Although Ba Shenzong strictly ordered not to divulge the news that Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue came to the divine world, they still couldn't stand Bai miserable's previous high-profile wave, which made the news leaked out in advance.

On the way that Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue are on their way to the prophet Dharma family, it is widely said that Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue have come to the god world.

Imperial family!

Referred to as the emperor's family, it is one of the inheritance forces of the God King in the heaven and God world!

The emperor family of this generation has produced two monster level talents, Emperor I and Emperor Wuji!

Since emperor Wuji was defeated by the King Kong witch Bilian for the invincible seal in the extraordinary world, he has been hiding his power and cultivating seriously to win the invincible seal challenge in the future.

But emperor Wuji still failed

The invincible seal challenge in the British soul realm was brutally abused by Yan invincible!

Recently, the invincible seal of shenzun territory (heaven soul territory) was challenged and was hanged by Tu Tian invincible. It can be said that it was extremely miserable and was hit.

Emperor Yi blamed Bai miserable for his failure in courting Luo Tianxue. He was gnashing his teeth at Bai miserable.

Now that Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue have come to the god world, Emperor Yi decides to take God Wuji to find Bai miserable trouble and let the little brother, Emperor Wuji, go to relax.

"Bai miserable, look, I won't let you lose your reputation!"

"Luo Tianxue, you are destined to be my woman!"

The emperor's eyes released bursts of divine light.


The Heavenly Southern Gate!

There is no monster genius in the younger generation, but there is a monster genius Nan Tianao in the middle-aged and young generation!

He learned that there were four king level geniuses in this era because of the guandaoshan incident. He had long wanted to abuse these so-called King level geniuses. Let the world see that the so-called King level geniuses are all dregs in front of his Nan Tianao!

Now the opportunity has come. Two king level talents have formed a team to the god world. How can Nan Tianao let go.


The battle of Nantian Ao is very big. I want to find Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue. I plan to shock the world in the first World War!

Of course, not only the two great gods' inheritance forces, but also the top talents of the six great gods' inheritance forces of Huoshen Valley, Wuliang Kingdom, Tianji gate, Juling mountain, fantianzong and yuxuzong also flock to challenge Bai miserable and become famous in the first World War!

The prophets!

The patriarch Zhong xuanmei has learned that Bai miserable has come to the divine world.

Fortunately, little prophet and Dahan went to roast chicken wings behind closed doors. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a lot of chicken flying and dogs jumping.

In order to let the little prophet roast chicken wings at ease, oh, no, it's cultivation. Zhong xuanmei specially asked someone to send the little prophet many wings of various monsters.

And told the seven sons not to let the little prophet know that Bai miserable had come to the divine world.

Qizi also made a military order, saying that he would never let sledgehammer know.

Once the sledgehammer finds his young master, he will run away with Bai miserable.

Then there will be no little prophets in the prophet family.


There is no struggle in the divine world, little west sky!

This is an extremely comfortable and peaceful place.

Although monsters and beasts emerge in endlessly here, practitioners of all realms often haunt here.

However, both monsters and practitioners living here coexist peacefully, are vegetarian and do not kill.

What's more strange is that the strong here still forbid seven emotions and six desires, practice wholeheartedly, and take it as their own duty to help others to be good. It's very strange!

Some people say that it was once a holy land of Buddhism, which led to the influence of Buddhist Commandments on the people here. Up to now, it has also maintained the habits of Buddhism.

Some people also say that it is the mysterious Buddha in Xiaoxitian who is influencing people's behavior here.

It is said that a Buddha will be born every once in a while to take charge of Xiaoxitian.

However, the Buddha will not break through to the eternal realm, but will sit and wait for the end of his life to pass away and turn into a mysterious golden pearl.

Because each generation of Buddhas is called the relic Buddha, and the golden beads transformed by Gu Buddhas are called the relic.

The next generation of Buddhists will devour the relics to inherit the inheritance of the previous generation of Buddhists and continue to carry forward the just Taoism!

