When the family Army started to destroy the world in tianwu domain, the strong people in tianwu domain felt the breath of countless amazing strong people.

Needless to say, these invading armies of the heavenly family are the strong ones in the eternal realm, and there are so many. In addition to the strong ones who decided to stay and guard, countless other creatures began to flee.

Only when they escape to the first level boundary can they live longer or even escape a disaster.

Under the crazy slaughter of billions of troops in the eternal territory, the vast tianwu region was devastated.

Countless doors collapsed and countless inheritance was erased.

Screams, desperation and cries for help resounded through the tianwu region.

Long Yan and other strong people want to crack their canthus one by one, but there is no way!

This is the ferocity of the family of heaven, killing all creatures in the six realms and breaking up all the world!

And the purpose of their doing so is to launch a jihad for the salvation of the world!

Yes, they are killing the world with the slogan of salvation!

"Jihad is heaven!"

"Jihad is heaven!"

"Jihad is heaven!"

The strong of Tianzhi family are killing all souls while promoting slogans!

on the other hand!

Penalty day is still attacking Bai miserable.

Even the means of destroying the soul can not destroy Bai miserable!

Moreover, when he attacked Bai miserable's soul, he found that Bai miserable's soul was guarded by the guardian force of the six gate Lord, which surprised him!

"Is this guy a secret seed?"

The more you think about it, the more likely it is. Punish Tian decides to catch Bai miserable first, and then slowly study Bai miserable after killing the tianwu world and bringing it back to the Tianzhi family.

Therefore, punishment day directly swallowed Bai miserable into the inner world.

The inner world of punishment is vast and full of ferocious beasts. They are constantly fighting. Only the strong can survive here!

Bai miserable was left here and watched by the strongest heavenly beast here.

Then, punish heaven to cast the heaven instant skill and instantly move over tianwu city.

Seeing a huge blue monster appear, the strong men guarding tianwu city are all frightened, "that's..."

"Hum! How can you resist my footsteps if you only have a large defensive array within the boundary!"

Punish heaven and spit out the language of heaven and martial arts.

Then, penalty day took out the secret treasure of the family of heaven and opened a huge channel. Penalty day disappeared after entering the channel!

"Uh... Where's the monster?"

All the strong were stunned.

Many of the ancestors of Daojun's inheritance forces are ready to use their guardian forces to fight with the monster, but the monster disappeared after making a channel, which makes everyone very dignified.

At this time, punishing heaven has directly come to the center of the earth in the tianwu world.

Looking at the huge tianwu world and the center of the earth, punishing heaven is like a human race facing a sun with Taoist flame.

Punish Tian's bloodthirsty smile, "hahaha... As long as you are destroyed, everything is over."

As he spoke, he turned into a huge body.

After a while, the body size was no smaller than the earth center of tianwu world.

"Destroy it for me!"

The four hands of punishing heaven are full of the power of Tao patterns, and fiercely destroy everything and blast to the center of the earth in the tianwu world.


The tianwu world sent out great turbulence in the center of the earth!

The whole tianwu world has a huge shock!

Those small boundaries have collapsed, huge waves cover the sky, and the power of law is chaotic, just like the end.

Before seeing the strong of the family of heaven, countless creatures fell because of natural disasters!

However, calm soon returned after the shock.

Penalty day also knows that it takes a lot of time to destroy the center of the earth in a big world. It's not that simple!

However, punishing heaven has brought the treasure of the heavenly family. With this treasure, give it up to three months, and it will break the defense of the inner earth of the heavenly martial world, and then destroy it!

In this way, with this treasure, he began to attack the center of the tianwu world.

Long Yan and other boundary guardians can guess from the continuous big shock that someone is attacking the center of the tianwu world!

"Damn it!"

"The heart of heaven and earth can never be broken!"

Long Yan quickly yelled at the ancestor of the inheritance force of Daojun: "come on! You quickly use the guardian force of Daojun to go to the center of the tianwu world. There are strong people of the Tianzhi family attacking the center of the earth!"

Without saying a word, the ancestors of Daojun inheritance forces such as Tiandou sect, Xinghe hall and Tianhu sect directly used the guardian force of Daojun, and then rushed to the heart of tianwu world!

Wu tengying, the ancestor of Wanbao building, did not go, because the guardian power of the Lord of the road in Wanbao building was wasted by Wu Yao's pit that day.

Wu tengying can only wait for the army of the heavenly family to kill him in tianwu city with the avenue weapon Wanbao building!

Zhenneng Laozu and other ten powerful people came to the center of the earth and saw that the monster was constantly attacking the center of the earth in the tianwu world. Suddenly, he broke out a strong guard force and killed him with a big way weapon!

When Fu Tian saw ten mole ants killed, he directly released a thunder from his heavenly eye and killed ten ancestors.

The thunder sky general's strength is only slightly weaker than that of penalty sky, but it is also extremely strong.

If it weren't for the guardian power and weapon of the peak Avenue king, the strong people such as Lao Zu would be killed by the thunder day.

Therefore, the top ten strong men are here in the center of the earth, fighting with the thunder who punishes the sky!

And penalty day continues to attack the heart of heaven and earth!


Some of the strongmen of Tianzhi family have killed tianwu city in the form of siege.

Without saying a word, these strong men all use the same method to attack tianwu city with huge size and infinite power!


Whether it is the attack of heaven and man or the attack of heaven and beast, each attack is like a huge meteorite bombardment, which makes the boundary defense array erupt huge ripples frequently.

"Stand firm in their respective guard positions, even if you run out of vitality, you should hold it!"

"Attack position quickly launch a joint attack to stop them!"

Long Yan's voice is rolling, commanding the battlefield.

The strong people in tianwu City perform their respective duties and use the weak power of law to maintain the boundary guard array and make modest contributions.

The strong ones in charge of the attack continue to launch joint attacks against the strong ones of the heavenly family.

But their attack seemed to tickle them, and they couldn't break the defense at all!

Even so, the strong ones do not hesitate to go all out to attack and live to death!

A strong man of heaven and man saw that he could not break tianwu city in a short time, and immediately became angry, "you fools, give me your best to break this boundary defense array!"

The army of Tianzhi family is more and more concentrated in tianwu city to join the lineup of the attack array.

Every bombardment by the strong of Tianzhi family will kill a large number of strong people in tianwu city.

There is no way. Although the boundary defense array can defend their attacks, the shock caused by great power is enough to kill the strong in the law realm.

"Hold on to it to the death, even if you die without regret!"

Long Yan roared wildly, madly input the power of his Tao pattern into the main array base, cooperate with the power of the inner earth of the tianwu world, and defend these strong people of the Tianzhi family together!

Of course, some heavenly beasts killed to the level 8 boundary.

For a time, a terrible bloody battle broke out in the boundary below tianwu!

Countless strong men killed the beasts in the sky fearlessly!

But before he got close to the heavenly beast, he was killed by the power of the Tao pattern of the heavenly beast.

Creatures are being slaughtered by heavenly beasts!

Where the heavenly beasts pass, the blood gathers into the ocean, and the corpses pile up into peaks.

Human purgatory, but so!

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