Dabi is over, and all ghost practitioners look to blood impermanence.

The Luocha nationality won the first place in the competition. According to the rules, the Luocha ghost pool should be used by the Luocha nationality for 10000 years.

But the impermanent clan will not easily hand over the Luocha ghost pool.

Will the head of the top ten ghost families give such a precious treasure to the declining Luocha family?

Everyone can think of it. It's impossible!

Chi Tianhe was nervous when he waited for the ghost repair of Luocha nationality.

If the impermanent clan doesn't give it, they really have no way.

The white miserable old God is free, as if he is not afraid of the impermanence family.

At this time, Hun Dan, the patriarch of the soul arrest clan, took the lead in taking the ancestors of the soul arrest clan and other ten powerful people to the battle platform, and then looked at Luo Tianxue, who was seated in the Luocha clan.

"Gentlemen, I have a personal matter to deal with first. I wonder if you Taoist friends of impermanence family can give me a face?"

Soul Dan said faintly.


The ghost practitioners looked at hundan suspiciously. They didn't know that he had anything private to do with the soul arrest family, which was more important than the impermanent family handing over the Luocha ghost pool.

The impermanent family is very happy to have someone come out and do something, so that they have good reasons not to hand over the Luocha ghost pool for the time being, so that the Luocha family will suffer a heavy loss.

This soul detaining clan knows the current affairs very well. How can blood impermanence and others refuse?

"Of course, the matter of the head of the soul Dan clan is the matter of the top ten ghost families. Naturally, we can deal with it first. Anyway, the bizhan is over, and it doesn't matter to deal with the matter of Luocha ghost pool later."

Blood impermanence smiled with joy.

"Thank you, blood impermanence patriarch."

After that, soul Dan continued to look at Luo Tianxue murderously, "why? Don't you dare to stand up? You dare to do it. You not only hurt me, but also ruined the soul prisoner of our young clan leader. We should calculate this account now."

Other ghost practitioners suddenly realized.

"It was said that the head of the young clan of the soul arrest clan was beaten and abolished. It turned out that it was the woman wearing the ice lotus mask!"

"No wonder the soul arresting clan has to deal with this matter first. The young clan leader has been abolished. This is provoking the whole soul arresting clan!"

"Look at the formation of the soul arrest family. I'm afraid the mysterious woman is dangerous. The Luocha family should not dare to help."

The ghosts quickly retreated.

Now it's not a battle. It's a battle of life and death.

Don't step back. If you get involved, you'll have nowhere to complain if you die!

"Clan leader, you take the old clan to watch the war first. The soul arrest clan must have taken some big means to find Tianxue so hard."

"Don't involve the Luocha people in this matter. Tianxue and I can face them. Don't worry, we'll be fine, and I'll take back the Luocha ghost pool."

Bai miserable smiled to hold Tianhe.

"This... All right!"

Chi Tianhe also knows that they can't help.

The Luocha people did not inherit ghost tools, and the guardian power left by their ancestors was exhausted when they were chased and killed in the past.

It can be said that the Luocha people have no means.

Bai miserable has the means of immortality, and Luo Tianxue is the first saint in the demon world. It is estimated that she also has a powerful means to protect her life.

Even if the means of arresting the soul family are all powerful, it must be impossible for them.

Then, holding Tianhe took the strong people such as Luocha nationality to one side to watch the war, "Bai nationality leader and Saint, you two be careful."

"Tianxue, if the situation is wrong, you evacuate first and leave the rest to me." Bai miserable reminded.

"Well, I see, brother Bai, you should protect me!"

Luo Tianxue said playfully.


If you don't know Luo Tianxue's strength, Bai miserable will really be cheated by her.

It's almost as good to be protected by her!

Then Bai miserable looked at hundan and others, "all of you of the soul arrest clan, as far as I know, it was your young clan leader who molested my friend first before he was defeated by my friend. Do you want to bully the weak with the strong?"

"Bai miserable, it's none of your business. You'd better stay out of it."

Soul Dan shouted.

