Oh, is this what this is all about?

I still remember that I was convinced that it would stain my body.

If people rot like this, they won't forget the disgust that has developed in their chest and the bottom of their stomachs.

It is not the rot of the flesh, which after his death was purified by fire, and was not put to ashes.

In the days we live, when we get fed up with the length of the road, when we crash into the invisible staircase, when we fall to the rocks, when we are overtaken by others who are quick to move... I don't care anymore - it's a corruption of giving up.

It was just an accident.

The usual business of an unaccountable villager opponent before you go to the pedestrian. Recall the price of the item chosen by the customer, calculate it, tell him the amount, and receive the money.

If a merchant had done his job, he would have miscalculated.

I could swear to the three gods.

At this time, I really made a mistake in my calculations. When I handed over the change, I felt something was wrong, and I noticed it when I calculated my current purchase again.

By mistake, I gave you less change.

Badly, I called out to him to stop him, but the customer walks away without even noticing.

--If you're not aware of it, wouldn't it be nice to have an iron cargo?

With that thought, the words that had been swallowed cheaply rotted and poisoned at the bottom of my stomach.

The poison was powerful, and it didn't take long to do the same thing this time.

Just one mistake.

I had miscalculated before, but I was always in a hurry to correct it, and sometimes I chased the customer to his house and gave him the missing amount, but it all turned out to be stupid.

No one will notice if you don't do that.

When I thought that it was only a serious loss, I became dull about things that were decided and promised and other things.

This is my corruption.

Outsiders can rot easily. Unfortunately for me, that's what I thought.

No, that's not a good way to put it. Wherever, I was that human, and that's not good enough to get other people involved.

"You've been in bad shape lately."

I don't think anyone who gives me such deliberate advice has anything to do with human corruption.

Even with his sharp eyes, it was Balears who was in the same brigade when he was in the realm that made it harder for him to look directly at me because of reproach and worry.

Since then, a friend who said that his limbs were growing real, I thought that he had invited me to drink for the first time in a long time, and he reached for the bottom of my stomach.

"I heard that people in the Chamber of Commerce are rumouring that inventory management has become sweeter, that the schedule has become slower and slower." Recently, I've been entrusted with equipment management, so I know that's not a good idea. "

"No, I'm doing it properly, I'm doing it." However, depending on the temperature, it can be damaged easily, the weather in the pedestrian area, etc., so there are times when various adjustments are difficult. If you're the only one who manages it, you don't have to go around and accidentally do it. "

I made an excuse in a hurry, but I can see that, but Balears doesn't seem to back off.

You're as straightforward as ever. If I can't tell a joke, it won't be the same as when I was being teased.

I don't want to be searched for a black belly, so I waved my hand to change the subject because I haven't had a drink with him in a long time.

However, the rhetoric that you are entrusted with the equipment management seems to lead your subordinates.

"Hmm, well, that's right. Some volunteers are good at math."

"That's a valuable talent." It's the road to life, so you're expecting it. "

Volunteers in the territorial army are taught to read, write, and calculate, but not as much effort as the tutorials of the military club.

It is only natural that there should be such a difference between a military commander or a member of a military junta who should be a civilian, and a guardsman who is not a soldier at the bottom.

When it comes to what happens to volunteers after they've been educated, I remember the people I like, but I feel like the people I dislike only remember their own names.

Those who volunteer for the army are mostly confident in their ability to move, and I think you can guess what the proportion of people who remember their names is.

It seems that my friend has been entrusted with this precious man to be remembered as his subordinate.

I see. If I stayed in the army, could I have been your subordinate?

I'm also a former volunteer, and I've learned to read and write.

I didn't like studying, but I tried my best to remember something. Back then, I was a serious man who could make a real effort.

He wasn't as serious as his friend in front of him, but he bitterly smiled.

"Quid was good at math." If he's still in the army, I think I pulled him. "

"I wonder if that's a waste of time." If it had been the trusty Balearic subordinates of the next lord, it would have been very promising. "

"I don't know about the future, but I'm busy at work." It would be a little easier if you were a fast calculator... No, now that Quid has experience as a merchant, I think I can rely on him even more. How about now? I think if I ask Itsuki-sama to come back without any particular problems.

