Bai miserable was covered with black lines and grabbed Bai Meng dog.

The white cute dog smiled obscene and seemed to fall into a dream.

The brain is white and painful, and the backhand is to slap it twice.

Pa Pa!

Finally let it wake up from the color dream.

"Color dog, don't pretend to be dizzy. Answer my questions before."

Baimeng dog suddenly became dignified, turned 720 degrees in the air, landed on the ground with a perfect face, and the scene was silent for a time.

Without any embarrassment, baimeng dog, a carp rolled up, "cough! I'm the world dog and the guardian dog of the virgin peak. Everything here belongs to me."

"That's not a watchdog!"

Bai miserable despised a sentence in his heart, and then shouted, "don't talk nonsense, talk about the point."

"Young Lang, don't worry, and let me talk carefully..."

The color dog finally began to seriously tell the secret of the virtual heaven.

The age of heavenly Buddha!

The strong Buddha of the heavenly family, who wants to spread all living beings, came to the divine world to preach Buddhism and Taoism.

It was the only extremely special era, an era without war.

Because the heavenly Buddha wants to transform the world and prohibit the heavenly family from waging jihad.

As a result, the six realms have been able to cultivate students and recuperate, ushering in a bright golden era, and a large number of Tianjiao have emerged.

Even the six circles took advantage of this armistice opportunity to send five top strongmen secretly to the Great Western Heaven, the holy land of Tianzhi Buddhism, to spy on intelligence.

The virtual heaven was built at that time. As for which strong man built it, no one knows.

People living in the virtual heaven are basically believers of Buddhism.

"Wait, how can the heavenly Buddha forbid the heavenly family to launch Jihad? What is the Jihad of the heavenly family?"

Bai miserable interrupted and asked.

"Young man, you have a deep problem. I can't remember until your woman touches my dog's head."


Bai miserable had to let Luo Tianxue touch the dog's head with a black face.

"I remember, because... Master tianfo is the second generation of tiandaozi of Tianzhi family. The whole Tianzhi family has to obey him. In fact, it's no secret. It's well known in the days of tianfo!"

Baimeng dog suddenly revealed a shocking secret.


"The heavenly Buddha is the second generation of Tiandao son of the heavenly family. Will the heavenly family still obey him?"

White miserable scalp numb.

He thought of a terrible possibility, that is, the practitioners of Taoism in all dynasties are the son of heaven, including himself.

Bai miserably suddenly remembered what the barbarian beast said to himself in the tianwu battlefield of the tianwu world. Maybe it didn't scold itself as a pig, but wanted to say "you are the Lord!"

"What is the origin of that old man Tiandao?"

"Why would he be the son of the heavenly Tao of the heavenly family?"

"It seems that the so-called practitioners of the Tao are not really making up for the defects of the Tao of heaven as the old man said. There must be a bigger secret."

Bai miserable thought of it in his heart.

Baimeng dog gestured to Luo Tianxue to continue touching his dog's head, and then continued: "nonsense, the family of heaven exists for the sake of tiandaozi. If they don't obey tiandaozi, do they obey you?"

"As for the Jihad of the heavenly family, I don't know. I only know that heaven and man have been shouting the slogan of Jihad only heaven. Their purpose is also very simple. They destroy the last six worlds. As for why, I don't know."

Bai miserably dignified and kept the words of the colored dog in his heart.

Now my strength is weak. If the Taoist is the son of the heavenly family, I must not reveal my secret.

Otherwise, it is estimated that all the strong in the six realms will kill themselves.

As for whether a master of six gates knows his secret, Bai miserable guesses that he should not know.

Otherwise they wouldn't be indifferent to themselves.

Although Bai miserable is curious, when will a sect leader leave six Guardian forces to protect his soul.

But to be on the safe side, it's hard to say that the owner of one gate and six gates knows that he is the ninth generation. The reason for his indifference may be that there is some unknown layout.

Therefore, Bai miserable decided to break through to the destiny as soon as possible, awaken all living beings and improve his strength as soon as possible, so that he could live longer.

As long as you live enough, whatever the big guy's layout.

"Well, tell me something about the virtual heaven. Why can't we fly?"

"Who has the final say in the virtual sky? How can we get out?"

"Also, have you ever seen the blade of this treasure knife."

Bai miserable takes out the five elements Zhentian Dao and shows it to Bai Meng dog.

Baimeng dog sniffed and said faintly, "it's a very good treasure knife. There are countless treasures in the virtual world. Maybe there are blades of this treasure knife, but it needs the country Lord to know."


Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue look at Bai Meng dog curiously.

"There are prohibitions left by the powerful Buddha sect in the virtual heaven. Here, except for flying creatures, other creatures can't fly. This is the reason why the powerful Buddha sect left prohibitions at that time. In order to let the believers, men and women living here, practice Buddhism and Taoism in a down-to-earth manner."

"Now, the virtual heaven is in charge of each of the five Buddhist countries: Golden Buddha, wooden Buddha, water Buddha, fire Buddha, earth Buddha and water Buddha. Because there are only women, it is also called female Buddha."

"The virtual world of heaven can only take the initiative to enter, but can not take the initiative to leave. There is only one way to leave the virtual world of heaven. Only when the masters of the five great powers open Buddhism with the supreme Buddha seal at the same time can they leave the virtual world of heaven."

"And this saint's peak is the holy land of the female Buddhist country. The heads of female Buddhist countries of all dynasties will be baptized in the saint's pool at the top of this saint's peak. Only when the baptism is completed can they be regarded as the new generation of heads of female Buddhist countries."

"And this dog is the guardian animal of the saint daughter peak, the world dog!"

Bai Meng said proudly.

At this moment, Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue finally know the situation here.

It turns out that I have been walking around the holy land of female Buddha these days.

Fortunately, the creatures in the virtual heaven believe in the non killing way in Buddhism and Taoism. Otherwise, they will inevitably fight.

At this time, baimeng dog added:

"Young man, I forgot to remind you that men are not allowed to enter this female Buddhist country, especially this holy land. It is a capital crime to step in without the permission of the Lord."

"Although the people in the virtual heaven practice Buddhism and Taoism, they will also be judged by the Buddha if they violate the ban of the Buddha Kingdom and transcend to the bliss of the West sky."


Bai miserably said, "if you accidentally break into here, you have to make a judgment of the Buddha?"

"Of course, the five Buddhas have their own Buddha prohibitions. If they violate them, they can only enjoy euthanasia."

"But don't worry, young man. After you die, I'll take care of your woman for you. She'll be fine."

Baimeng dog suddenly looks at Luo Tianxue.


Bai miserable couldn't help but give it another punch, "Lust dog, disperse your wretched appearance to me."

"Hit me, hit me hard, and hit me as much as you can before the strong female Buddha finds out. This is your last life experience, namo Amitabha."

Bai Meng said that he didn't want to be beaten.


Bai miserable gave the colored dog another shoulder fall, and then prepared to go out of the virgin peak. At least he was found and could argue.

We must not offend the leaders of the five Buddhist countries, but also rely on them to use the five Buddha seals to open the Buddha door and leave the virtual heaven.

Of course, looking for the broken blade of the five element Zhentian Dao is also baimiserable's top priority.

Just then, a spirit bird was singing, and its voice rang through the virgin peak.

"Young Lang, you're finished. The patrol envoy of the female Buddhist kingdom is coming."

Bai Meng said leisurely with his mouth tilted.

Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue looked up at the sky

A small group of women wearing Buddha armor came majestically on the flying spirit beast golden wing black.

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