is obvious. "

David laughed with his chest up and said for the time being,

"When you're worried about details, it's best to move your body.Can I help you pick up some pebbles in the field?You're more of a working idiot than a thinking idiot, haha! "

David, do you know what that means?

Words that are not used in a good sense.

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