"The day shift is powerless to resist this time!"

Many strong people think Bai is dead.

Bai miserable also lived up to expectations and was indeed killed.

In order to get rid of the wind chain sky array, Bai miserable dispersed and was naturally killed by the cross sword.

Looking at the empty position where Bai miserable was just now, countless people think that the battle of inheritance should be over.

The strong in Wanbao building have already got up to celebrate the victory.

However, Long Yan did not appear to announce the end, and the border demarcation was not revoked.

"What's the matter? The day shift was killed. Shouldn't it be over?"

Many strong men looked at the battlefield in doubt.

"Lord Longyan, the war is over. It's time to announce the results."

Wu Yao uses the power of law to sound rolling.

But Long Yan and birds didn't bird her. Bai miserable can't die. If the 10 billion army of Wanbao building didn't die, the battle of inheritance will not be over.

After half a day, all the spectators outside the battlefield talked about it one after another.

Tiandou sect can really wait for the strong, but it's very calm.

It's weird!

Just then, a man with a red flame rushed out from under the ice and directly appeared in the army of the wind chain array.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

"Sleeping trough! The day shift is not dead. He broke into the army from under the ice. He's going to break through!"

"No wonder Lord Long Yan didn't announce the result. It turned out that the day shift escaped the last blow of the cross sword!"

"How did he hide?"

Not only the strong did not understand, but even the strong who inherited the power of Dao Jun did not understand. How did Bai miserable escape the inevitable blow!

"Impossible! He must have cheated. He must have used a Taoist weapon to escape the bombardment of the cross sword!"

Wu Yao shouted madly!

The people were stunned and nodded one after another. They thought what Wu Yao said was reasonable.

Of course, in their opinion, only in this way can Bai miserable avoid the joint killing move of cross sword killing array and Wanfa ningwei array!

But Long Yan's faint sentence directly dispelled their speculation.

"The day shift didn't use Taoist tools. The war of inheritance has always been fair. I'll see who violates the rules in an instant!"

After listening to Long Yan's words, Wu Yao and others were angry.

They want to break their heads and don't understand... How did Bai miserable escape?

Other spectators do not understand.

If you don't understand, don't think about it. The melon eating people continue to watch the war!

But wuxinzi, taking advantage of the surprise of everyone just now, has quietly stolen many treasures without being aware of the ghost!

Now his goal is to look at the people on Xuanwu island.

The guys of Xuanwu Island, wuxinzi still recognize them.

After all, wuxinzi also fought with them in the falling Moon Valley!

Bai miserable rushed to kill in the military array. His idea was very simple. First, he broke the wind chain sky array that was the most threatening, then the Wanfa ningwei array, and finally the cross sword array.

In this way, he can continue to kill these guys unscrupulously.

Because Bai miserable appeared in the military array, the army of wanbaolou had to give up the wind chain sky array and fight with Bai miserable!

But they just talked to Bai Nai hard and hard. Where did they just live.

Wu Yao saw that this was not the way to go on, so she was cruel and decided to let the other two military formations that had not been destroyed continue to exert their power and kill her own army along with Bai miserable!

"Leave them alone, continue to launch the army and kill the day shift!"

Hearing Wu Yao's order, the troops of Wanfa ningwei array and cross sword killing array merged again to play a terrible cross sword attack.


Countless strong people watching the war directly took a breath of air conditioning. Is this to sacrifice billions of their own people in exchange for victory?

That's cruel!

Wu tengying and others have dignified eyes. At this moment, they also agree with Wu Yao's practice.

If we do not do so, it is estimated that the army of more than one billion people will be killed in vain.

It can only be said that Bai miserable's immortal means and endless power means make them have to do so!

When the terrible cross sword was cut down, many armies of wanbaolou were killed together with Bai miserable.

The scattered stumps fell like raindrops, and there was a blood condensed lake on the ground.

For a moment, it was like purgatory on earth!

"It's so cruel. This battle of inheritance is definitely the cruelest in history!"

In the previous inheritance wars, the two sides fought each other. Although it was also very cruel, it was definitely not as cruel as Wanbao building this time. They killed their own people directly, or killed more than a billion companions at one time!

After Bai tragic's resurrection, he repeated his old technique and ran directly from under the ice to the array of Wanfa ningwei array.

When the public didn't hear Long Yan's announcement for a long time, they guessed that the day shift might not be dead, and they were extremely shocked, "no? Isn't the day shift dead?"

"Roar! Be careful under the ice. The day shift will certainly raid the cross sword killing array or the ten thousand Dharma ningwei array!"

Wu tengying, as an old ancestor, directly saw Bai miserable's intention.

The remaining billions of troops in Wanbao building quickly focused on the ice.


"White forbidden Art - Flame tiger!"

Bai miserable really made a surprise attack from under the ice again and killed the army of Wanfa ningwei array.

The prepared wanbaolou army made a timely defense, and the siege was white and miserable, and a new fight began again.

The army of the cross sword killing array had to start to accumulate strength. As soon as they gave an order, they continued to use the army array to kill Bai miserable.

But they have no bottom in their hearts. They failed to kill the immortal monster in front of them twice. Can they succeed the third time?

But this time, the powerful such as Wu tengying didn't order to launch the cross sword killing array.

If you kill more than a billion troops on your side again and still fail to kill the day shift, the gain is not worth the loss.

It's better to let them kill the power of the day shift. They still don't believe that the power of the day shift is really endless!

The white tragedy of crazy fighting didn't notice that the dark green energy in his soul had increased to the size of a palm.

Now the palm of Bai miserable soul's right hand is dark green, which looks like a dark green condensed soul. With Bai miserable's continuous fighting, the dark green energy is still growing, but it's not obvious and very strange!

Dozens of days have passed!

Hundreds of millions of troops of FA Ning Wei array were killed by Bai miserably.


The people were no longer stunned. They were numb.

Even if Bai miserable is still intact and powerful, they feel very normal.

Wu Yao and other strong men are now white with anger

Nearly half of the dead army can't even beat the disabled day shift. How can they not be angry.

"Roar! Kill!"

The rest of the army in Wanbao building are crazy.

The cross sword kill array was launched again. Bai miserable was still alive and killed from under the ice into the last army.

Wanbaolou army was both desperate and helpless!

The desperate thing is that in the face of Bai miserable, they have no faith to win.

But they can only fight this monster here until the last minute!

And some of the strong people who were frightened by Bai were crazy and even killed their own people.

The heart of the army is collapsing. It was scattered by Bai miserable alone!

Wu tengying and other strong people want to split their eyes, but there is no way!

Wu Yao, like a crazy woman, flew up high and roared wildly, "Tiandou sect must have cheated. A teenager can't escape the killing of the cross sword killing array in the thirty-three heaven peak realm of the heaven soul realm. It's impossible to fight for so many days. His strength is still so strong. I'm not satisfied with the problem!"

Countless spectators nodded.

They also hope that Lord Long Yan can give a reasonable explanation!

This battle of inheritance is so strange that it is a unilateral massacre!

One person slaughters ten billion people!

The 10 billion military tried their best to fight, but they could not defeat the murderous young day shift!

The Taoist heart is unstable and the military heart collapses. There is no way to solve the situation. The army of wanbaolou will be destroyed!

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