"Young master, it's almost here. The territory of Luocha nationality is ahead."

Bear looked up at the tree.

Bai miserable is a little excited at the moment.

After all, it is the wish of my adoptive father to return to the Luocha family. This is the hometown of emperor Gao.

When Bai miserable came to the Luocha territory, he was stunned to find that countless ghost practitioners gathered here.

And the voice of shock came from the front.

"Brother, what happened here?"

Bai miserable asks a passer-by about ghost repair.

"Are you new here? Zhenzi, Fushang and headless have joined together to become the three ghost families. Their strength is unprecedented. The three ghost families are challenging Luocha. Luocha has lost again and again. If they can't recover the scene, Luocha will have to abdicate and give way to the sages. All resources will be left and Luocha will decline."

The passer-by ghost repair said truthfully.

"Thank you, brother."

With that, Bai miserable hurried to the front.

"He doesn't seem to be from the heaven and ghost world."

Another passer-by ghost repair said.

"It seems that the two people around him look familiar. They seem to have met somewhere."

The passer-by ghost repair looked at the back of Xiong shengshu and luyinxi and muttered.


Under the path of Xiong shengshu and luyinxi, Bai miserable rushed to the front.

The ghost practitioners who had been pushed away had a lot of opinions, but when they saw that it was the two brothers Xiong shengshu, they counseled directly and dared not have an opinion.

At this time, the chief of the Luocha clan, Chi Tianhe, was seriously injured and was teetering.

In front of him was the headless ghost Zun, the patriarch of the three ghost families.

I saw that the headless ghost had no head. The headless ghost phase released a strange attack and suppressed Chi Tianhe.

In fact, with the strength of headless ghost respect, it can't suppress holding Tianhe at all.

However, Chi Tianhe fought with the ten powerful people of the three ghost families one after another. The ghost power consumption was huge. In the face of headless ghost Zun, he naturally didn't have much power to fight.

In the world of heavenly ghosts, challenge the names of the top ten ghost families. It's the battle between the top ten and the top ten!

Only when all the ten powerful men of one side are defeated will it be over!

Of course, generally, they will not die, nor will they deliberately destroy people's cultivation foundation. After all, they are the future of the heaven and ghost world.

The number of the ten powerful people of the three ghost clan is far more than that of the Luocha clan, so they fight down.

The ten powerful people of Luocha family have been defeated one after another. Now only the leader of the big family, Chi Tian, and this ten powerful person are struggling.

"Hahaha... Chi Tianhe, you can't do it. The Luocha family will withdraw from the top ten ghost families. The reputation of our three ghost families will be famous all over the world of ghosts."

Headless ghost Zun laughed wildly.

The strong people of Luocha nationality all want to crack their eyes and clench their fists, but their anger can only turn into unwillingness.

Without Luocha ghost pool and Gao emperor, the strength of Luocha family has been reduced too much.

You know, the Luocha nationality in the peak period is the first of the top ten ghost families and the supreme existence on the dead wood holy land.

Holding Tianhe looked at the proud headless ghost Zun, and he was also very unwilling.

But he did his best.

When the cultivation reaches the state of holding heaven and harmony, the ghost solution will not fall, but will be weak for a long time.

The ten powerful people of the Luocha nationality all exerted their ghost solution and fought hard.

At the moment, they gnash their teeth one by one, trembling at the headless ghost statue on the battlefield.

"Patriarch, forget it. As long as the Luocha people continue, they will make a comeback in the future."

Pitian growled.

The rest of the clan leaders also persuaded Chi Tianhe to fight again. Chi Tianhe will only fall.

And there are several ten powerful people in the three ghost clan who didn't make a move and didn't have a chance to win at all.

"Chi Tianhe, you'd better listen to their advice. Go down and get out with your people. Today, our three ghost families will live here."

Headless ghost Zun grinned.

"It's over..."

The ghost practitioners who came to watch the war talked about it one after another.

They had the honor to see the decline of the Luocha people, and they also had deep feelings.

Luocha nationality was once so brilliant. I didn't expect it to be today.

If Chi Tianhe is not the patriarch, he can admit defeat.

