In the days to come, Bai miserable used the earth's method of love to give her a new love experience.

Picnic, play, making gifts, fancy romance and so on.

The most important thing is: buy!

In order not to attract the attention of female Buddhist nationals, Bai miserable specially made Chinese women's clothes as a gift to Luo Tianxue and Ximeng Qianyi.

And Bai miserable also made himself a set of women's clothes.

Then, wearing masks and Chinese women's clothes, they went out of the palace and played in the streets. The second daughter bought whatever she liked.

"I want the Buddha chain."


"I want the big Buddha chain."


The two girls are completely in love. They are very happy and compete with each other for peace.

As long as one of them buys something, the other should also buy something better, unless the store really doesn't have it.

The best law source stone and other good things on Bai miserable flowed out like water.

Just these days of purchase, let the white tragedy to the bottom.

But fortunately, Bai miserable can make a lot of money through treasure appraisal and other means, and can also offset the expenses, otherwise he will go bankrupt.

During the stroll in the Heavenly King City, Bai miserable also saw many strong people from the divine world to the virtual world.

Many of them violated the Buddha's prohibition and were arrested to implement the Buddha's ruling.

The strong who come here also slowly know the rules of the virtual heaven.

As long as you don't violate the Buddha's prohibition, everything else is easy to say.

However, the strong in the virtual world will not take the initiative to tell these outsiders about the Buddha ban. Therefore, collecting information about the Buddha ban has become the main purpose of the strong in the divine world.

Of course, there are also lawless strong people in the divine world who want to violently fight against the strong people in the Buddhist kingdom, and then there is no residue.

A month and a half passed quickly.

This morning!

Xi Mengqian came to Bai miserable with great interest, "Bai Lang, good news, great news."

Bai was surprised, "what's the good news?"

"Bai Lang, kiss me first and I'll tell you."

West dream thousand playfully pointed to his face and said.

Boo Hoo!

Bai miserable took a hard bite at ximengqian's face and kissed ximengqian's face red.

This month and a half, holding hands, kissing, hugging and holding high are also common.

Therefore, Bai miserable doesn't have much resistance.

Anyway, another month and a half will end this strange love period.

Fortunately, Luo Tianxue hasn't come yet, otherwise she will have to give her a big "Bo Ji".

"Well, Qianqian, come on, what's the good news?"

Bai miserable asked curiously.

"Bai Lang, you see, I found the broken blade of the treasure knife you asked me to find. The first generation of state leaders have recorded it. Do you think it's this?"

Xi Mengqian took out an ancient text picture and said.


Bai was pleasantly surprised. He quickly took the picture and looked at it.

This picture depicts the shape of a broken blade, which is dyed blue. In addition, this broken blade picture also renders the cold air. The painting is lifelike, as if the real product is presented in front of you. It gives people the feeling that this is a peerless cold blade with cold air.

"Brother Bai, it's lulu. I won't admit it."

Er Niu was surprised.

"Goo Goo... My sister Lulu, I haven't seen her for many years. I don't know if she is more watery. Wait and let brother Dabao give you a piece of ice like you and enthusiasm like me."

Dabao also screamed happily.

After being confirmed by Dabao and Erniu, Bai miserable immediately confirmed that Lulu was recorded in this ancient figure.

"Ah ha ha... What good news, Qianqian, I like you so much."

With that, Bai miserably hugged ximengqian and gave her a big kiss.

Ximengqian's face was flushed and his eyes were intoxicated. He was praised by his lover. It felt so happy.

"Is this love? It's so beautiful. I want to have it forever."

Of course, Bai miserable doesn't know the inner changes of ximengqian.

Then, Bai miserable hurriedly looked at the ancient characters on the ancient text map and asked the West dream to read them out.

It turned out that the first generation leader of the water Buddha kingdom once went to the Golden Buddha kingdom to participate in the five countries Buddha meeting. On his way back, he encountered a dense fog and accidentally came to the only virtual soul domain in the virtual heaven that does not belong to the five Buddha kingdoms.

In the virtual soul domain, the strong with the condensed soul can easily enter the virtual soul abyss through the soul, where everything is like a dream.

Moreover, the soul entering here will not really die after death, will return to the virtual heaven, and at most the noumenon will be injured, but it will not be able to enter the virtual soul abyss next time.

In other words, one can only enter the mysterious empty soul abyss once in one's life.

Many of the five powerful Buddhists in the virtual heaven have been to the virtual soul abyss, but none of the treasures they get there can be brought out, and the only way to leave the virtual soul abyss is death.

Therefore, the strong of the five Buddhist countries gradually don't have many people willing to suffer in the virtual soul abyss, unless they want to experience the feeling of death.

The first generation leader of shuifo was the first strong person who accidentally entered the virtual soul abyss, and saw lulu in the virtual soul abyss.

After reading the ancient painting, Bai miserable said with great joy: "did you see lulu in the northern ice area of the virtual soul abyss?"

"Qianqian, I've decided to start the virtual soul field today. I'm going to the virtual soul abyss."

Bai miserable decided.

"This... Bai Lang, you can't bring out the treasure of the virtual soul abyss. It's useless to find this broken blade!"

Ximengqian explained.

It may not be possible for others, but for Bai miserable, it's just a small thing.

As long as his soul space can be used, no matter what treasure, he has a way to bring it out.

"I'll have my own way. If it's inconvenient for you to leave the water Buddha country, Tianxue and I can go there."

Bai miserably smiled.

"Who says it's inconvenient for me? I've arranged state affairs. It doesn't matter if I leave for a while."

Where will ximengqian let Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue enjoy their world.

She is now one of the miserable lovers, fighting to the end for the short-term love defense.

So ximengqian went back to prepare and called Hua Mulan to lead a strong team to escort himself and Bai miserable to the virtual soul domain.

And Bai miserable goes to call Luo Tianxue to tell him the situation.

Not long ago, a group of people set out on golden wings.

Of course, the color dog who is infatuated with Luo Tianxue also came.

However, the colored dog was caught by Bai miserably to prevent it from wiping off Luo Tianxue again.

It's inconvenient to grasp. Bai miserable simply put the color dog under his ass as a cushion, "it's so comfortable!"


Bai miserable is very funny and farts.

"Ah, young man, do you still have a sense of public morality? This dog is the guardian beast of the holy daughter peak of the water Buddha country!"

Baimeng dog retched and protested.

The female Buddhist leader ximengqian and other strong people were dumb one by one. They also saw the guardian beast for the first time that they were cruelly abused by Bai.

"Strange? Why didn't the guardian beast resist?"

Hua Mulan and other strong people are confused.

In fact, it's not that baimeng dog doesn't resist, but that it contributes all its strength to the virtual heaven except its physical defense.

Along the way, Bai miserable also fell in love with ximengqian and Luo Tianxue, like a fairy couple, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the virtual world.

In the following adventurous celestial world and other strong people, they naturally noticed a line of huge golden winged Aconitum flying in the sky and envied them one by one.

"Quickly, quickly look for flying monsters. We must tame flying monsters in order to get more opportunities."

Of course, even the strong in the celestial realm who have flying monsters, if they fly recklessly, they are easy to violate the Buddha's prohibition and be taken away for the judgment of the Buddha.

After several days on the road, Bai miserable and his party finally came to the virtual soul domain.

There is a huge abyss vortex in the sky, spinning constantly.

Ximengqian tells Bai miserable that this is the entrance of the virtual soul abyss. As long as you control the power of the soul to enter, your soul can directly appear in the virtual soul abyss!

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