Sirius directly shields the whole Xuanwu island with the power of Tianyin!

In this way, the strong of Xuanwu island can't ask for help through Tongyin stone!

Then, breaking Sirius released all his combat power and directly entered Xuanwu island. All the people he saw, men, women, young and old, were killed!

Evil Tianhua, tianzhaoxin, Li bupang, etc. followed them into Xuanwu island.

For a time, there was a huge bloody crisis in Xuanwu island!

The ten powerful men of Xuanwu island all went to fight the sea for the north and go to Tiandou sect to get justice!

The strongest left is only the five powerful!

Where did the ancestors of Xuanwu Island predict that they would give the broken Sirius a loophole when they left.

Zhun Daojun inherited the power and fell into the hands of broken Sirius!


Ancient ice land!

After Beizhan Yang received the bodies of his father Beizhan Hai and his brother Beizhan Yin, he asked Xingyue Youshang to decide for him!

It's about Tiandou sect. Xingyue Youshang doesn't want to step into this muddy water!

Seeing that her husband was full of sadness, Yun Zhanxia had to plead with Yun Yanshui for grandma to talk to Grandpa Youshang.

Due to Yun Zhanxia's request, Yun Yanshui had to persuade Xingyue Youshang to replace him.

"Husband, anyway, we just come out to support the scene for Xuanwu Island, and the rest will be handled by Xuanwu island!"

Xingyue Youshang looked at Yunyan water's face and had to promise!

Then, Xingyue Youshang went directly to Tiandou sect with Beizhan Yang and others!


Wanbao building headquarters!

Holy land of Wu's one pulse cultivation!

Wu Yao has begun to swallow the fruit of the berm and is impacting the eternal realm!

Now Wu Yao has gathered the field. As long as he continues to cut off the soul of heaven and turn the field into a small world, he can achieve the eternal realm!

Wu tengying and other ancestors see the momentum of Wu Yao. Ten * * will break through and succeed!

In fact, even a pig can break through this treasure!

Just when Wu Yao was ready to continue to kill the soul of heaven, Wu Yao flashed the scene of white blood killing the strong army of billions of treasure buildings.

"Day shift, you wait for me. The day I break through success is when you die!"


Wu tengying and other strong men looked at Wu Yao and were collective dumbfounded.

They saw from Wu Yao's look that Wu Yao was distracted at the moment of breakthrough

"I'll go! You're breaking through the eternal realm. Do you still have the heart to think about others? You fool!"

Sure enough, when Wu Yao gathered her mind and was ready to continue to kill the soul of heaven, she found that at the moment when she was distracted, there was a flaw in her Taoist heart!

If she continues to break through the eternal realm, she will die!

The road protection fruit can protect the stability of the road heart, but it can't prevent the defects of the road heart!

Wu Yao asked for it!

Knowing that there was no hope of breaking through the eternal realm, Wu Yao was unstable and on the verge of collapse, "roar! Day shift, it's all your fault!"

Wu tengying and others really want to let Wu Yao destroy himself like this!

This is a fool worse than a pig!

But they dare not. If they really watch Wu Yao fall, they will be punished by Wu Yao's father when they arrive at the endless world in the future!

Therefore, Wu tengying and others rushed to imprison Wu Yao's power and prevent Wu Yao from collapsing!

Although Wu Yao was saved, he lost his irreparable heart.

Now the field of cohesion is also incomplete. It can be said that Wu Yao's strength is better than the top ten, even no difference!

It can be said that Wu Yao created the world record of the strongest in the weakest field!

This made Wu Yao almost continue to collapse!

"Wu Yao, why are you distracted at the critical moment?"

Wu tengying looks at Wu Yao, who hates iron and doesn't become steel.

"I suddenly came up with the picture of the day shift slaughtering 10 billion troops. I thought there was a fruit to protect the road, so I went away a little god... It was the day shift who hurt me, and I want him to die!"

Wu Yao is going crazy.


Wu tengying and others were speechless.

It's about Bai ban Mao!

What God are you going to do?