"Wait, no matter how long I've been practicing, I haven't been softening my voice. How tight is your job?" It's definitely not a decent amount! "

After all, you quit the army and got it right. Withdraw the foreword and nod deeply.

Originally, I became a pedestrian because of the idea of Itsuki-sama, who was acting as the lord. It seemed that the intention was to increase the number of peddlers in the territory a little more.

As a necessary ability for pedestrians, it is a young talent with physical strength who is able to read, write, and compute, and who is able to travel with a small number of individuals.

And in the hand of the lord deputy, there was a talent box called the territorial army.

Who wants to try a pedestrian? I'll pay for the opening of the business now, and I'll take care of the supplier's chamber of commerce. I think we will designate the merchants here, but what do you think?

In other words, the lord is able to provide the buyer and the seller with the money to buy the first product.

I immediately raised my hand.

I mean, the guard's job is tight, the pay's not that good, and I can't even make a lover. Then, if you become a pedestrian, there are no strict superiors, if you do well, you'll make a lot of money, and if you have money, some people may become lovers.

--I think I might have been a little disrespectful back then.

I noticed that it was a little out of order, so I turned my attention to it.

Anyway, I quit the guards and became a pedestrian with the ambition to live a more comfortable life, in keeping with the will of the lord's deputy.

As a result, pedestrians are in a tight situation, making less money, and not even meeting...

At least if my daughter-in-law were here, I'd be able to make it a little easier.

By the way, I'm not a man without a special hotpot. The marriages of the men around me are clearly fewer than those of other generations.

Because there is a man in the same generation who says, "If only that man were a good man."

“Hey, is Balears still married?

Yes, that's my friend Balears.

This guy is seriously teased as being a hardhead who can't even joke about it, but that's why he's perfect as a marriage partner. It's the same guy, but I'll admit it.

I mean, the family takes great care of him, too. My earnings are definitely stable, and my appearance is tiny.

Such a man is single.

There are many women who say, "If I think I still have the opportunity to be with that person, I can't look at others." I don't have the charm to turn those women around.

Later, I think that the lord's substitute, Itsuki-sama, and the same generation, are also effective on a plain level.

Damn it, will the motemots get married quickly and let the ladies look at another man!

"No, it's a bit of a marriage..."

The wish was empty, and Baleas' marriage seemed still far away.

"Still no good?" As far as I'm concerned, I'd like you to tie yourself up quickly. "

"I'm sorry, that's all."

Balears raised her eyebrows and looked troubled. Hmm, it looks like a dog struck by rain.

The customer complained that there was such a weak spot after turning from the normal appearance. In many ways, I hear the screams of the screaming ladies.

Really, that's what makes it so awful!

Balears grabbed the kettle and poured it over the cup because he suddenly wanted it. I have a lot of other intentions.

After gulping it down, I recommend the marriage to Balears on behalf of the same generation of men.

"All right, all right, give me a break."

That's my line!

I don't think it's a good idea to monopolize a woman with her own charm, tireless efforts, and honesty!

Oh, no, this is just a hitch! But are you sure you don't want to give me a break?!

"I also want to get married..." I don't say how luxurious it looks. I just want someone to be nice when I get back from the pedestrian. Baleas, introduce me to some good girl. "

"I'm also being introduced to Itsuki-sama..." Ah, if you come back to the army, I might be able to introduce you to him. "

"No, I can't be a soldier anymore."

He waved his hand and responded instantly.

As soon as I'm back in the army, I'll be dead for cheating. If that happens, you'll be annoyed and disillusioned.

Balears, a respectable friend, is a tough person to be challenged by the flowing rocks. Probably feels much more painful than you think.

No, but... maybe Balears caught me and made me feel better.

It makes sense for a rotten man to end up in a terrible situation.

Well, at that time, please, Balears.

"Hmm, leave it to me." Winter is the season for warehousing, so it would be helpful if you could do it in the fall. "

It's not like that, but I can't tell you the truth, so I just nod.

