Although many strong virtual souls have been destroyed, many are still running for their lives and escaped a disaster.

They have panicked. Many people quickly commit suicide and want to go out with the treasure.

However, all the treasures they collected were not brought out together, that is to say, the treasures of the virtual soul abyss could not be brought out at all.

"Entrap people!"

"If you have a treasure but can't take it out, you have to be chased and killed. If you die, you will also be injured. Which bastard did it?"

Many strong people make complaints about Tucao.

Although so many people make complaints about the Tucao, the strong God who has just arrived in the realm of the false gods is still trying to experience a virtual soul.

At this time, Bai miserable was like a peerless God of war. No matter how many soul eaters came, Bai miserable was lying down.

And Bai miserable's soul power seems endless, not afraid of loss at all.

What surprised Luo Tianxue and Xi Mengqian was that Bai miserable's virtual soul defense was terrible.

Not long ago, hundreds of thousands of soul eaters appeared to kill madly. Although Bai miserable was brave and invincible, he also wanted to protect Luo Tianxue, Xi Mengqian and Bai Meng dog.

Naturally, the Soul Eater caught a flaw and cut the white miserable virtual soul with a sickle.

I thought Bai miserable would be cut, but the soul eaters were frightened to find that the sickle turned by their soul power was broken.

This NIMA farts!

With one blow of his own strength, he cut off the hair of the other party.

And the other party's overwhelming attacks can easily penetrate them.

When hundreds of thousands of soul eaters were slaughtered by Bai miserable, few soul eaters came to Bai miserable's trouble.

Even if there is, it is sparse. A small group of soul eaters who do not know Bai miserable's terror are cleaned up by Bai miserable.

Seeing that he hasn't seen ice and snow for so long, Bai miserable decides to try to see if he can hunt soul eaters and ride them on the road.

Soul Hunters can fly, at least faster.

When another Soul Eater appeared, Bai miserable did not kill him, but directly suppressed him to the ground.

Luo Tianxue looked at Bai miserable curiously and didn't know what Bai miserable wanted.

At this time, Bai miserable is communicating with the Soul Eater.

If the Soul Eater is also a creature, it should be able to communicate.

To Bai's surprise, the Soul Eater is really a virtual soul transformed by living creatures.

"How can you speak my language?"

Said the Soul Eater in shock.

Of course, the sound of the Soul Eater is as strange as a ghost.

"Hum! The bold young generation dare to attack our ancestors. Can't you feel that our ancestors are your ancestors?"

Bai miserable once again uses the magic wand flickering technique to convey the voice of the soul with incomparable dignity.


The Soul Eater is stupid.

It can confirm that Bai miserable is not the creature of their family, but Bai miserable can speak their family language, which is very strange!

When the Soul Eater carefully feels the white miserable virtual soul, he reconfirms that this guy is a personal family.

It's just that he is also curious about why Bai miserable can speak their ethnic language.

Therefore, the Soul Eater decided to cater to Bai miserable first, and then beat around the Bush to find out the origin of Bai miserable.

"It's impossible. How can you be our ancestor? You're a Terran."

The Soul Eater pretended to be surprised.


"My ancestor has fallen behind and accidentally reincarnated in the Terran world, so it is the soul of the Terran, but my ancestor still maintains his own memory. Naturally, I can speak my own language, and the family language is the evidence."

"Well, there's no more nonsense. Obey my ancestors and take my ancestors to the Arctic ice region first."

Said Bai miserably.


"Yes, ancestor."

Said the Soul Eater respectfully.

So Bai miserably let go of the Soul Eater. The Soul Eater fluttered his wings and flew up, but he didn't fly away, but suspended in the air.

"Well, I've subdued it. Let's ride it to the Arctic ice region."

Bai miserable's soul said to Luo Tianxue.


Luo Tianxue's three dialogues are tragic. This means of acclimation against the sky is really speechless.

Too strong.

In a short time, the ferocious Soul Eater was obedient.

