Future Technology Powerhouse

Chapter 230: Star Blue Evolution

Zhang Zhi came to Li Lingqiu's office and saw that Li Lingqiu was discussing matters with Wei Yiyao.

Seeing that they had a pleasant discussion, Zhang Zhi stood at the door without disturbing them.

Zhang Zhi looked at Li Lingqiu's lab. Her lab looked much more comfortable than the lab at school.

Zhang Zhi was very impressed with Li Lingqiu's previous laboratory, where there were no specimens of human bones and various organs. Species of mice, frogs, and gorillas.

Now looking at Li Lingqiu's laboratory layout, most of them are double helix gene fragments, and some plant specimens.

After Li Lingqiu and Wei Yiyao finished talking, she saw Zhang Zhi standing at the door.

Li Lingqiu walked over and pulled Zhang Zhi into the house. His eyes flashed a bit of distressed eyes and asked, "Brother Zhang, why are you standing at the door."

Zhang Zhi smiled, he did not mention this topic. Sit down and ask: "Ling Qiu, what are you doing with me? What are you discussing just now?"

Li Lingqiu looked at Zhang Zhi. She wanted to talk to Zhang Zhi about the biological magnetic field energy and found Wei Yiyao present. She immediately changed her tongue.

She said happily: "Brother Zhang, our weight loss medicine has been successfully developed. Its main component is the secretion of submarine cells. I am studying with Yi Yao, the industrial cultivation technology of this cell."

Wei Yiyao's ability to observe and comment is very strong. She found Li Lingqiu hesitated when she spoke.

She found out that she was in this room, and they had some private words, which was inconvenient to say.

Wei Yiyao got up immediately, and she said to Zhang Zhi, "Zhang Zhang and Mr. Li. I left in advance. The biological company is very busy now, especially for the cultivation of seeds of water beans and water yellow beans. "

Li Lingqiu nodded and agreed: "We have all planned the technical details. You just arrange the production, this project is not an urgent project."

After seeing Wei Yiyao go out, under the control of Li Lingqiu, the laboratory door was slowly closed, and the shutters on the windows were closed. Start the anti-spy system.

Zhang Zhi saw Li Lingqiu's preparation for such confidentiality, and he asked curiously: "Lingqiu, what did you find out. You still have to keep this secret in the company."

Li Lingqiu was still a little nervous. She lowered her voice and said, "Brother Zhang, something serious happened. I used the simulated robot that we tested yesterday, and today I used it to review weight loss medication."

"I found that its biological magnetic field energy orbit still runs inside it."

Zhang Zhi asked doubtfully: "Lingqiu, this is normal, nothing strange."

Li Lingqiu's eyes widened, she explained: "The robot is operating the biological magnetic field energy autonomously. This is when we have not given instructions. This represents his self-consciousness."

"Is this true?" Zhang Zhi was really surprised when he heard the news.

Xingyu Technology's artificial intelligence, it is the worst kind of artificial intelligence in the future, that is a toy for children.

Its biggest shortcoming is that it does not have the ability to think independently. It is entirely dependent on advanced logic programming and the hardware maintenance of quantum computers.

Zhang Zhi knows artificial intelligence that can think independently, what does that mean?

In the previous industrial revolutions, machines were used instead of manual labor.

Now it is finally necessary to replace human brain work with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence that can think in conjunction with industrial robots is the core technology of the new industrial revolution.

When Li Lingqiu saw Zhang Zhi's incredible expression, she suddenly laughed.

At this time, she can feel that her husband is a normal person, rather than always having a long-sighted evil spirit.

Li Lingqiu's eyes are sincere and his face is smiling. Said in a very positive voice: "Brother Zhang, this is of course true, I have verified it many times myself."

After Zhang Zhi heard it, he jumped from his seat happily and paced back and forth in the laboratory. Mouth muttered, deep in thought.

Li Lingqiu saw Zhang Zhi like this, she did not disturb Zhang Zhi. She knows that this is a scientific researcher, but she can encounter an inexplicable state of inspiration.

Li Lingqiu knows that this is a phenomenon of excessive use of the brain, and will not cause an impact in a short time. For a long time, this will damage human neuron cells.

She stared at Zhang Zhi all the time. If it didn't recover for half an hour, Li Lingqiu was going to stun him. It is better to let his thinking stop, rather than to sacrifice his health.

Li Lingqiu saw Zhang Zhi's legs suddenly becoming soft, and he was about to fall. She immediately put Zhang Zhi on the chair. This is a manifestation of excessive brain use, not long, just take a break.

While Li Lingqiu was waiting for Zhang Zhi to recover, she made Zhang Zhi a cup of tranquilizing tea and prepared some high-energy desserts.

After a while, Zhang Zhi returned to normal. He was boring and sat on the chair lazily.

There was a tired look on his face, but his spirit was stronger than before. His eyes were radiant.

Li Lingqiu looked at Zhang Zhi's tired appearance, she immediately poured a cup of tranquilizing tea to Zhang Zhi, and took some dessert.

After seeing Zhang Zhi eat, his appearance recovered, Li Lingqiu said with concern: "Don't worry about what you think, don't hurt your body. You let the researchers have enough rest time, it is your turn, how Just forgot. "

Zhang Zhi said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lingqiu. I do this once in a while and will not cause damage to the brain. I practiced the movements you designed and the brain is initially strengthened."

"Don't call it action, I'm named, it's called physical fitness. I won't allow you to use your brain too much in the future." Li Lingqiu said solemnly.

Zhang Zhi murmured: "It is better to call radio gymnastics than to call physical fitness."

"Then call radio gymnastics. Listen to you." Li Lingqiu asked curiously, "Brother Zhang, what were you thinking about just now? Is it important?"

Zhang Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, it's very important. You are not finding artificial intelligence to evolve a way of self-awareness."

"I'm going to add two more locks to it to make sure it's foolproof. If there is a robot rebellion, we are the sinners of the nation."

Li Lingqiu said with approval: "This is quite right. Like in the movie, scientists cannot control the artificial intelligence developed by themselves. That is ridiculous, he is not a qualified scientist."

After Zhang Zhi took a break, he and Li Lingqiu came to the computer room.

Zhang Zhi controls intelligent industrial robots and opens quantum computers one by one ~ www.readwn.com ~ to carry out the first lock against artificial intelligence. Hardware encryption prevention system.

This is an independent existence in the hardware, can not be changed twice, it is purely a judgment procedure composed of light quantum.

It has an important role, it can transform a part of it is vital to maintain the bio-magnetic energy of artificial intelligence. If it is not turned on, artificial intelligence cannot exist.

It can detect the state of the second lock, the core logic of artificial intelligence. As soon as an abnormality is found, the entire device is low-level and restored to the factory state.

After all the quantum computer settings are completed, Zhang Zhi starts Xinglan to conduct evolution experiments.

He first stored the main program of Xinglan independently on a quantum computer.

Quantum server has sub-program management of Xinglan. Its intelligence is a bit low, but it does not affect the independent operation of each program, but it cannot be integrated.

Zhang Zhi issued a message to all users of Xingyu Technology to upgrade the server.

Zhang Zhi began to let Xinglan evolve into a higher level of artificial intelligence.

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