From generation to generation!

This is the biggest unsolved mystery in the divine world!

But no one knows why.

Even if the strong man in the eternal realm of the divine world has seen the Buddha, he can't see any clue, and can't detect anything wrong, so he will let it go.

The Buddhas of this generation are very young and fat, like a Maitreya Laughing Buddha, giving people a sense of relaxation and joy like a spring breeze.

In the forbidden area of Xiaoxitian, Buddha Taoist temple!

Only Buddha can step into the Taoist field here!

Only the Buddha can open it. Even the God sect leader can't find this path field!

At this time, the Buddha was respectful and knelt down, and in front of him was the extremely happy projection of one of the six heavenly masters of the heavenly family.

Previously, Ji Lotte had shown the image to the Buddha.

Of course, it is to show the true face of Luo Tianxue.

Although Luo Tianxue was wearing an ice lotus mask at that time, the Lord of Heitian Avenue could easily see Luo Tianxue's true face.

Buddha has also made some gains quickly these days. He knows that the object that blissful day wants him to kill is Luo Tianxue, the first saint in the demon world!

Now that Luo Tianxue and Bai miserable have come to the divine world, the Buddha naturally comes to this Taoist temple to contact extremely happy days.

"Wuliangtian Buddha, since Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue have come to the divine world, do it according to your idea. As long as the result, Ben Buddha will kill Luo Tianxue. If he can't, he should also collect all the information about Luo Tianxue!"

Extremely happy day said seriously.

The Buddha also gently praised the Buddha's name and said, "limitless Buddha, please follow the gist of the great Lotte Avenue!"

Then, the Buddha went out of the Buddha Taoist field, looked into the distance, smiled and said, "it's time for the world to see the boundless Buddha. The Buddha's combat power should be unparalleled in the world!"

After that, the Buddha began to start from two aspects according to his own deployment.

First, send someone to TIANYAO world to collect Luo Tianxue's detailed information. Second, I will go to find Luo Tianxue in person and kill Luo Tianxue in the name of challenge!

Of course, the Buddha can't blatantly reveal his whereabouts before he finds Luo Tianxue.

After all, he has a special identity. Buddhas of all dynasties have never stepped out of the small western sky since ancient times. Once they get out of the small western sky, they will certainly attract the attention of the strong in the divine world.


At this time, Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue have reached the territory of the prophet FA family.

Compared with other forces, the place where the prophet FA family is located is full of natural flavor.

Even palaces are based on terrain, mountains and rivers, and try to fit man with nature as much as possible.

The whole prophet family is more like a paradise, which is yearning for.

When Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue come to an invisible barrier, Bai miserable knows that this is the guardian barrier that the prophet FA family forbids outsiders to enter.

So Bai miserable shouted, "I'm Bai miserable. I'm here today to pay a special visit to the prophet FA clan!"

The patriarch Zhong xuanmei was flustered when she learned that Bai miserable was coming.

That won't work!

We have to find a way to stop Bai miserable from meeting with sledgehammer. The little prophet can't leave the prophet FA family.

Zhong xuanmei quickly ordered people to release the news: Bai miserable has come to the prophet FA family.

In this way, the monster genius who wants to challenge Bai miserable will naturally surge.

At that time, Bai miserable will have to deal with these talents.

Then, Zhong xuanmei ordered people to take Bai miserable to a hall far away from the place where the sledgehammer was closed for cultivation.

Not long ago, Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue came to the hall and met the four older generation monster level talents of the prophet FA family.

Sitting on the throne is the patriarch Zhong xuanmei. The remaining three are the second Zhong Xuanyin, the third Zhong Xuanhong and the fourth Zhong xuanwang. These three are Zhong xuanmei's brothers!

The four strong men gathered here to hold Bai miserable.

After looking at Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue for a while, Zhong xuanmei smiled and said, "I'm the head of the prophet FA family. Are you the king level geniuses Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue?"

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