The beast king

Located in the beast mountain range, it is a paradise for beasts, fierce beasts and monsters. It is composed of hundreds of thousands of mountain peaks and stretches continuously.

Although the beast king sect cannot allow outsiders to enter at will, the gatekeeper dared not ask more about the people brought by the only daughter of the sect leader.

"Father... I'm back..."

Yao Ritian, who was instructing the strongest core disciples of the three sects on the way to train animals, smelled the voice of his beloved daughter and stopped teaching.

"Ah, ha ha... My good daughter came back from distraction..."

"Father, lian'er misses you so much..."

When Yao Bilian saw several senior brothers, she also greeted them one by one.

"Elder martial brother Mo, do you miss me?"

Mo Xuanyu grunted and couldn't easily say miss to Yao Bilian, otherwise she would be miserable if she depended on herself

You know, Yao Bilian almost confessed to the disciples above the sect.

"Alas... I missed my younger martial sister, but how can I do it wholeheartedly? Unlike younger martial brother Nanfeng, I talk about enjoying the flowers and the moon and reciting poems against my younger martial sister every night..."


The Nanfeng Ye nearby took a breath of air-conditioning and lay in the trough. Elder martial brother, do you pit me

"Really? Elder martial brother Nanfeng..."

Looking at Yao Bilian with blurred eyes, Nanfeng Ye's heart beats wildly. If the younger martial sister proposes to marry and the patriarch makes the decision, he really wants to cry without tears

"Younger martial sister Yao, elder martial brother, that's not true. Although I want to see all the flowers and moons with younger martial sister, I'm still too obsessed. To tell you the truth, I like women. Unlike the third martial brother, I'm a single-minded infatuated man recognized by the beast king sect..."


Tianduyun looked at the two shameless senior brothers. It seemed that he didn't make some sacrifices. He was afraid it was dangerous.

Don't you see the patriarch looking at himself, like looking at his son-in-law's eyes

If you don't make a statement, your life will be completely dark!

"Younger martial sister, yes, I'm very specific, but you don't know. In fact, I really don't like women... Do you... Know what I mean?"


Mo Xuanyu and Nan Fengye admire each other. Tianduyun did this to avoid being liked by Yao Bilian. Elder martial brother, I admire you

There was a black line on Yao Ritian's face. These three calves dared to bury their daughter like this. I won't find a chance to clean you up.

"Three senior brothers, in fact, you don't have to do this. Bilian used to be small and ignorant. Now Bilian has grown up..."


Yao Ritan and others were confused about Yao Bilian's words

Yao Bilian half covered her face. While secretly looking at Bai miserable, she said shyly, "hee hee... I'm ashamed... I'm interested in someone..."

At this time, the four people noticed Bai miserable brought back by Bilian. At the moment, Bai miserable looked around and saw everyone looking at themselves. Bai miserable smiled and nodded Hello!

The four people were shocked at the same time. Yao Bilian said that the right person would not be... This... Young man, right? You are a stranger. Are you an external disciple?

The three talented core disciples could not help but cast a grateful look at Bai miserable and said in their hearts: "brother, you are so great. You have saved countless disciples of the beast king sect. You must have a drink with you when you have the opportunity..."

Bai miserable looked at the strange eyes of several people and didn't react for a moment.

Yao Ritian coughed twice and asked suspiciously, "lian'er, this is..."

"Ah... Forgot to introduce, father, this is Bai miserable. He is so powerful... He tamed Jingba..."


Yao Bilian raised Jingba in her arms. "Father, it's this dog. Its name is Jingba."


A few people looked at Jingba. Isn't this a very ordinary dog? It's not even a one-star beast. It's at most a pet dog... External disciples can tame this kind of dog, OK!

Looking at the strange eyes of several people, Yao Bilian was worried, "no, brother Bai is really good at taming animals and can speak animal language... Anyway, I think brother Bai is better than you three. You can't teach me. Brother Bai can let me tame Jingba..."


After Yao Bilian said this, the three disciples were not happy. Although they were very grateful to Bai miserable for attracting Bilian, they had never seen anyone better than them in the way of animal training.

Can you speak animal language? This can only be achieved by training animals to a very high level. He can't do it. Yao Ritian shakes his head. It is estimated that his daughter is fascinated by him.

I can't help but look at Bai miserable. What can you speak animal language? It's learning dog barking

"Brother Bai, just in time, there is a nine star fierce beast purple eye wind wolf here. Can you let me see brother Bai's beast training method?" Tiandu cloud mocked.

