Female Buddha!

Bai miserable has finally consumed the cultivation resources in many days of closed door cultivation.

"Black water formula" has been cultivated to the right track, and Xuanwu town heaven style has been mastered.

Of course, cultivation hasn't changed much. It's still in the early stage of the British soul realm.

As for the last chakra magical power formed by the impact, as Bai miserable expected, it is the ability of the second generation Taoist Buddha to transform the heaven into a mark.

As for the power of this chakra supernatural power, Bai miserable still doesn't understand it.

Because it is neither an auxiliary magic power nor an attack magic power. It is a strange magic power.

Claiming to be "Buddha based Tao" seems useless except full of Buddhist words.

So Bai miserable gave it a nickname "brother Buddha mouth"!

Lulu, Dabao and Erniu have been perfectly integrated. Just find Xiaoran and Dangdang, and the five elements Zhentian Dao can be reorganized and reappear in the world.

The three of Dabao seem to have endless chat. They have been talking about the past these days.

Bai miserable is not good to disturb them.

Open the door of the cultivation room and Bai miserable goes to find ximengqian.

When he learned that the five countries Buddha meeting would be held in more than ten days, Bai miserable was a burst of joy.

As long as the female Buddhist kingdom wins the first place, you can ask the other four masters of the Buddhist kingdom to open the Buddhism together, and then you can return to the divine world.

"Bai Lang, at this five nation Buddhist meeting, Jin Buddha said that their new leaders also want to open Buddhism, but the leaders of wood Buddha, fire Buddha and earth Buddha don't want it."

"Therefore, if we want to open the door of Buddhism at the five countries Buddhist Association, we can only win the first place by us or the Golden Buddha country."

Xi Mengqian said.

"Well, how do the five Buddhas compete?"

In order to successfully return to the divine world, Bai miserable naturally has to find a way to help the female Buddhist kingdom win the first place.

"The five countries Buddhist Association, also known as Buddhist dharma competition, has five items."

"The first item is Buddha fight, which means Buddha skill competition."

"The second item is Buddha meditation, also known as meditation. Meditation in nine realms can suppress all kinds of demons."

"The third item is the Buddha's heart. The dreamland test. Only those who have a firm Buddha's heart can win."

"The fourth item is Buddha enlightenment. Buddha's skill is broad and profound. Those who do not have a thorough understanding cannot fully understand it. This fourth item is to understand the profound meaning of Buddha's practice."

"The fifth item is the theory of Buddhism, which is the supreme wonderful theory of Buddhism. Generally, only the long years of practice and the unparalleled ancestors of Buddhism can discuss Buddhism with each other."

After listening to what Xi Mengqian said, Bai miserable also knew, "Qianqian, is it stipulated that the five Dharma contests can only be participated by people from the five Buddhist countries?"

"That's not true."

Ximeng thought for a while.

"Can you let me participate?"

Bai miserably smiled.

"Bai Lang, aren't you a Buddhist monk? How can you win when you participate?"

Xi Mengqian is not optimistic about Bai miserable.

Although Bai miserable's performance in the empty soul abyss is amazing, the Buddha Dharma competition is different. Unless he is a strong Buddhist monk, he can't participate.

"Although I am not a Buddhist practitioner, who stipulates that I can't know the Buddha without Buddhist cultivation. You know, the Buddha is also the Tao. The Tao is in my heart. I am the Buddhas in the world."

Bai miserably smiled.

These words were not understood by Bai miserable himself, but from the Buddha's own way.


"Buddha is also the Tao. The Tao is in my heart. I am the Buddhas in the world..."

West dream thousands of beautiful eyes are shocked, if you realize something.

But Bai Zhen's remarks are too profound for her to understand. If this kind of Buddhist theory is spread, it will be enough to stir the Buddhist practice of the five major Buddhist countries.

"Bai Lang, do you understand the Buddha on your own?"

Bai miserably touched his head. The Buddha based Tao is his own underwater chakra magic power, and it can also be regarded as a part of his body.

So Bai miserable said brazenly, "nature!"

Ximengqian, who got the unexpected surprise, hurried to the forbidden area with Bai miserable to meet the old ancestor.

As long as Bai miserable can be recognized by his ancestors, Bai miserable can participate in Buddhist dharma competition on behalf of the female Buddhist country.

"Bai Lang, this is the place where the strongest Buddhist elders in the female Buddhist country live. If you can get their recognition, you can go to war on behalf of the female Buddhist country."

Xi Mengqian said.

