Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 198: Radio network start

Wang Chuanfu was familiar with the robots used by the workers.

He suddenly thought that he saw this kind of robot in Xingyu Technology's press conference.

Watching the State Grid Corporation use this robot, it must be selling products.

With his keen sense of smell, Wang Chuanfu immediately realized the application of robots in the industrial field.

Wang Chuanfu made up his mind that he must buy robots and upgrade their company's production line.

Guo Hanjiang saw Zhang Zhi coming and he immediately approached Zhang Zhi.

Li Lingqiu introduced them to each other.

The workers were installing radio network base stations, and they stood beside the construction site and chatted.

Seeing the base station of the radio network, especially the iconic antenna, Wang Chuanfu asked doubtfully: "Is the radio network safe? The human body is in a high-energy electromagnetic field. The human body is a conductor, and 70% of the human body is water."

"In that way, the person is in a high-power microwave oven, and the person is instantly acquainted. Even low-frequency high-energy electromagnetic waves, people will also be affected by the cumulative effect of electromagnetic waves. Long-term harm to people."

Zhang Zhi designed the radio network, and of course he considered the issue of human safety.

Zhang Zhixiao responded: "Mr. Wang, we have considered the safety issue long ago. In the process of transmitting electrical energy, no electromagnetic waves are generated."

The radio network originally made by Zhang Zhi used high-energy electromagnetic waves to transmit electrical energy, but Sun Qian found that there were major safety issues.

The high-energy electromagnetic waves designed by Zhang Zhi only avoid the frequency of electromagnetic waves absorbed by large mammals.

This group of high-energy electromagnetic waves is very damaging to other animals. After experiments, it can also affect the development of mouse embryos.

After Zhang Zhi heard the news, he immediately abandoned this cheap solution. Research and construction and operation costs are high, but new technologies for very safe wireless energy transmission. Its transmission distance also increased slightly.

Zhang Zhi explained to everyone the basic principles of the radio network.

It is not electromagnetic waves that the radio network uses to transmit energy. He uses photons to carry energy through quantum shuttle.

The photon is charged with ultra-high voltage and extremely high current electric energy, so that the photon carries enough energy to make the high energy photon quantum shuttle.

The photon shuttles to the receiving end, which is converted into electric energy suitable for the terminal and has a certain voltage and current.

Using photons as a medium and quantum shuttle to transfer energy has almost no effect on the earth's environment.

This method is more advanced, but the distance is too short, and multiple base stations can be used on the earth. Once used in the universe, this technique is meaningless.

This method has a high cost and a large construction cost. There is still about 1% energy loss when used. But it is better than safety. Suitable for use where people live.

Zhang Zhi talked about Xingyu Technology's another method of long-distance electrical energy transmission, which uses high-energy laser transmission.

In this kind of wireless energy transfer, it directly carries energy through high-energy photons, and then transmits electrical energy at the speed of light through stimulated radiation.

It uses laser light to transmit electrical energy, with no obstructions in between.

This method is suitable for use in the solar system, its cost is lower, and almost no energy is lost.

Hearing Zhang Zhi's easy-to-understand explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Wang Chuanfu showed a shocked expression, this way, beyond his imagination.

He did not expect that he felt a little lingering quantum technology, Xingyu Technology has studied so deeply.

Guo Hanjiang was not surprised when he looked at Wang Chuanfu's shocked expression.

The first time he heard it, he was also very shocked, a little unbelievable. He didn't believe it until he saw the laboratory successfully operating the radio network.

Guo Hanjiang said seriously: "We tested the electromagnetic strength of the radio network in the laboratory and found that there are only weak electromagnetic waves near the base station. The electromagnetic waves without sunlight have high intensity and hardly affect human bodies.

When they talked, the chief engineer on the site told that the radio network base station had been successfully installed and can now be started.

Guo Hanjiang immediately commanded: "Start to start the radio network base station, we try to run the base station."

Upon hearing Guo Hanjiang's instructions, employees of the State Grid Corporation of China immediately started the base station.

Guo Hanjiang took out the quantum mobile phone and connected it to the quantum computer of the base station.

It sees that the base station is running smoothly and has contacted the radio network base station in the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station and the radio network base station along the way.

They have formed a basic wireless energy transmission network.

Guo Hanjiang immediately made the radio network base station self-check, and let the engineers carefully check the radio network base station.

Guo Hanjiang and Zhang Zhi said happily: "It seems that the base station of the radio network has been successfully constructed. Now we have contacted the base stations of other places to form a wireless energy transmission network."

Wang Chuanfu asked curiously: "Manager Guo, why is there no external high-voltage power supply for your base station?"

Guo Hanjiang explained patiently: "We don't use wires to transmit electrical energy. The electrical energy is directly generated by the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station. The electrical energy is transmitted through the radio network base station along the way."

Wang Chuanfu asked in surprise: "Is the radio network now in commercial operation?"

Guo Hanjiang nodded and said, "Yes, we are stepping up the deployment of the radio network. Within a year or two, the radio network can cover the whole country."

Hearing Guo Hanjiang saying this, Boatman Wang could not conceal his inner joy. This is the opportunity, which is the key to BYD's rise.

BYD Auto, which has priority over other auto manufacturers, uses the radio network. With this convenience ~ www.readwn.com ~ BYD will definitely stand out in the automotive market.

Wang Chuanfu asked Guo Hanjiang about the basic parameters of the radio network, and he knew what to do.

Guo Hanjiang explained the various parameters of the radio network to Wang Chuanfu, but this is not a confidential matter. After the radio network covers Yanjing. The parameters are to be announced to the society.

Guo Hanjiang's quantum mobile phone informed him that the base station of the radio network had successfully checked itself. He saw that the various functions of the base station are normal.

At this time, the engineer's test is also completed, and it is detected that all functions of the radio network base station are normal.

Guo Hanjiang proved that the base station was intact through two methods. He immediately announced that he was connected to the network.

He connected to the network so sloppyly because the radio network can stop power transmission at any time and will not damage the base station equipment.

After the radio network base station is connected to the network, the power it receives increases a little bit, and the radio network base station still runs stably until the set standard energy.

Guo Hanjiang sighed in his heart that the successful operation of the radio network was a new technology that changed the transmission of electrical energy.

The significance it brings is not simply to change the power transmission.

Every breakthrough in energy will promote the transformation of industry and thus affect the development of society.

Guo Hanjiang could not predict what society would be like in the future. But he believes that it will definitely develop towards the good.

Guo Hanjiang looked at the eyes of the workers who built the base station, he said aloud to them: "We succeeded, the base station works perfectly."

The base station builders cheered, and everyone was immersed in joy.

With this joy, Zhang Zhi and Guo Hanjiang directly signed the first radio network access contract.

And take a picture to commemorate, this is a historic moment.

Do all the things well, Zhang Zhi they left the base station.

Lin He saw that the superconducting material worked perfectly, and she went directly back to the Superconducting Physics Institute.

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