The Lord of Fengdu ghost town, Fengdu king, came out of the gate of hell.

I saw that the king of Fengdu was a little similar to the king of the ten halls, but the king of Fengdu was more powerful, and the king of Fengdu was also an entity dead spirit.

"It's you, Beiyin kid!"

Starling said directly.

It turned out that a long time ago, Starling had seen the king of Fengdu, but at that time it was still a dead spirit condensed by the ghost gate master. It was not called the king of Fengdu, but Beiyin.

It was specially refined by the ghost sect leader to play with a baby girl.

"A rabbit, yes, it's me. Now I'm the ghost sect leader, who is responsible for guarding Fengdu king here!"

Then the king of Fengdu spoke bluntly to Bai miserable and said, "Bai miserable, I've been ordered by the ghost sect leader to attract countless creatures to break through the gates of the ghost and refine countless dead spirits, just waiting for you."


Bai miserable was dignified.

Previously, it was known from the black ghost that the Fengdu ghost town existed since ancient times and its origin was a mystery, but there should be no so-called ghost gate legend at that time.

In other words, later, I don't know when, there was a legend of ghost gate in Fengdu ghost town: those who pass can be eternal step by step.

Unexpectedly, the gate of hell was laid out for white tragedy.

Now it seems that it is indeed a step of eternity, but it is just an eternal ghost.

King Fengdu looked at Luo Tianxue in surprise, and then continued to talk to Bai miserable:

"You must have absorbed the nine turn soul breaking soup refined by the landlord, and your soul has been materialized, but it's not enough, it's almost enough."

"The ghost sect leader once said, Bai miserable, your soul is the only one in the world, and you need to absorb countless souls to Yin. At that time, you can awaken all living beings, so that your body and soul can be integrated and transformed into immortal souls."

"The dead spirit is the soul of the most Yin condensed by the ghost gate through the huangquan River and the Nai River Bridge."

After listening to Fengdu king, Starling suddenly realized.

"It's no wonder that in those days, the ghost sect leader would specially refine the two strange anti track devices of huangquan River and Naihe bridge, and there were not many attacks. I thought the ghost sect leader really refined two toys for a baby girl."

"For a long time, I just wanted to get brother Bai some extremely Yin soul. It's too pit rabbit. It's estimated that a baby girl has also been calculated by the ghost sect leader."

"A baby girl is a special extremely Yin body. When playing, it is estimated that he Tong and Meng Po have absorbed a lot of this extremely Yin force, so that the creatures passing through the huangquan River and Naihe bridge can become Yin bodies, so as to condense the dead spirits of the soul of Yin!"

Fengdu King appreciated, "it's powerful. It's worthy of being a rabbit. You know the secret at once."

At this time, Bai Nai said seriously, "King Fengdu, do you know why the ghost sect leader does this? What's the meaning of being immortal souls for a sect? And how do you know that I will absorb jiuzhuan soul breaking soup?"

"Sorry, I don't know why the ghost sect leader did this, but what I can tell you is that the ghost sect leader and old man daopeng set up this bureau together, which is why the sect leader allowed old man daopeng to exist in the tianwu world."

"Well, Bai miserable, I can only say so much, and you can only do so. Even if you are unwilling, we will let you enter the gate of hell and absorb the dead spirits refined in Fengdu ghost city for countless years."

Fengdu king said truthfully.


Bai miserable's eyes were dignified.

The more experience, the more Bai miserable finds that everything seems to have been arranged.

Is it a sect leader, or old man daopeng, or old man Tiandao, or even a more supreme existence?

All this, Bai miserable, is still unknown.

But Bai miserable didn't care too much. Anyway, he had enough to live. When he finished what he wanted to do, even if it was a big situation, he would settle down.

"Brother Bai, do you want to deal with it together?"

Luo Tianxue naturally stands on Bai miserable's side.

"That's not necessary. It's a good thing. I have no reason to refuse."

Bai miserably smiled.

Then Bai miserably looked at the king of Fengdu, "I can just step into the gate of hell?"

"Of course!"

Feng Du Wang nodded.

So, without saying a word, Bai miserable directly stepped into the gate of hell and came to the gate of hell.

Suddenly, the gate of hell opened wide, releasing a cold light, forming a terrible vortex of the dead, and all the dead in Fengdu ghost city were swallowed up.

Rivers gathered by countless dead people pour into the gate of hell. Its spectacular degree is rare in the world.

Of course, these dead rivers are finally absorbed by the white miserable soul in the gate of death.

Bai miserable can clearly see that his soul is quietly changing.

The soul of the original entity is gradually transforming into crystal, and a trace of yin and cold force is constantly blooming with strange light.

The dark green energy also strangely releases strange light, as if it changes rhythmically with the change of Bai miserable soul.

Five hundred years later!

When Bai miserable's soul completely crystallized, the gate of hell released Bai miserable.

White miserable, quickly check the changes of your soul to see if you have increased your strength.

But what makes Bai miserable vomit blood is that his soul power has weakened and become the power of the early days of heaven, which is the same as when he first came here?

I've seen a pit father. I've never seen such a pit father.

Obviously absorbed the essence of the nine turn soul soup, the soul is materialized, and the strength of the soul is comparable to the ten powerful.

Now it's better to absorb countless souls of Yin, crystallize the soul, and the power of the soul returns directly to before liberation.

"Fengdu king, you fucking tell me, why is the power of my soul weakened?"

Make complaints about the way.

"When you are baptized by the dead, your soul changes. Only when you break through the realm of destiny, you can naturally integrate your body and soul, so as to begin to improve the power of your soul. Before that, your soul power can only remain the same."

Feng Du Wang explained.


Bai miserable vomited blood in his heart.

In other words, relying on their own strength, they can at most give play to the strength of the three powerful people in physical cultivation.

cheat your papa!

It seems that we will have to rely on starlings in the future.

no way!

We have to find the blades of the five elements Zhentian Dao and other sacred objects as soon as possible.


Bai miserably looked at his realm of Dharma practice and found that he had broken through the initial realm of Ying soul.

Is this a consolation award?

"I have finished what the ghost gate master told me. The huangquan River, Naihe bridge and ghost gate will return to the endless world."

After King Fengdu said it, Guimenguan, huangquan River and Naihe bridge turned into three streamers and disappeared.

"A rabbit, I hope you return to a door early."

The river boy shouted before he disappeared.


Starling despised.

"Don't you go back?"

Bai miserable looked at Fengdu king in doubt.

"I suspect that the dead wood ghost saint has rebelled. I want to stay and investigate his situation so as not to cause great disasters."

Fengdu king said solemnly.

"I see. By the way, King Fengdu, do you have a female descendant who let the yecha family abduct the Gaodi of the Luocha family?"

Bai asked.



Fengdu King replied directly.

"Well, let's leave first."

Bai miserable turned and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait, Bai miserable, I want to ask you a favor."

The king of Fengdu suddenly stopped Bai miserable.


Bai miserable looked at Fengdu King suspiciously. He didn't know what else he could do for him.

"Ox head, horse face!"

The king of Fengdu shouted.

Two solid spirits without feet floated out from the ground of the ghost hall, "meet the king of Fengdu!"

Then king Fengdu looked at Bai miserable and asked:

"Bai miserable, if you want to investigate the dead wood ghost saint, you have to enter the forbidden area of the dead wood holy land. The dead in Fengdu ghost city will be found if we get close, but it's different if you help."

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