Even after I woke up, I was strictly ordered not to leave the village chief's bedroom.

I wondered if it would be okay at a busy time for agricultural work, wondered how the experimental field was doing, and wondered whether the progress of beekeeping was going well...

With regard to agricultural work, my father, who came to visit me, told me to leave it up to you.

In the experimental field, I was terrified because I was told that Miss Mayka and the village chief himself would come forward.

As for beekeeping, the Ban-san family (unmarried) carrying bear meat were stabbed with nails because they were in good order.

Why has everyone ordered us to stay in a very strong state, even though we are not going to work until we are forced to do so? I wonder if he seemed so eager to work.

I was laughed at when I told Father Volke who came to visit me with a book.

"That's because when you look away, you're always doing something weird."

"It's like being a problem child."

"That's right, you know!

As far as I'm concerned, I'm always planning and moving towards my goals.

"Well, Ash himself wouldn't know. For you, I'm going to walk normally, but if you look at it from the other guys, it'll just look like you're going to do everything you can."

"Mmm... well, I'm aware that you're doing something strange."

"I'm just glad I know that. No, it may be too bad."

Father Folke, who laughs at KeraKera, evokes memories of similar feelings.

I think it may be treated like this, but it may seem like a reflection has come to mind.

Father Folke gave me a book with a faint smile.

"Look, it's about you, you're bored. In the meantime, I brought a book that Ash should not have read yet, but if you want, tell me."

"It's very helpful. You understand, Professor Folke."

Father Folke snorts his nose as if it were only natural for me to say so.

In fact, my body doesn't seem to be recovering enough to move around, and I have no choice but to cure myself now. Then I wanted to devote this time to reading.

"But it's time we read all the books in our church. I wonder what's going on."

"That's the trouble. I've read it from the obscure stuff, so the selection of what's left is also subtle. What's going on?"

Together, they raised their arms and roared.

I am not dissatisfied with the books in the church. Especially, the book of stories is one of the few healing places in this village.

However, it is difficult to do anything more in this village even if you read the practical books.

For example, the Agricultural Report. Mention has been made of fertilizers found in the fields...

What kind of nutrients do you need in the field? This is how it should be done.

It feels like this.

I think it probably says what nitrogen looks like in order to narrow down the poor knowledge of previous generations in agronomy.

I know a little bit about the importance of nitrogen as a fertilizer. Mackerel plants absorb nitrogen in the atmosphere and release it from its roots into the soil. That's why soybeans are said to restore local power.

And will you understand?

Even with this knowledge, I have no idea how to make the fertilizer at all.

In the agricultural book, it seems that nitrogen (presumably a substance) can be produced by using the "high pressure high temperature creation method" to create a substance and then chemically reacting it with something.

The details of the "high pressure and high temperature creation method" are not written, and I don't know what "certain substances" or "something" to react with them do.

Chemistry is simply not enough to decipher this. We need a periodic table of the elements of this world.

Plus, the facilities are inadequate.

The firepower is poor and difficult to adjust. I also want laboratory equipment that is resistant to chemical changes, starting with glass. In order to say "high pressure," we also need something like a sturdy pressure cooker.

Beyond chemical experiments, there must also be measuring instruments that accurately measure various elements, including temperature and weight.

Depending on the content of the experiment, it may be necessary to have a power that is more powerful than manpower and that exerts a constant output that cannot be realized by organisms.

And you'll see.

None of this is present in this cold village. I don't even know if I'll get it if I go to King's Landing.

Until now, we have been able to gather and act on what exists in this village.

From here on out, we have to start by getting what doesn't exist in this village.

"Father Folke, for the time being, how about a new book?"

"Hmm, if you just get one or two of those books, you can do anything. But that doesn't mean anything, does it?

That's right.

Anyway, if you just want to read and enjoy it, I'm looking for a book to improve my daily life.

As a researcher, Father Volke also understands the importance of the materials and fears that he will not get the level of books I seek.

"After all, I have a temple in the city looking for a condition... I wonder if it was Father Yae in charge. There are many possibilities that you don't understand what Ash is saying."

"I know it can't be helped....."

That's true.

Bacteria and viruses are also civilized levels that only have the recognition that the corresponding expertise "seems to have had such an idea in the past" and that there are points of convergence when you think about it.

"I want a book that mentions very basic elements of things that are invisible to the naked eye that make up the substance."

If it's a temple in the King's Landing class, there are quite a few people who are studying one area, and they may pass through.

"I'm a little stuck around here today."

"In your case, maybe we should figure out a way to get to King's Landing."

While joking, Father Volke suggests his best hand.

"After all, that's what happens. How many years will it take to set aside travel expenses from now?"

As soon as I started planning, Father Volke slapped me in the head.

"Look, we'll start something new soon."

"But isn't that strange?

The desire to go to King's Landing is the same as the country boy who said in his previous life that he wanted to work in the city.

"No, there are quite a few people who talk about it as a dream. I don't know anyone so specific as to suddenly start calculating travel expenses. We'll still be leaving when we get to the point."

"I'm not insane enough to go to the boulders yesterday and today."

"But don't leave. You're not gonna make it."

I have no words to return because I was judged to be a star.

Then, Father Volke laughs at the fact that he is not worried at all, because he is worried.

"Do you mind if I worry a little more about the cutest and most adorable disciples?

"You worried? You worried?

As I nodded, Father Folke, with his effortless expression, laughed as if he had mouthed his entire face.

"Say something stupid! I told you before, you're such an easy asshole!

"As a matter of fact, I think I almost died this time....."

"Yikes! I'm even more confident when I look at you with a high fever!

Why? What kind of humanity is it that sees a child suffering and losing consciousness and is convinced that he will never die?

"Don't you remember yourself? What do you think you said in the middle of a high fever like some people crying out of fear?

"No, I don't remember anything while I was having a fever... did I say something?

"Oh, I told you. I'm impressed you could say that!

With tears soaked around his eyes, Father Volke bragged and told him why.

"Don't die. I'm not gonna die like this. I'll live. I will definitely live.... I'm murmuring! You're supposed to give up and go home even though you're here to pick me up!

Unfortunately, I can't think of a word to return.

But somehow, I don't think I'm going to laugh that much. We are desperate to live.

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