"I have to confirm whether Tian Wen is safe and sound."

Bai miserable thought for a moment, and then said compromise.

The dead wood ghost Saint showed a satisfied smile. He had expected Bai miserable to make this request. Therefore, he had asked people to recover Tian Wen's injury in advance.

Soon, Tian Wen was taken to the dead wood grave by a strong man in the eternal environment.

Seeing Tian Wen, Bai Zhen exclaimed, "Tian Wen, how are you? Have they done anything to you?"

"Brother Bai, it's really you. I can still see you. I'll die without regret."

Tian Wen was imprisoned and couldn't pass by Bai miserable. She could only cry.

She knows how strong these ghosts are. She doesn't want Bai miserable to be imprisoned.

"Brother Bai, leave me alone. These ghosts are too strong to fight."

The dead wood ghost Saint directly imprisoned Tian Wen and made him unable to speak. Then he looked at Bai miserable with a wicked smile, "Jie... Bai miserable, you have also seen people. How should you choose?"

"I have one more condition!"

Said Bai miserably.

"What conditions?"

The dead wood ghost Saint squinted at Bai miserable.

"I can send troops to the ghost city, but you have to give me the Shengmu artifact in the coffin of the dead wood ghost king."

Bai miserable said impolitely.

"Shengmu artifact?"

The dead wood ghost saint was stunned for a moment. He dared to look pale and miserable. The surprised look just now was not only seeing the dead wood ghost King's body, but also discovering the Shengmu artifact.

"Good boy, you have sharp eyes. No problem. After the successful attack on Fengdu ghost city, Tian Wen and Shengmu artifacts will be given to you."

In fact, the dead wood ghost saint can't get the sacred thing of Shengmu. The coffin for burying the dead wood ghost king was made by the ghost door owner himself, and even he can't open it.

The reason why the dead wood ghost Saint promised Bai miserable so readily is just a delaying plan. He doesn't intend to let Bai miserable go after seizing the gate of hell.

"It's a deal. When you attack Fengdu ghost city, you should take Tian Wen and I'll take my friend away."

Bai miserable said seriously.

"That's not good. Your friend has to stay, but when attacking Fengdu ghost city, you can choose one of them. I can release one of them. The remaining one will have to be released after attacking Fengdu ghost city."

Seeing that the dead wood ghost saint is so insidious, Bai miserable really wants to beat him up.

"Brother Bai, it doesn't matter if I stay. Don't worry about your business. I'll be fine."

Luo Tianxue gave Bai miserable a reassurance.

Bai miserably nodded, then said to the dead wood ghost Saint gloomily, "you'd better be kind to them. If I find any of them damaged, don't blame me for letting the strong ghost city fight directly against you. At that time, even if you win, you have to face the anger of the landlord brother."


The withered wood ghost saint has a blue vein on his forehead. This is the first time he has been threatened. "He is worthy of being a king level genius. Bai miserable. You have seed. This is settled. You can go. They will eat and drink well!"

"Xiao Wen, Xiao Luo, feel at ease to wait here for some time, and I will come back to save you."

After saying that, Bai miserable directly turned and left the dead wood grave.

When Bai miserable leaves, she catches Tian Wen's strong man and releases Tian Wen. Tian Wen stays directly with Luo Tianxue.

"Master, do you think Bai Yan will let the landlord come forward to save people directly, or will he pit us and let the strong in the ghost market turn against us at that time?"

Said the eternal strongman worried.

"I want everyone to know about this attack on Fengdu ghost town. He wants to pit us in vain, and we can't do it."

"Because the whole ghost world is on our side."

"This time, as long as we get the gate of hell, we can directly leave the heaven ghost world and let me fly from now on!"

The dead wood ghost Saint seems to see a bright future, and everything is as he wishes.

Since becoming a dark chess of the Lord of the dark sky Avenue, the dead wood ghost saint has been committed to cultivating his confidants and strong people, accumulating strength and waiting for opportunities.

Finally, I accumulated enough strength and waited for a great opportunity, that is, the emergence of the legend of the ghost gate!

