
Rosha temple!

Holding Tianhe and other leaders of Luocha nationality gathered here and looked at Bai miserable excitedly.

"Don't look at me like that!"

Bai miserable and speechless looked at this group of "color Mimi" Luocha leaders.

"Cough! What do you call your little brother?"

Holding the sky and breaking the calm asked.

"Predecessors, just call me Xiaobai. My name is Bai miserable."

Bai miserably smiled.

"Bai miserable? I think I've heard the name somewhere."

Holding Tianhe and others muttered.

Then, they introduced themselves one by one and got to know each other with Bai miserable.

"Xiaobai, we want to know how you know this sentence when night falls and Luocha returns?"

Everyone looked at Bai miserable nervously.

They very much hope that Bai miserable is the patriarch of emperor Gao's line.

"To be honest, my adoptive father night Kingdom told me."

Bai miserable can only explain this.

I can't say that I lost Yesi's body, so I know this sentence!

Otherwise, it is estimated that these big men of Luocha family will be angry.

"Your adoptive father Yeguo? His surname is ye? Not Gao?"

Chi Tianhe and others frowned.

Soon, everyone's eyebrows relaxed.

It must be emperor Gao who changed his surname in order to avoid hunting. It must be so!

"Where is your adoptive father?"

He asked nervously.

"Elder generation, to tell you the truth, my adoptive father and my adoptive brother are dead. The whole family of the night family has fallen except me. My adoptive father was defeated in the World War I with the ghost cultivation of the corpse soul family."

Bai miserable said sadly.


"Corpse soul clan ghost repair?"

"It's them again!"

"Damn it, they cheated them in those years. Unexpectedly, they also mutilated the pulse of Gaodi of Luocha nationality. It's unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!"

In the temple, all the ten powerful people released terror and killing intention, and one by one hated the corpse soul family.

After a while, holding the sky and motioning for everyone to be quiet, "Xiaobai, can you tell us in detail?"

Bai miserable nodded, and then took out a ring from the soul space, which contained the relics of the night Kingdom: magic night black knife, all encompassing Jue, a ghost ring, and the spirit position of the ancestors.

After seeing the ghost ring, Chi Tianhe and others surrounded with trembling all over.

"It's the keepsake of the head of emperor Gao's line and the ring of emperor Gao!"

LAN Feiyang exclaimed.

At this moment, the leaders of Luocha confirmed that Bai miserable's adoptive father was the descendant of emperor Gao.

Then, Bai miserable told the related matters of the night country in simple detail.

Hearing this, the ten powerful people such as Zhang Tianhe burst into tears one by one.

"Emperor Gao has suffered."

They thought they had suffered enough, but they were not too happy compared with emperor Gao.

The descendants of emperor Tangtang Gao have not even cultivated the law realm, or even the inborn realm yingsoul realm, and have been killed by the bastards of the corpse soul clan.

"If the ancestor of emperor Gao had known under the spring, he would not have closed his eyes!"

Holding the sky and crying sadly.


The crowd responded, "Xiaobai, a descendant of emperor Gao appeared earlier. Do you know what's going on? Did you deliberately attract people's eyes and ears in order to return safely?"

Bai miserable shook his head and said:

"That's not eye-catching. In the tianwu world, I once passed the" all embracing Jue ", that is, the" Gaodi Jue ", to a woman named Tian Wen. Tian Wen was saved by the ghost cultivation of Huaying, the ancestor of the ground burial clan, and was brought back to the Tiangui world by them."

"However, in order to prevent Tian Wen from returning to the Luocha family and the secret inducement of the yecha family, one of the ancestors of the earth burial family leaked the news."

"The ghost sword clan, a force under the yecha clan, went and kidnapped Tian Wen."

"I've been to the yecha people, and I've seen their eight great generals, Tian Wen. She was taken away by more powerful people. Either people from Fengdu ghost town or people from dead wood holy land. Only they can order yecha people to do things."

