Zhanwu's first chakra magic power broke out. The blue chakra magic power broke out with Zhanwu's continuous waving, "knife annihilation", just like the blade of the God of death, cutting towards the hundred birds and the Phoenix fist

The colliding air waves caused bursts of air shock

So that many people who were more than the appearance of the battlefield heard the huge collision sound and shouted, "what happened inside?"

The message from the competition field is, "don't shout, it's just a warm-up confrontation between two Tianjiao!"


The battle continues

This time, the two did not use the chakra magic power, but relied on the combat consciousness skills, matched with the strongest strength, attacked each other, and the two figures collided continuously on the whole battle platform!


Every time the proud fists of ancient and modern times hit the zhanwukuang lion sabre, a small wave of anger broke out!

Seeing Bai miserable, he was very excited. This was the blood boiling battle he wanted. I really hope I can fight like them one day!


They separated again!

Ancient and modern Aojiao gasps for breath. This kind of fight with all her strength with each blow consumes a lot!

Zhan Wudao is fine, and the longer the fighting time, the stronger the fighting intention of Zhan Wudao

Ancient and modern pride steps into the sky again, "Zhanwu, I know you have spare strength, but... I'm going to use the strongest move! Let's fight the victory!"

I feel the power of Aojiao's right fist in ancient and modern times, and I don't know. This is probably the strongest move of Aojiao in ancient and modern times!

Guess the battle posture and be dignified!

The third chakra of Aojiao in ancient and modern times sent out a green awn and suddenly shouted at Zhan Wujiao, "Fengming meteorite rush!"


The grumpy attack sounded a roar of the Phoenix, and Zhan Wuqi was locked. The ancient and modern Aojiao right fist burst into flames, like a small meteorite blowing towards Zhan Wuqi!


Yunxiao, the Lord of Yunwu hall on the viewing platform, rarely praised. You know, if you can let Yunxiao praise, it is the qualification of top talents!

Zhan Wuzhi doesn't need that move. It's estimated that he can't stop it!

This ancient and modern pride is very strong, which is worth his best!

Zhan Wu concentrated his true power on the inferior spirit weapon crazy lion sabre, and a momentum emerged. Zhan Wu's third chakra magical power also bloomed green. The whole crazy lion Sabre seemed to become a living crazy lion!

Looking at the coming ancient and modern pride, Zhan Wu roared, "lion flying roar!"

Zhenli turned into a mad lion sword Qi... Flew towards the ancient and modern pride, and unexpectedly caused the lion to roar and touch!

There was a dazzling light, the knife gas dispersed and the flame splashed. It dissipated after a long time!

Bai miserable opens his eyes and sees the strongest move of proud and charming in ancient and modern times... Blocked by Zhan Wu

And Aojiao was injured!

In addition to the protection of soft armor in important parts, the arms and faces were cut by knife gas

Ancient and modern Aojiao directly retreated, gasped, wiped the blood from her face and showed a happy smile. This is the battle she wants

Before with Bai miserable, it was a powerful horse with no place to make it uncomfortable!

"Zhan Wu is worthy of being the representative of the beast hunting guild. You are very strong, but I still have Xiaofeng. It's not certain who loses and who wins!"

Say, ancient and modern proud release white flame Phoenix!


Ancient and modern Aojiao flew to Xiaofeng's back. Xiaofeng flew up and looked down at Zhanwu over the battle platform!

Zhan Wu looks at the white flame Phoenix, a big demon, which is equivalent to the peak Linghui realm. It's not a worry to fight alone!

It's just the monster's natural magic power... It will be difficult to cooperate with the ancient and modern proud chakra magic power!

Zhan Wu doesn't want to expose all his strength. The opponent he wants to challenge is the three Tianjiao in Yunwu hall!

Ancient and modern Aojiao is ready for the last fight. If she can't win Zhanwu, she won't have the power of a war!

"Hundred birds and Phoenix fist!"

Many people don't understand why this ancient and modern Aojiao still uses a large-scale attack on magic powers instead of the powerful "Fengming meteor rush" just now?

