Bai miserable heard that this method is feasible, but he doesn't know whether it will cause greater harm.

After all, everything blackened by its own dark green power can not be restored, but can only be erased!

Moreover, after the dark green power comes out, he will also be shielded by the dark green power from the external senses and cannot confirm the external situation.

But Long Yan told Bai miserable that compared with the invasion of Tianzhi family, tianwu world could afford this loss.

Even if all spirits in tianwu world are blackened, it's lucky as long as tianwu world is not broken.

In this way, Bai miserable agrees to let Long Yan beat himself into an unconscious state.

Of course, in order to return to normal afterwards, Bai miserable asked Tianhu to absorb some power, then hide in his body and wait for his command to kill himself.

Then, Bai miserable stood at the top of Xuanwu Island, "come on!"

Long Yan nodded and punched Bai miserably, unconscious.

Soon, dark green thunder appeared in Bai miserable's eyes and turned into two thunder generals!

Then, Long Yan hit Bai miserably.

The thunder will dissipate, the terrible dark green power will cover Bai miserable's whole body, and a strange invisible power will begin to spread.

It's just nothing at first. As time goes by, this force will become a terrible hell force.

Seeing that Bai miserable has successfully released dark green power, Long Yan directly left Xuanling sea area and returned to tianwu city to organize the guard army.

If Bai miserable's power can't stop the army of Tianzhi family, they have to fight to death to buy some time for tianwu world.

I believe the leaders of endless world will notice the great disaster in tianwu world.

When the realm guardians return to the realm, they inform all the realm of the disaster that the Tianzhi family is about to invade the tianwu realm.

For a time, there was chaos, and all the creatures were frightened.

Some creatures think they must die and begin to destroy madly.

Some creatures seize the time to keep their inheritance. Maybe after the disaster, the tianwu world has not been destroyed, and their inheritance can reappear brilliance.

Some creatures began to find ways to go to the small world.

More creatures are ready to fight to the end!

In short, the whole tianwu world is boiling.


Tianwu city!

After Long Yan returned, he first confirmed the large world transmission array and found that the whole tianwu domain was blocked by the power released by Tianmen of Tianzhi family. He couldn't leave tianwu world to go to other big worlds.

Therefore, Long Yan issued a guardian order, summoned 11 Daojun inheritance forces and other armies, concentrated the strong in tianwu domain and guarded tianwu city!

Tianwu city is the most important place in tianwu world. The earth center of tianwu world is under tianwu city!

As long as this place is guarded, the tianwu world will not be destroyed.

Although everyone's strength is very weak and may disappear in an instant, Long Yan can only keep it for a while, which is his responsibility!

After receiving the order, the eleven Daojun inheritance forces led all their armies, took the strongest inheritance forces and Taoist weapons, and rushed to tianwu city!

Soon, eleven armies of Daojun inheritance forces gathered in tianwu City, and Long Yan quickly arranged for them to guard the position.

The rest of the strong who came one after another formed their own armies according to their strength!

Those old, weak, women and children with low strength were ordered to leave tianwu city!

There is no mercy at this time. Only the strong can have one hundred million hope!

These abandoned people have no complaints. They are willing to leave tianwu city and leave it to the strong!

When everything was ready, Long Yan looked at the direction of Xuanling sea area over tianwu City, "I hope Bai miserable can drag the army of Tianzhi family, even for a while, and I also hope that Niu Nan and Hua Ying can inform the strong in the endless world as soon as possible."

Fortunately, Niunan and Yinghua left tianwu world ahead of time!

Therefore, Long Yan hopes that they can reach their own world as soon as possible.

In this way, they may be able to contact the leaders of the endless world.

In this way, the crisis of tianwu world may be relieved!

At this moment, it is difficult for Yinghua and Niunan to rush back to the heaven ghost world and the heaven demon world. They must return to their ancestral land as soon as possible, and then let their ancestors contact the strong in the endless world.