But he is now the chief of the Luocha family. He can't accept the decline of the Luocha family from his hands.

Death, for him, is the best choice.

Just as Chi Tianhe was preparing to continue the deadly war, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Night falls and Luocha returns!"

The head of the eight Luocha clan trembled, "who?"

Only the leader of the nine veins of the Luocha family knows this sentence. This is the top secret of the Luocha family.

Others can't hear the meaning of this sentence, but they know it clearly.

The reason why the Luocha nationality in the peak period can rank first among the top ten ghost families is because of the particularity of the skill method of the Luocha ghost Sutra.

In fact, there are nine Luocha ghost Sutra: Lanpo Sutra, Pilan Sutra, Quchi Sutra, Huachi Sutra, black tooth Sutra, multiple Sutra, no foot weariness Sutra, Yingluo Sutra and Gaodi Sutra!

The nine major veins of the Luocha nationality control one respectively, and the combination of the nine skills is the Luocha ghost Sutra!

When the strong of the nine meridians operate their respective inheritance skills at the same time, the nine ghost phases will converge to form a real Luocha ghost phase and show the supreme power.

If the leaders of the nine major veins join hands, hundreds of powerful people will not be their opponents.

In the glorious time of the Luocha family, there were monster level talents in the realm of the ten powerful people of the yecha family. They wanted to challenge the nine major veins of the Luocha family. Unexpectedly, they were defeated.

Therefore, there is a saying of the Luocha family in the heavenly ghost world: if night comes, if you are the king, I am the king!

This is absolute confidence!

In the night, the Luocha family is the absolute emperor, and the yecha family can only bow down!

With the "Luocha ghost Sutra" and Luocha ghost pool, Luocha people will have great strength and reputation.

But things are right and people are wrong. The sea changes. The emperor of Luocha family also has a time of dusk.

Now, in addition to the eight patriarchs, there are still people who know the top secret of the Luocha family. How can we not shock Chi Tian and the eight people.

Bai miserable flew directly to the battlefield, and everyone was stunned, "who is this guy?"

Rushing into the challenge battlefield is a capital crime!

The three ghost clan can kill Bai miserable.

"Boy, who are you? Do you want to die?"

The headless ghost drank fiercely.

Holding day and trembling all over looked at Bai miserable, "did you say that just now?"

Bai miserable ignored the headless ghost respect, but looked at holding Tianhe and nodded: "yes, when I solve the three ghost clan, I'll talk to the big clan leader in detail. The big clan leader will go down and have a rest. Just give it to me here."


Holding Tianhe has guessed that Bai miserable is definitely related to Emperor Gao's vein. Maybe he is the patriarch of emperor Gao's vein.

But Bai miserable is too young. Holding Tianhe is afraid that Bai miserable will have an accident.

Bai miserable naturally knew that Chi Tianhe was worried, "don't worry, big clan leader, even if the whole three ghost families go together, they can't help me."

Seeing Bai miserable so confident, he said excitedly, "be careful. It doesn't matter if you lose. With you, the rise of Luocha nationality is expected."

At this time, the headless ghost Zun said: "hold Tianhe, what do you mean? Call an outsider to interfere with the sacred challenge?"

"Headless fly, who told you, I'm an outsider of Luocha nationality."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the worst gifted disciple of the Luocha family. Seeing that you are so weak, I can only beat our clan leaders with numbers. Therefore, I have to stand up and experience the tripod strength of the three ghost clan!"

"Of course, if you three ghost families dare not, then go home and drink milk as soon as possible. I Luocha family will not embarrass you."

Bai Zhenyou said.


This made all the strong men of the three ghost clan angry. "Clan leader, this boy is too arrogant. Kill him. Don't be merciful."

Headless ghost Zun squinted at holding Tianhe, "holding Tianhe, do you really let him fight?"

"He's right. He's a disciple of our Luocha family. Fight if you want to fight, and get out if you don't!"

Hold day and directly against a sentence.

"Very good. Then don't blame my men for being merciless."

After that, headless ghost Zun directly confessed to Bai miserably.

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