A long time ago, I attacked Fengdu ghost town, but I wasn't fully prepared and ended in failure, and I didn't even see the ghost gate.

Some time ago, I made another secret attack. Although I also failed, I successfully saw the ghost gate. Through the means taught to me by the Lord of Heitian Avenue, I also confirmed that the ghost gate is the original imperial weapon of the ghost gate Lord.

After recovering from the original injury, the dead wood ghost Saint also contacted the Lord of Heitian avenue through Dahua dark Scripture. The Lord of Heitian Avenue also promised himself that he would arrange everything. As long as the dead wood ghost Saint attacked the ghost gate again, he would inform him.

The Lord of Heitian Avenue will launch the means of the family of heaven to directly seize the gate of hell, and then take the dead wood ghost saint and others to return to the boundary of heaven and give him a huge reward.

Therefore, this time, the dead wood ghost saint is ready to use the whole heaven ghost world to give Fengdu ghost city a huge impact, and then let him reach the gate of hell again.


The realm of heaven!

Six heavenly masters gathered together.

"Dark day, are you sure that the ghost gate is 100% the original life emperor's weapon of the ghost gate master?"

The Lord of heaven Avenue still doesn't believe it.

If it is really so simple that we can win the life emperor's weapon of the ghost sect leader, the ghost sect leader can't deal with them for so many times.

"The first time I passed the dead wood ghost saint to confirm that there is nothing wrong with the gate of hell. You also know that Dahua dark heavenly classic is my life skill. Other people's cultivation will only become a part of me."

"Although I don't directly control the dead wood ghost saint, I can also sense the authenticity of the ghost gate's imperial weapon."

The main opening of Heitian Avenue.

"That's good. I hope our move will succeed this time."

The Lord of Qingtian Avenue said faintly.

"Wait, when the dead wood ghost Saint arrives in front of the gate of hell, you will directly control him in the dark, confirm it, and then sacrifice this part, and we will fight together to win the gate of hell."

The Lord of Huangtian Avenue said seriously.

"But what if we find that we have been cheated, not the real ghost gate, but the means of the ghost gate master to force us to show up?"

The Lord of the daytime Avenue analyzed it very rationally.

"Wuliangtian Buddha, if it is false, it is life. We can only lose this dark chess. If we want to open up the current situation, we can only find a breakthrough. Who makes our ninth generation tiandaozi missing so far!"

The master of extreme Lotte Avenue put his hands together.

"Only so."

Then, the six heavenly masters closed their eyes and waited for the dead wood ghost saint to attack Fengdu ghost city!


At this time, Bai miserable went out of the dead wood holy land and joined up with wuxinzi.

"Hmm? Young master, why did you come back alone?"

Lu Yinxi asked curiously.

"Let's go to ghost city first. I'll tell you more on the way!"

When they learned that the dead wood ghost Saint had detained Luo Tianxue and Tian Wen, forced Bai miserable to go to the ghost city and asked the strong in the ghost city to help the dead wood ghost Saint attack Fengdu ghost city, they were surprised.

"Brother Bai, why is the dead wood ghost Saint so determined to attack Fengdu ghost city?"

Heartless children don't understand.

"It's a long story. If I guess right, the purpose of the dead wood ghost saint is to pass the gate of death. As for why, I don't know."

Bai miserable said.

After staying away from the dead wood holy land, the ox head and horse face motioned Bai miserable to let them out.

Bai miserable stopped and released the ox head and horse face in mid air.

"Two elders, did you find anything in the dead wood grave?"

Niu Touma nodded, "we are the dead, and we can feel the special power most. In addition to the pure power of ghost Taoist patterns, the dead wood tomb is also full of an extremely subtle dark power, which is very obscure and almost invisible to ordinary people, but we can feel that this power does not belong to the six realms, that is, it is likely to be the power of the family of heaven."


Bai miserable narrowed his eyes and said deeply, "it seems that the dead wood ghost Saint may be a dark chess of heaven and man. Two predecessors, please give this tone stone to Fengdu king. I want the ghost city and Fengdu ghost city to work together!"

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