Once there is a big problem in tianwu world, maybe the whole six worlds will be destroyed in this era!

This is a moment of life and death for the six realms!


When the disaster comes, everyone is in danger!

First level domain, barren sword domain, broken sword villa!

Hydrology, Ouyang Minghai, Shui Lingyun and others gathered together. They just hope that the disaster can be successfully overcome.

If you can't cross it, even if you escape to the small world, you will die!

It is impossible for Tianzhi family to destroy tianwu world without destroying countless small worlds around tianwu world.

"Minghai, when do you think Lan'er will come back and get together with us?"

Shuilingyun worried.

"Don't worry, madam. I've sent someone to inform them in the Yin wind area. Lan'er will come and stay with us after they know."

Ouyang Minghai comforted.


Secondary domain, baiqiu domain, tianyuezong!

The red moon is dignified all over her eyes and silently recites in her heart: the great disaster has subsided, and Bai miserable is safe!

Natural Jue Hai!

When the tortoise and the tortoise lived, the father and son drank a lot.

"Father, it seems that we will soon become dead turtles."

"Turtle son, what are you talking about? If heaven and man dare to appear in front of us, we can't beat them. They will scold his mother before they die."

"Oh, my father is domineering. Come on, do it!"



Level 3 domain, Yin wind domain, Yin wind hall!

Ouyanglan learned that the disaster was coming and began to avoid it.

If the army of the heavenly family really comes, with her strength, it will disappear in an instant.

Before you grow up, it's stupid not to avoid robbery.

Even if there is great hatred, only when you live can you talk about revenge!

Ouyang Lan also wants to return to the wasteland to stay with her parents, but there is no way to avoid robbery in the wasteland. Ouyang LAN wants to stay in the Yinfeng hall and find a way.


Level 4 domain, futu domain, mingzong!

He ordered his ancestors to stop the strong in this area and form a defensive army.

Although they know that they will certainly be defeated by the strong army of Tianzhi family, if the army of Tianzhi family kills, they will also make the final resistance!


Level 5 domain, nebula domain, Xinghong kingdom!

The country's main star Honghao is also an army of rectification and protection, but he wants to fight hard!

Anyway, his favorite little princess Xinghong demon was picked up by the strong. He was also assured to stay and protect his ancestors' foundation and vowed to fight to the death!


Level 6 domain, magic cow domain, daoqianzong!

The patriarch left the language wind in the east to gather the strong people of the whole longwai mountain, and then looked up at the sky, "I hope Grandpa and brother Bai can survive this disaster!"


Level 7 domain, Yang heart domain, Little King Kong sect!

Gu Xueqin is also dignified.

I didn't expect that little King Kong Zong would face such a great disaster soon after he was born.

If the strong in tianwu domain cannot stop the army of Tianzhi family, it is estimated that the little Vajra sect will no longer exist.

"Brother Bai, where are you? Come back and cross the robbery with me!"

Gu Xueqin prayed sadly.


Poetic residence

Shixiaoxiao has been inherited by shizhaoqiu, Qinglian sword formula!

Knowing that the great disaster is coming, Shi Xiaoxiao uses the space in the sword monument to leave some blood for the poet!

After all, the inheritance space of sword monument is not big!

Therefore, when the strongest group of talented descendants of the poet hid in the inheritance space of the sword Monument and entered the void, the poet announced his birth and vowed to fight with heaven and man to the death!


Of course, other realm guardians are not waiting for the army of the heavenly family to kill!

Instead of waiting for death to come, it's better to fight hard, even to buy a little time for tianwu!

Therefore, the guardians of each domain take the lead to unite the strong in each domain,

Moreover, the boundary guardian is ready to start the boundary defense array at any time.

All the strong in tianwu are preparing for the war!

At this time, there is no so-called personal hatred, no so-called hook and dagger.

Some are determined to protect their homes together.

Hold on until the strong of the endless world comes, then everything has hope.

If you can't hold it, everything will disappear.

Resist invasion, always blood and tears!

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