The five Buddhist societies are very solemn!

Even if she is a female Buddha, she can't arrange people to participate in Buddhist dharma competition at will.

Participants must be Buddhist practitioners recognized by hundreds of millions of Buddhists in the female Buddhist country, or those recognized by the ancestors of the female Buddhist country.

Bai miserable directly and freely steps into the water Buddha Hall, while Xi Mengqian waits outside.

The water Buddha Hall is the supreme holy land of the female Buddha kingdom. Only those who come to discuss Buddhism can enter it after being recommended by the Lord.

Otherwise, even the Lord of the country can only wait outside.

After Bai Nai came in, he saw that there were old Buddhist Women meditating on the futon around the water Buddha Hall. There were nine old Buddhist women on each floor, three on the left, three on the right and three in the middle. There were nine floors, nine hundred and eighty-one old Buddhist women.

These 81 old Buddhist women are the supreme Buddhist leaders in the female Buddhist country.

"I'm Bai miserable. I'm destined to be a female Buddha. I want to participate in the five countries Buddha meeting. I've come to get your recognition."

Bai Yanjing said respectfully.

"Whether you can be recognized or not depends not on us, but on yourself."

A Buddha sounded faintly.

Bai miserable followed the voice and saw that an old Buddhist woman was speaking in the middle of the second floor on the left.

"I don't know, elder, how can I get your approval?"

"What is Buddha in your heart?"

Bai miserable smiled knowingly and directly copied what brother fozui said earlier, "there is no Buddha in the world. If someone calls this Tao a Buddha, there will be a Buddha. Gu, Buddha is a Tao, and if there is a Tao in his heart, there will be a Buddha."


Eighty one old Buddhist Women collectively opened their eyes and looked at Bai miserable in shock.

"Did you understand this, or did you hear it from my elder Buddha?"

An old Buddhist woman hurriedly asked.

Bai smiled and shook his head. Then he meditated on the spot and folded his hands. "Senior, you're looking."

The old Buddha woman trembled, "limitless Buddha, my Dharma is still flawed."

Then, the group of old Buddhist women asked and answered Bai miserable.

In the end, Bai miserable didn't know how to deceive, so he just showed his "Buddha based Tao" and asked it to blow water with these old Buddhist women.

"Brother fozui, don't say I didn't give you a chance to perform. I'll give you a chance to perform well this time. If you don't perform well, don't think of blowing water all your life."

After Bai miserable's soul preached to the Buddha, he closed his eyes and became an audience.

Therefore, Bai miserable witnessed the birth of a miracle.

Buddha is unique in Buddhism, and it is shrouded in Buddha's light. A trace of strange power exaggerates all around, which makes many old Buddhist Women trapped in Buddhism and unable to extricate themselves.

West dream thousand more and more surprised.

Because ordinary Buddhist practitioners who were tested soon came out.

But Bai miserable has been in for three days and nights, and there is no news yet.

"What's the matter? It shouldn't be so long!"

The West dream is full of fog.

On the fourth day, Bai miserable finally came out of the water Buddha Hall with a faint smile.

But the eighty-one supreme water Buddha came out with Baishui.


"Dear ancestors, how do you..."

The West dream is full of confusion.

You know, unless the five countries Buddha Association, the water Buddha never stepped out of the Buddha Hall and devoted himself to meditation.

Bai Nai smiled and said, "Oh, nothing. They were convinced by my Buddhist theory. They recognized me as the white Buddha and said they would serve me to the death, so they followed me out."

"We are lucky to be taught by the white Buddha in this life."

An old Buddhist woman said piously.


The West dream can't cry or laugh.

She just asked Bai miserable to come here to try and see if she could get the recognition of her ancestors.

It's good for Bai miserable to go in and subdue the old ancestor directly.

"Bai Lang, how did you do it?"

Bai miserable smiled mysteriously, "the Buddha said: you can't say, you can't say!"


West dream thousand see white miserable don't say, also don't ask more.

Subsequently, ximengqian determined the number of participants of the five countries' Buddhist Association and announced the whole water Buddha country.

For a time, the water Buddha kingdom was deeply questioned about Bai miserable's participation in Buddhist theory.

Even if ximengqian clearly stated that Bai miserable was recognized by the ancestors of the water Buddha Hall, there were still countless Buddhist protests in the water Buddha country.

This Buddhist theory is extremely sacred. In their opinion, only the ancestors are qualified to fight.

Therefore, Bai miserable decided to let the Buddha pass through the protestors before the five countries Buddha meeting.

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