A hundred Firebird fists rushed down, and Zhan Wumei frowned. I don't know what it means to be proud and charming in ancient and modern times

"True blade wheel chop!"

I saw that Zhan didn't rotate his body, and the crazy lion Sabre then rotated and cut out. The true force turned into a huge Sabre Qi like a disk and cut out the Firebird fist!

A crisis hit. It turned out that after using the "hundred birds and Phoenix fist", Aojiao hit the last "Fengming meteor rush", and the fist came!

Zhan Wu quickly uses "lion flying roar" to block it again!


At this time, the white flame Phoenix opened its mouth, and the chains turned into white flame came towards the war without lock. This is the white flame Phoenix's talent, the white flame chain!

Whew, whew, whew!

When fighting against the proud fists of ancient and modern times, we no longer hide our strength, and all the peak combat power of the spirit realm emerge

The sky level medium level skill "crazy lion's Sabre", exert it with all your strength and roar, "lion flying roar!"

Zhenli suddenly surged, and Zhenli's crazy lion sword Qi roared and burst!


Ancient and modern Aojiao exclaimed!

Originally, this is the power of Zhanwu's real third chakra magic power "lion flying roar"!

The exploding Sabre gas is blasted out, and its power is more violent. The white flame chain is split, just at the moment of proud crisis in ancient and modern times!

With a buzzing sound, Zhan Wushuang appeared and scattered the "lion flying roar" knife Qi with one hand!

"All right! You won this war! Aojiao lost in ancient and modern times!"

Zhan Wu took up the crazy lion Sabre and walked towards the seat of the beast hunting guild. A burst of cheers broke out in the beast hunting guild!

In ancient and modern times, Aojiao reluctantly kicked her leg, took Xiaofeng and returned to Tianbao pavilion to heal and recover!

The strong people on the viewing platform talked one after another, while the other audience marveled for a while

This is the strongest Tianjiao of the top power, and its strength is stronger than many people of the older generation!

The younger generation of some second rate sect forces clenched their fists one by one. It was too strong. It made them feel sad for a while. In the same era with this arrogance, there was too much pressure

However, it has also aroused the blood of many young people. This arrogance will be the goal they pursue all their life. Only when they have a goal will they become stronger. It is difficult to say that they will have the opportunity to surpass them in the future!

Although Aojiao was defeated in ancient and modern times, it did not affect her to become one of the top talents, and no one would underestimate her, but she met a stronger Zhanwu

The sudden explosion of the "lion flying roar" really made many Tianjiao of the thirteen great forces look dignified

Of course, many people marveled at Zhan's unparalleled strength and silently appeared on the battle platform, shaking away Zhan's "lion roar", which is worthy of being a famous strong man of the older generation!

With Yun Zhanxia announcing the beginning of World War II!

The crowd focused on the battle platform again!

In the Second World War, the hunting guild sent Yue mountain, and Tianbao Pavilion sent the ancient and modern sea!

After introducing the two, Yun Zhanxia announced the start of the competition!

Yueshan is a big man who is as long as Bilian. He has a shield in his left and right hands!

This is very strange. Is this mountain a way of fighting with defense as an attack?

"I hope your attack can be as arrogant and powerful as before! Hey..." Yue Shan suddenly grinned.

The ancient and modern Canghai took out a treasure sword, the inferior spirit tool wave sword, which was temporarily lent to the ancient and modern Canghai by the ancient and modern Tong. It will be given to him if he performs better than Da Bi!

Therefore, the ancient and modern sea looks firm. This time, he will go all out to show his strongest strength!

"Although my attack is not as powerful as Miss Da, you can't resist it easily!"

"Oh? Really? Then hit me and I'll block you! Hey..." Yue Shan sneered.

The ancient and modern Canghai was enraged. At the beginning of the spirit realm, the strength was displayed. The prefecture level high-level skill "qichonglang sword formula" was displayed!

The first chakra supernatural power appears Qingmang. Drink gently in the ancient and modern Canghai

"A heavy cut - the waves are now!"

When the sword is waved quickly, many waves emerge on the battle platform. Each one is the spray sword Qi formed by Zhenli, running towards the mountains!

Yue Shan grinned, "hey... Come on!"

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