Bai miserable runs around on the vast ice, yells Lulu's name, and communicates with some spirit stones to find lulu.

At this time, Bai miserable could not care to attract the attention of the creatures in the abyss.

Anyway, since he destroyed the abyss beast, a small group of soul eaters have been following Bai miserable in the sky.

Bai miserable ran and shouted wantonly in the ice area, but it didn't have much effect.

Not to mention the spirit stone that knows Lulu's existence, and even the natural material and earth treasure that exists here, I haven't heard of a broken blade called Lulu here.

"It seems to cause a huge movement, so it is possible to let Lulu show up on her own initiative."

While Bai miserable was trying to find a way, countless soul balls fell from the sky.

Bang Bang

All the pits near Bai miserable were hit by the soul ball.

One Soul Eater flew up from the pit and looked at Bai miserable proudly.

When the soul eaters monitoring Bai miserable in the sky saw people coming, they all respectfully looked at the front group of soul eaters and said, "see you princes!"

These soul eaters are the top talents of the abyss family.

These talents above the top talents are called the crown prince, which means that the talents with the king's qualifications may reach the king's realm in the future.

There is more than one king in the abyss. They all came from the crown prince.

Now there are forty-eight princes of the abyss family and thirty-six princes who have come to the empty soul abyss.

The rest are followers of these princes. They are all top talents, and the number is more than ten million.

Thirty six princes were also surprised when they saw the white miserable crystal like virtual soul. "Terran boy, you are very interesting. If you swallow your virtual soul, you must be able to give us a great tonic."

The abyss clan devours other people's virtual souls and can get their memory inheritance. This ability is very strange.

"Although you have defeated our guardian beast, the abyss monster, you can never defeat us."

"Kneel down, bow down to us and wait for us to swallow. This is your only choice."

Listening to the words of the prince of the abyss, Bai was miserable for a while.

What a madness!

It seems that these princes are born to be the top of the food chain, and other creatures can only make their food.


"Well, since you think you are superior, I'll show you who is the prey today!"

After that, Bai miserable's mouth rose, his eyes showed fierce light of eating goods, and he stared at the 36 princes with a rebellious look.

When they feel the white and miserable eyes, the princes can naturally understand that this is the eyes of hunters towards their prey. They often show such eyes to other creatures.


Thirty six princes are so noble that they should be taken as prey by the little Terran. This is an absolute provocation.

Without saying a word, these followers of the crown prince directly attacked Bai miserably who dared to provoke the crown prince.

For a moment, the powerful soul force sickle cut to Bai miserable.

This attack is no worse than the previous abyss monsters. They are all human monsters.

At this time, Bai miserable also tried to learn from the abyss genius to condense the soul force into a magic night ancient knife, and by the way, condense the soul force behind a pair of golden wings, so as to realize flight.

Unexpectedly, he succeeded in one fell swoop, which made Bai miserable really open his eyes to his crystalline virtual soul!

"Today, I let you and other abyss people know that the human race can't be bullied!"

After that, Bai miserable killed these abyss talents without scruples.

These geniuses thought they could easily handle Bai miserable.

Who knows, when their soul power sickles collide with Bai miserable soul power war knives, they are directly chopped like tofu.

"How is that possible?"

These abyss geniuses are stupid.

Only fight for a while, Bai miserable easily kills the abyss genius with his solid magic night ancient knife.

Bai miserably found that the power of his condensed magic night ancient knife was much stronger than the direct soul impact.

So, Bai miserable as a tiger into a flock of sheep, a knife a child.

The attacks of these abyss children still tickle Bai miserable. They can't hurt Bai miserable at all.

The 36 princes were more and more surprised.

Their impenetrable defense, unparalleled attack and speed make them amazing.

Then the thirty sixth crown prince showed an extremely excited smile.

The stronger the Terran youth is, the better the memory inheritance that devours his virtual soul.

Princes who can no longer help but join the war.

Thirty six more powerful sickle attacks came, and Bai miserable waved his knife to resist.


The soul power attack of the thirty-six princes was so thick that they collided with Bai Zhen's strange soul power sabre, which directly shocked the followers nearby.


Bai miserable flashed quickly, leaving only the shadow.

A simple chop has great power.

Although the soul power sickles of the thirty-six princes resisted Bai miserable's attack and were not cut to pieces, the soul power sickles were full of cracks.


This is just a break from Bai miserable's attack. How can the 36 princes not be surprised and dignified.

Bai miserable is definitely the most terrible opponent they have ever met. If they fight in the same realm, it is difficult to compete one-on-one.

Thirty six princes repaired the death sickle with soul power and continued to fight against Bai miserable.

The followers could not intervene in the battle between the crown princes and Bai miserable. They could only surround the battlefield and not let Bai miserable leave.

The fighting here is getting louder and louder.

Bai Nai and 36 princes hit the ice from the sky, then hit the ice from the ice to the bottom of the ice, and then hit back to the sky.

The crown prince's soul attack methods emerge one after another, but they are similar.

Although they hit Bai miserable several times, they can only give Bai miserable a little different feeling, not much feeling.

But they dare not resist Bai miserable's attack. As long as they are cut, they will definitely be split in half.

The princes' soul power is rapidly consumed, while Bai miserable's soul power is still incomparable.

In this way, the 36 princes were killed one by one by Bai miserable, and Bai miserable swallowed their empty souls.

However, Bai miserable did not get any memory inheritance from the abyss family. It seems that only the abyss family can get memory inheritance by swallowing other people's virtual souls. It is estimated that it is the ability of gifted gods.

Seeing that the princes were beheaded and swallowed as food, the followers took a collective breath of air conditioning.

Their invincible crown prince was slaughtered by a human race.

Thirty six princes fought against each other, and a man's youth was slaughtered.

This is enough to shake the whole abyss!

When a king of the abyss family learned about the situation, he directly came to the abyss.

This virtual soul abyss is created by the strong Buddha and all the kings of the abyss family. A king can't ignore the rules of the virtual soul abyss unless its power exceeds the greatness of the virtual soul abyss.

It will come to the virtual soul abyss, and it can only come to the virtual soul.

But the virtual soul of the king of the abyss family is semi materialized, which shows how amazing its strength is.

Seeing the full crystal white miserable virtual soul, the king of the abyss family looked solemnly, "I didn't expect such a terrible genius in the Terran family. Who are you? Are you a new strong person against the Tao?"

After all, the strength of the strong who can materialize the virtual soul and appear in the virtual soul abyss must surpass the avenue.

Bai miserable thought that the visitor was also the crown prince of the abyss, "hum! Food has no right to know."

Therefore, Bai miserable directly raises his knife and cuts to the king of the abyss.

Where will the king of the abyss recognize counseling and directly condense the death sickle to fight.

Even if the opponent is a strong person against the Tao level, he doesn't dare to challenge them in the abyss, unless the six realms want to be caught and broken by the Tianzhi family.

The shock caused by the battle of one person and one king is even more terrible!

After many days of war, such a big movement here naturally attracted the attention of Lulu sleeping under the ice.

"Who is fighting?"

"Who is disturbing me to sleep?"

Lulu shows the entity, and then controls the fragments of the five elements Zhentian Dao to break the ice directly.


The powerful blue cold Sabre's awn cuts through the sky and amazes many virtual souls in the virtual soul abyss!

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