"Step in? Sorry, I'm not only going to step in, but also step in. Even in the heaven ghost world, it's not you who arrest the soul family to cover up the sky!"

Bai miserably accepted a sentence impolitely.

"In that case, don't blame us for not giving you the face of a king genius."

Dozens of powerful people of the soul arrest clan directly burst out ghost force, and the soul arrest ghost phase became apparent. It seems that they are going to directly talk to Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue.

The strong men of the impermanent family, such as blood impermanence, rejoice in their hearts, "fight, make trouble, and it's better to make it bigger. Luocha ghost pool is destined to stay in our impermanent family forever."

Dozens of ten powerful people deal with two, which is a white and miserable disadvantage.

But the ghost practitioners who watched the War didn't think so.

If the soul detaining clan doesn't use the inheritance secret treasure, I'm afraid it's not Bai miserable's opponent with the Banshee Xiu.

"Do it!"

"Take their souls!"

Soul Dan drank softly.

Subsequently, dozens of powerful people of the soul arrest clan directly displayed their strongest killing moves and bombarded Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue.

Although only a few of these strong people have understood the profound meaning of soul arrest, even the strong in the field can only avoid the combined attack power.

But Luo Tianxue and Bai miserable are not afraid of this means against the soul.

The powerful attack of the soul detaining family smashed the space and made Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue stand in the void.

Looking at their face without waves, hundan and other strong people know that their attack can't help them.

"Hell, how strong are their souls? Why doesn't it work?"

At this time, Bai miserable opened his mouth, "it's impolite to come but not to go. Snow, hammer them down!"

"Well, brother Bai, let's come together."

After that, Luo Tianxue turned into a golden light and rushed to the strong ones of the soul arrest clan. Bai miserable also broke out a huge soul attack to keep up with him.

Seeing Bai miserable and their attack, soul Dan was frightened and shouted, "be careful, attack their flesh together."

If the means against the soul are useless, we can only retreat and take the second place and attack the two human bodies.

They don't believe it. Dozens of ten powerful people hold the best ghost Zun, but they can't beat two ten powerful people.

If this doesn't work, we can only use the inheritance ghost device.

In fact, Luo Tianxue can hang them all, let alone add a white tragedy.

When they attack, they directly show their powerful attack.

Especially Luo Tianxue, they finally realized the pain of black and white impermanence.

This Banshee Xiu is simply an invincible monster, with terrible flesh, terrible strength and strong soul. It can be said that there is no weakness.

After only half a day of fighting, more than half of the ten powerful people of the soul arrest family lost their combat effectiveness in an instant.

"Roar! Ghost skeleton ancestor, these two monsters are too strong. Use the inheritance ghost device quickly."

Soul Dan roared.

The ghost practitioners watching the war were all amazed by Luo Tianxue's strong combat power. Bai miserable's performance was good, but the means of immortality was too strange.

"Even if it is the owner of invincible India, it is just this kind of combat power!"

The ghost repair of the older generation looked at Luo Tianxue and said in a trembling voice.

The ghost skeleton, the ancestor of the soul arresting clan, directly took out the soul arresting rope of the big ghost Taoist instrument.

This is a ghost device specially binding the soul, and it is targeted. Once targeted, it is difficult to escape.

Seeing the ghost skeleton take out the ghost device, Bai miserable's soul sends a message to Luo Tianxue, "Tianxue, you withdraw first!"

Although Luo Tianxue is strong, she also knows that with the power of her soul, she can't stop the attack of ghost weapons.

So Luo Tianxue broke the space and evacuated from the void without saying a word.

"Where to escape!"

"Tie it up for me, arrest the soul!"


With a fierce wave of his hand, the soul skeleton released the power of Taoist patterns, turned into boundless Taoist light, and instantly appeared around Luo Tianxue across the space, and then tied the past.

"I can't hide!"

Luo Tianxue was dignified.

Bai miserable is in a hurry and is ready to take out the landlord's ghost talisman to frighten the soul detaining clan!

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