Breaking through the eternal realm is like walking on thin ice. A little distraction is doomed!

We can only blame Wu Yao for being too arrogant, self righteous and not listening to others' instructions.

It led Wu Yao to be distracted when he broke through the eternal realm!

A protective fruit is wasted

Wu Yao's breakthrough failed, and Chen Guangzong was most happy!

When Wu Yao's life ends, he can be free and start a new life with his beloved daughter Chenxin!

Wu Yao, who returned to his bedroom, was furious and killed many maidens cruelly!

"Roar! Check the trail of the day shift thoroughly. As long as he goes out of Tiandou sect, report it to me!"

Wu Yao is crazy. She knows she will die in the future. There is no doubt that she will kill all those who hate before the end of her life.

The day shift is going to die, Chenxin is going to die, and chenguangzong is going to die!

"You're all going to die. All of you have to be tortured and killed by your own hands in this palace!"

At this time, a strong man of Wanbao building came to Wu Yao in panic and reported in panic:

"Madam President, I got the latest news. The day shift killed the owner of Xuanwu island in the ancient ice land belt. The army of the ancestors of Xuanwu Island rushed to Tiandou sect to say something. Xingyue Palace also publicly supported Xuanwu island!"

Wu Yao with disheveled hair immediately released bleeding light in her eyes!

"OK, you day shift. This time I want you to die without a burial place. Long Yan's old immortal can't save you!"

Later, Wu Yao even launched the order of the master of the Wu family to gather all the strong people of the Wu family in Wanbao building!

"Wu Yao, what do you want to do?"

Wu tengying was furious.

Wu Yao is obviously crazy!

"Don't want to do anything, go to Tiandou sect to kill several people!"

Wu Yao sat on his chariot without expression.


"Wu Yao, you are at war with Tiandou sect. Do you want to break the rules of the ancestors?"

Wu tengying is in a hurry.

"Wu tengying, is this your attitude to talk to me? I hold the master's order, and the Wu family's pulse is my decision. I won't go to war with Tiandou sect, I'm just going to help Xuanwu island!"

"All the Wu family members listen to orders. Follow me. Tiandou sect. Whoever dares to have an opinion is a traitor of the Wu family!"

With that, Wu Yao directly ordered to start!

Wu tengying and other ten powerful people have big heads, but they can't help it. Who makes Wu Yao the ruler of the Wu family!

Now it's too late for them to contact their ancestors.

I can only hope it won't go too bad!


Lord's mansion!

The movement of Wanbao building has attracted the attention of Long Yan!

After some investigation, Long Yan was stunned to find that this matter had something to do with Bai miserable!

The troops of Xuanwu Island, the strong ones of Xingyue palace and wanbaolou are all sent out because Bai miserable killed the island owner of Xuanwu island beizhanhai a few days ago!

"Evil star, how long has it been? You're making trouble again!"

Long Yan knew that the incident could be big or small. He had to go to tiandouzong to watch the development of the situation in advance!

If the situation is wrong, he will come forward to mediate!


Many days later!

Bai miserable and others return to Tiandou sect!

As soon as I came back, I really told Bai miserable three bad news!

After Bai miserable heard this, his eyes coagulated. "You said that the great army led by the ancestor of Xuanwu island is marching towards douzong to find me? The Xingyue Palace also publicly supports Xuanwu island? And the great army led by Wu Yao of Wanbao building also came to support Xuanwu island?"

"Bai Zu, the current situation is like this. They don't come well. Should Bai Zu go to the forbidden area to shut up? As long as Bai Zu doesn't appear, they dare not attack Tiandou sect!"

Really, said the ancestor.

Bai miserable shook his head. "These three forces are well prepared. Hiding is not my style. I'll deal with it myself. You can't do it without my command. If you do it, you'll break the rules set by senior brother!"


It's really dignified for Lao Zu and others.

"Don't worry, they can't help me. For 100000 years, I'm not just focusing on cultivation!"

Bai miserable said such an inexplicable word.

This really confused the ancestors and others, "100000 years? Where did it come from?"

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