The beasts in tianwu world are divided into beasts, fierce beasts and monsters.

Beasts and fierce beasts can't absorb the source Qi of heaven and earth to cultivate. Demon beasts have demon pills in their bodies to cultivate.

One to five stars are fierce beasts, and six to nine stars are fierce beasts. They correspond to those who fight in the nine territories the day after tomorrow. Demon beasts are divided into one to ten levels.

"This... In fact... I really don't know how to train animals... I met a blind cat with a dead mouse..."

Bai miserable really can't tame animals. He can tame Jingba. It's pure that Jingba is a dog and can communicate with it.

The nine star fierce beast tied on the ground is similar to a huge fierce wolf. It looks very fierce. It's really not a level

"As a disciple of the beast king sect, you should not be afraid of challenges and move forward bravely before you can become a strong man!"

Yao Ritian was very dissatisfied. If it hadn't been for his daughter, he would have driven Bai miserable out of the sect.

"Elder... I'm not a disciple of the beast king sect... I just came to visit with Bilian..."


I've been working for a long time. I'm not a disciple of the sect. Do you dare to run inside our sect? Women don't stay

Yao Ritan looked at Yao Bilian with a grudge on his face. Are you here to pit your father? Do you bring a stranger into the practice room to reveal our sect's secret method?

"Bold... It's not the sect disciple who intrudes into our sect's practice room to be killed in the town!"

Mo Xuanyu scolded.

"Ah? No..."

As soon as Yao Bilian heard that she wanted to kill Bai miserable, she immediately begged, "father, don't kill Bai miserable. Just let him join the zongmen."


"Can the sect accept people at will? Talent and identity need to be tested..."

"Well, father, just check it..."

Poof... Women don't stay!

Yao Ritian looked at Bai miserable depressed. "Boy, for the sake of Bilian's face, don't say that Ben Zong won't give you a chance. First, you swear to heaven: never betray the beast king Zong; second, I will personally test your talent. As long as you have a little martial arts talent, you can enter our beast king Zong."

This is Yao Ritian's big flood. The beast king sect has no factotum disciples. Generally, even the worst external disciples are required to reach the later stage of the first realm of skin and bone the day after tomorrow before the age of 10.

From Yesi's memory, the beast king sect is far more powerful than Qingyang sect. It is one of the five major sects in Yunwu continent.

If you practice here, you may grow up quickly. When you step on genius, embrace left and right, and reach the peak of your life... Think about it, you feel that the future is bright.

"No problem. I swear by the way of heaven that I will never betray the beast king!"

As soon as Bai miserable made an oath of heaven, a dense cloud appeared on his head and soon disappeared.

Yao Ritian saw the completion of the oath of heaven, "OK, it's really forthright... In line with the temperament of this sect. Next, it's OK to routinely check the physique and talent of martial arts."

With a generous big hand and a white tragedy spirit cover, Yao Ritian controls the source gas of heaven and earth and explores the physical talent of white tragedy

After a while, Yao Ritian, who was originally smiling, gradually became compact, then looked shocked and directly burst into rude language.

"I'll go... Boy, what a waste of your constitution. There are infinite impurities in your body, blocked muscles and veins, and poor Qi and blood. Don't look. You can't break through the skin and bones in your life."


"Daughter, father can't help you. Prepare to collect his body!"

Since she is a waste material, and her daughter was cheated by him with a dog, she can only kill a hundred.

Feel Yao Ritian's murderous spirit towards the messenger, and Jingba barks wildly

"Jingba, don't call... I'll come to you after I die..."

Jingba looked at Bai miserable in horror... Emissary, are you serious? You come to me after you die, dog, I'm afraid

"Hmm? I can really communicate with dogs!"

Yao Ritian's eyes narrowed. "Boy, don't say that our sect bullies the small with big ones. I'll give you another chance. As long as you can tame this nine star fierce beast, we will make an exception and accept you as our disciple... If you can't tame it, it will become its Chinese food!"

"The sky is full of clouds. Untie the purple eye wind wolf!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Yao Bilian said to Bai miserable, "brother Bai, you must do it for me..."

Bai miserable looked at the grinning purple eyed wind wolf and could only try. He hoped that the new body could communicate with it, otherwise he would have to wait for rebirth.

After Tiandu cloud untied, the others stood aside, leaving Bai miserable and purple eyed wind wolf looking at each other.

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