"Young man, you make our dog look at you with new eyes. Our dog would like to call you the first wonder."

The white cute dog flattered.


White miserable backhand is a slap, "Color Dog shut up!"


Baimeng dog looked at baimiserable with a grudge.

After Bai miserable rode on Nuo Da's soul eaters, the Soul Eater directly soared into the air and flew towards the far north.

"My ancestor hasn't returned for many years. What's the situation of our family now? What's the matter with the empty soul abyss?"

Bai miserable began to understand the origin of the empty soul abyss through the Soul Eater.

A burst of disdain in the Soul Eater's heart, "he has a thick face. He doesn't blush and his heart doesn't jump when he pretends."

Then, the Soul Eater pretended to be respectful and replied, "back to the old ancestor, everything in our family has not changed. Here is an agreement made by the strong Buddha with the king to connect the virtual heaven with a certain area of the void abyss of our family, so that we can avoid others' exploration."

"This virtual soul abyss is actually the connection point between the virtual heaven and our land. It has the common great power of the king and the powerful Buddha sect, which forms this unique virtual soul abyss."

After listening to the answer of the Soul Eater, Bai miserable was surprised, "void abyss? Are these soul eaters abyss creatures?"

The more Bai miserable thinks about it, the more likely he feels.

Only the spirit of the abyss can be so strange.

Moreover, Bai miserable met many soul eaters along the way, and felt that the soul power of the Soul Eater was a little similar to the abyss emperor spirit hidden in the dark green energy of his soul.

"Can the current king be here?"

Bai asked.

"Of course not. Do you want to see the king? I can call the king for you."

Said the Soul Eater respectfully.

"It's not urgent. We'll wait until our ancestors finish."

In this way, Bai miserable and the Soul Eater talked to each other and walked forward all the way.

Also because of the existence of this Soul Eater, other soul eaters did not come to hunt Bai miserable and others.

What Bai miserable doesn't know is that although this Soul Eater took Bai miserable to the far north, it didn't take Bai miserable three people to a safe place, but flew towards the dangerous area of the far north, where the virtual soul of the abyss giant beast, the guardian of the abyss family, is located.

It is to take Bai miserable to the abyss beast and let the abyss beast devour Bai miserable.

After a conversation, Bai miserable also confirmed that the Soul Eater in the virtual soul abyss was the abyss creature.

In the void abyss, there have always been mysterious abyss creatures. They are very strict. At present, the king of the abyss commands them.

As for whether there is a more powerful existence than the king of the abyss, the Soul Eater is unknown.

Because when Bai miserable said the spirit of the abyss emperor, the Soul Eater didn't respond. He thought Bai miserable was fooling it.

From this, Bai miserable can be sure that the abyss creature does not know the existence of the abyss emperor spirit.

The Soul Eater was speechless for a while. It didn't get the information it wanted.

Soon, the Soul Eater came to the ice world with Bai miserable and others.

There is only a vast expanse of ice, reflecting light and blooming Wonderland like colors.

"Old ancestor, it's coming. A little further ahead is the Arctic ice region."

The Soul Eater's eyes release fierce light.

Bai miserable didn't notice anything wrong with the Soul Eater.

This Arctic ice region is also the first time Bai miserable has seen it. It is freezing and seems to be full of infinite crisis.

The first generation leader of the female Buddhist kingdom did not record in detail where she saw lulu.

After all, the Arctic ice field is too big to tell the direction.

Just then, the Soul Eater suddenly screamed.


White miserable three people immediately exclaimed.


The ice ground below is cracking, and a huge strange soul force rises into the sky.


A huge roar turned into a terrible sound wave, and Bai miserable three people and Bai Meng dog were instantly dispersed and fell down.


Bai miserable directly killed the Soul Eater with the soul sword.

When Bai miserably fell to the ground, suddenly a huge dark shadow sprang out of the crack of the ice, and a huge abyss monster appeared!

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