Hearing Bai miserable finish, holding Tianhe and others gnash their teeth one by one, "it's too much to deceive people."

"Predecessors, Tian Wen, I must save her."

"Luocha people are not strong enough now, so they don't have to intervene in this matter. They will become strong secretly first."

"I believe that with Gao Di Jue, you should be able to raise your strength to a higher level."

Bai miserable says what he thinks.


"If Tian Wen's power is really a dead wood holy land or Fengdu ghost city, you can't go back alone. Before you're absolutely sure, Xiaobai, be careful!"

"Now Gaodi Jue is back to the Luocha family. Xiaobai, listen to me. You stay first and cultivate Gaodi again. When we recapture the Luocha ghost pool, we will rise rapidly and have the strength to compete with these two forces. At that time, it will be much more convenient to save Tian Wen."

Chi Tianhe said with great foresight.


Bai miserable thought for a moment.

Indeed, although he is not afraid of death, if he is strong against the eternal environment, he will certainly be defeated and suppressed.

If you can't do each other, you can't save Tian Wen. It's useless to go.

Therefore, Bai miserable decided to understand the strength of the two forces first and know each other and friends before he could have a chance.

Moreover, once the rise of the Luocha nationality and the reappearance of the heavenly ghost world by Emperor Gao, it will be much easier to save Tian Wen.

"Senior, although I am the adoptive son of my adoptive father, I can't practice the formula of emperor Gao. I'll bother you with the cultivation of emperor Gao."

"Please also offer the spirit tablets of my adoptive father first."

Bai miserable said seriously.

Chi Tian discussed with others.

Then, holding Tianhe handed the magic night black knife and Gao Di Jie to Bai miserable and said seriously:

"Xiaobai, this knife is left by your adoptive father. Angelica belongs to you."

"This ring of emperor Gao is the keepsake of the head of emperor Gao's family. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Although you are not practicing the formula of emperor Gao, you can still be the head of emperor Gao's family. We have witnessed your strength."

"When Emperor Gao rises in the future, if you don't want to be a patriarch, you can appoint another patriarch. That's it."

Others echoed, "yes, Xiaobai, if you don't promise, we can't explain to the Luocha children."

"Well... Well, I'll be the head of the first line of emperor Gao for the time being."

Bai miserable won't shirk it.

"Hahaha... OK, let's first place the sages of emperor Gao's lineage and celebrate together tonight."

"After that, you can select some disciples from our eight families and reorganize the one vein of emperor Gao. In this way, the nine veins of Luocha family will be reunited!"

The head of the Han nationality held heaven and said happily.

"Then trouble the patriarch and all patriarchs."

Soon, the eight strong people of Luocha nationality gathered in the ancestral temple, all bowed down and knelt down to worship the ancestral temple, and welcomed the return of the spirits of the same family sages of emperor Gao to the ancestral temple.

Bai miserable also created a memorial tablet for his adoptive father night Kingdom and adoptive mother nangongqing.

As for the spirit position of Yesi, Bai miserable didn't build it.

After all, when Yesi becomes the soul of the abyss emperor, it is not really dead. Naturally, Bai miserable doesn't need to create a spiritual niche for Yesi.

Holding Tianhe and others didn't say anything. They thought Bai miserable had a special relationship with Yesi.

"Adoptive father and adoptive mother, your spirit in heaven can rest in peace."

Bai miserable knelt down.

In the dark, Bai miserable seemed to see the figures of the night country and Nangong tilting emerge on the holy throne, showing a happy smile.

The soul returns to its hometown and the fallen leaves return to their roots.

Bai miserable did it for emperor Gao.


Luocha people celebrate together.

Chi Tianhe also announced the return of emperor Gao's lineage. Bai miserable is the patriarch of emperor Gao's lineage. From tomorrow, rebuild emperor Gao's lineage!

For a moment, the entire Luocha ethnic group erupted into unprecedented cheers and excited roars.

They have been waiting for this day for too long.

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