But if you go back to the army or something like that, I'll definitely wait until spring.

How tough is your job, having such a bad consciousness?

Same goes for your wedding, but I'm a little worried about my job.

I can't tell you to be a bad hand or a bad earner like me, but if you don't remember how to relax, you're going to crumble.

It should be noted that the next pedestrian was caught by more troublesome relatives of Balears than Balears.

The spoofing of the change finally came to light.

Oh, this is dead.

I thought so, but I'm still alive.

Lucky for you? No, no, no, no, no.

Hey, hey, can you believe this?

I hinted at our injustice and said, "I was just wrong. By the way, is that cloth nice? (I'll keep quiet and ask you to do that.)"

Besides, he was a little boy who hadn't turned ten.


It's strange. I don't think her red hair had horns or anything, but it might have been there if I looked for it carefully.

Moreover, they said, "Please be a good pedestrian who makes me trust you."

I'm going to miss you, so you're going to be conveniently stuck in an oversized nail for the rest of your life, hahaha.

That's right, you were the Demon King.

Gwaaa! No, my life is over!

I imagined that if I found out, I might be sentenced to private jail, but I didn't think I'd be forced to have my neck tied up like this.

In essence, this is a slave state, isn't it? Hahaha, isn't it amazing to enslave without debt or violence?

At least, I can't do it myself.

There are people in the world who shouldn't be underestimated, even if they are small.

Amazing people are amazing. If possible, I wanted to feel it in a slightly more harmless way, preferably in a profitable way... "

I'm too afraid of not knowing what kind of insolent demands will be made in the future.

I'm also worried that I haven't really told anyone else about the change spoofing.

While dragging my heavy legs, I returned to the provincial capital, and the first thing I did was not a new spiritual test temple, but my friend Balears.

Knocking on the door of Balears' house without even thinking about it at night.

"Huh? Quid? What's the matter, at this hour?"

Balears, can I ask what it's like to go back to the territorial army?

It is a way of escape in a time of need. Worst of all, we need a way to keep away from that village.

Of course, Balears leaned her head at the sudden offer.

"What happened suddenly?" Even though I didn't seem to be eager before. "

"No, that's... um, it's a bit of a strangest person on the street..."

"Amazing person? Did you make a rough appearance around the village chief?"

You're not a great guy, you're a great guy.

Well, listen to me in detail. It's hard to believe what you're explaining, and especially hard for you to say.

I look at Balears' red hair and feel strongly about it.

"Anyway, if I'm not good enough, I might as well quit the pedestrian business, so let's secure a new place to work..."

"Depending on what kind of disorder I've suffered, it may change my story..." Since the guards are law-abiding, their identity is important. You know that, don't you? "

Yes, I know!

But I can't let you get away with this. It's a desperate escape!

"Don't say that!" I'll be serious! I'm reborn from this day forward! Never do anything bad again! Until yesterday, the rotten Quid was burned with flames! "

Maybe the Corrupt Quid was ashes and piled up in the fields of Noscura Village!

Be the wheat!

"Wait, what a desperate man!" You really messed something up! I don't think you've done something irreversible! "

"I didn't... I didn't do anything, but I didn't do anything like that!" I'll get it back! "

If you sneak up on the people who tricked you with the change, you'll get it back!

... I have an idea of interest, so I'd like you to forgive me because I have a little more service.

"I knew you were doing something!" What the hell did you do! "

I'm just being blackmailed by my own weakness!

Besides, maybe to your relatives!

Of course, I can't tell you such a fact, so I try to help you. Think calmly, it's a terrible scent.

My honourable friend, with a seriousness worthy of respect, affirmed that "if you don't tell me the situation, I can't accompany you back to the territorial army".

I mean, if you have to, tell me what's going on and I'll help you.


Now that I have secured a place to escape, I will summon the courage to take a new step on the merchant path.

"Seriously, I'm going to do the job of a merchant!" Alright, here it is! "

Seriously, humans are the best.

"I can get a golden fortune called trust..."

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