Seeing Bai miserable moving freely in the ghost gathering hall, the previous ghost repair stall owners showed ghost light one after another.

Ghost practitioners in the heavenly ghost world generally abandon the body and major in the soul, which is also called ghost.

There are many strange ghosts condensed by ghost cultivation, but each ghost cultivation can only condense three ghosts.

For example, the earth burial clan condensed the three corpse souls: Ghost, evil spirit and curse soul.

There are even ghost practitioners who directly condense three ghosts of the same kind.

Such as the undead family, one of the top ten ghost families, condenses the same ghost - dead soul.

This is why most of the ghosts in the heaven ghost world look strange and extremely penetrating.

Of course, there are also many ghost practitioners who normally refine the destiny soul, earth soul and heaven soul, so their appearance has not changed.

Such as Xiong shengshu and Lu Yinxi.

However, no matter what kind of ghosts and spirits are condensed, they will eventually get out of their own Tao and achieve the Tao body.

Once they reach the eternal realm and achieve the ghost body, they will look like normal people.

The ghost voices of these ghost stall owners kept coming to Bai miserable's ears. Bai miserable shouted in ghost language:

"What's the noise? Be quiet. I've been ordered by the runner king to find the ghost treasure. If you delay the Runner King, you'll look good!"

Once Bai miserable heard that he could speak ghost language, and it was related to the Runner King. Even if these ghost stall owners were lawless, they didn't dare to offend the Runner King.

So these ghost stall owners calmed down in their stalls.

Other treasure hunters who originally wanted to pit Bai miserable, and even the strong people in the big world, naturally had no bad thoughts when they saw that Bai miserable could drink the ghost stall owner.

Of course, these strong men looked at Bai miserable curiously and guessed the origin of Bai miserable one after another.

Bai miserable wandered here for a long time and didn't find the precious treasure.

There is a blood colored ball on the ghost gathering hall, which is synchronized with the blood moon outside.

This is also convenient for the strong people in this ghost city to know the time.

Bai miserable continues to wander in the ghost gathering hall, but after wandering the whole ghost gathering hall, he can't find a suitable ghost treasure.

It is no wonder that the ghost wheel fruit of the Runner King can increase the life span of 100000 years, and its value can exceed its treasure. It is extremely rare.

Although there are many powerful ghost treasures in the ghost gathering hall, there is no ghost wheel fruit of value after all.

Seeing the past day and a half, Bai miserable had to go to the ghost stall outside the ghost hall.

The ghost stall owners here have a much better attitude. After all, they are here to seek benefits and get useful treasures for cultivation.

"Little brother, come and have a look. I have ghost eyes, ghost bones, ghost hearts and other ghost treasures, which are refined from my body parts. They are good in quality, cheap and practical."

A fat ghost who had lost half his head and was in rags shouted.

Like these ghosts who have condensed three ghosts, their bodies are dispensable to them.

In real terms, ghost practice is the purest Dharma practice in the six realms.

Bai miserable naturally ignored the fat ghost repair and continued to stroll while communicating with all kinds of strange ghost treasures with his soul to see if he could find extremely precious ghost treasures.

Seeing that three days will pass, Bai miserable is anxious.

"Do you really want to exchange the treasure of heaven refining pot for your freedom?"

Just when Bai miserable has a headache, Bai miserable sees a ghost stall owner who looks like a white faced scholar. There are three items in front of him: a broken fan, a broken pen and a broken picture.

Bai miserable tries to communicate with the three treasures by soul transmission, but he doesn't get any response.

"Starling, you may see what's strange about these three treasures?"

Bai miserable usually asks starling to confirm when he meets a treasure that cannot be communicated, so as not to miss the treasure.

"It's just three rags. You can't cheat novices."

Starling looked at it with Yin and Yang and said casually.


Bai miserably had to give up and prepare to go to the next house. He couldn't find the treasure again. It is estimated that he will really stay here for a million years.

As for running away?

The king of hell in the ten halls is so terrible!

It is estimated that Bai miserable was caught and went back before he ran out of the ghost market. At that time, the consequences may be more serious.

At this time, the white faced scholar said, "little brother, you have identified my three treasures. You must buy one."


Bai miserable looked at the white faced scholar speechless, "this stall owner, I don't seem to have touched your treasure? How can I identify it?"

Other ghost stall owners looked at the white faced scholar in surprise. The white faced scholar's origin was mysterious and rarely set up a stall.

Even if there is a stall, there are three rags and don't talk.

It can be said that the ghost stall owners listened to the white faced scholar for the first time in so many years.

That's why they're so surprised!

"After reading and communicating, it is identification."

The white faced scholar replied with an inexplicable sentence.

Other ghost repairs are confused.

But Bai miserable was shocked, "hiss... How does this ghost Xiu know that I communicated with his treasure with my soul?"

You know, even the guardian of the realm can't detect the voice of Bai miserable's soul. The white faced scholar knows it.

"Starling, can you see his accomplishments?"

White miserable soul channel.

"It can be seen that it has just reached the state of ghost respect, that is, it is equivalent to the state of heaven and soul, the early state of heaven."

Starling replied directly.


This makes Bai miserable and confused.

The strong in the eternal realm can't be aware of it. Can a ghost who respects the early state of heaven be aware of it?

This is weird.

So Bai miserable's soul sent a message to the white faced scholar, "do you know that my soul communicates with your treasure?"

To the white faced scholar, what Bai miserable's voice of soul said is the ghost language of the early generation of the heaven ghost world. This is the language that only the ghost sect leader can master except him.

However, the white faced scholar was not surprised or even moved.

"Naturally, I not only know that your soul transmits sound, but also know that you let the yin-yang rabbit see my treasure with the real eyes of yin and Yang. Otherwise, how could I ask you to buy one?"

The white faced scholar smiled at the voice of his soul.


Bai miserable told the white faced scholar to Starling again.

"What the hell is this?"

Starling jumped up after training the beast, and then said solemnly, "brother Bai, it seems that this ghost repair is not simple. His realm is estimated to be false. Maybe he knows I'm communicating with you, right, this ghost repair friend!"

"Of course!"

Bai miserable and Starling's soul sounded the words of the white faced scholar at the same time.


Bai miserable knows that the white faced scholar is not simple. He guesses in his heart that his three treasures are estimated to be extraordinary. Maybe he can redeem himself.

Anyway, now three days are coming, Bai miserable can only bet.

So Bai miserable squatted down and said respectfully, "senior, how do you sell these three treasures?"

"One life is worth one thing!"

The white faced scholar said so.


"Please make it clear."

Bai miserably puzzled.

"Take a thing and pay it with your life."

The white faced scholar smiled.

The other ghosts were speechless for a while. They heard such a wonderful deal for the first time.

"OK, deal!"

Bai miserably agreed without thinking about it.

Anyway, what he needs most is life. Without a life, he can be resurrected soon.

Bai miserable grabbed the broken fan at will and said, "when I'm done, I'll come back here to find the elder and give him my life!"

After that, Bai miserable quickly returns to the runner hall with a broken fan.

Watching Bai miserable go away, the white faced scholar smiled knowingly and waved his hand. He put away the broken pen and painting, and then closed his eyes, as if the surrounding noise had nothing to do with him.

After Bai miserable returned to the runner hall, he handed the broken fan to the Runner King, and the dead horse became a living horse doctor: "elder Runner King, this treasure may redeem me?"

The Runner King opened the broken fan and saw the ghost symbol on it. He fell directly from the throne of the ghost king and looked frightened:

"Shit, this is..."

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