In the past, Buddhism was discussed for three years and five years, until the four people conceded defeat and withdrew, the victory or defeat was determined.

This session is destined to be different.

Bai miserably displayed the seventh chakra divine power of Buddhism. Brother fozui's mouth was like an upgraded version of Gatlin. The unfathomable Buddhist words came overwhelming.

Before the ancestors of the four Buddhist countries spoke, they were speechless and were instantly convinced by brother fozui's Buddhist theory.

"One flower, one world, one grass, one heaven, one tree, one Bodhi, one leaf, one Tathagata, one sand, one bliss."

"One thought of stupidity is Prajna Jue, and one thought of wisdom is Prajna Sheng."

"All promising dharmas are like dreams and illusions, like dew and electricity. We should do so."


Brother fozui crazy preached the profound meaning of Buddha. The Buddha in the virtual heaven read vertically and horizontally and turned into the Buddhas in the West. Each one looked dignified, as if he were listening to the teachings of believers.

The ancestors of the four Buddhist countries and others are already paying homage to Bai miserable.

Whoever hears the Buddha's voice is shrouded in the Buddha's light.

Buddha listens to this Buddhist saying and becomes a faithful believer in an instant.

The strong in the realm below the three potentials in the heaven and God world are also those who put their hands together, look pious and escape into the empty door.

"Hiss... Who can be the enemy of such Buddhism and the same realm?"

"No wonder that once the master of the Buddha sect, the heavenly Buddha, disappeared, the Buddha sect was jointly attacked by the heavenly family and the six powerful people in the world. This power of transition is better than the evil ancestors of hell!"

The strong in the celestial world took a breath of air conditioning.

Think about it. You have practiced all your life and have the supreme skill. You think there are few enemies in the world.

But as soon as I listen to the Buddha's voice, I instantly see through the world of mortals and become a believer who does not strive for fame and wealth and is dedicated to good. It feels and thinks that it is the end of the world!

Seeing that all the Buddhists had been convinced, Bai miserable scattered the Buddhist doctrine, and the visions of heaven and earth immediately disappeared without a trace.

The strong ones in the divine world who were affected woke up one after another, sweating cold and afraid for a while.

The Buddhists of the five Buddhist countries respectfully worship Bai Yan one by one, "meet the white Buddha."

Bai Nai is very satisfied with the performance of all Buddhists. In this way, the opening of Buddhism is safe.

Now, the female Buddha country and the wooden Buddha country are two to two, winning two games each.

But the Buddhists did not hesitate to vote for the female Buddha kingdom.

The female Buddhist kingdom won the Buddha Kui of the five countries Buddhist Association without suspense.

The three heads of state, Mu Guanyin, di xuzang and huobukong, have bitter faces. What else can they say when they encounter two perverts, Lord Li and white Buddha.

"The Buddha Kui side of the five countries Buddha association can issue a Buddha decree, which is also invited to be announced by the white Buddha."

West dream thousands of tenderness to see white miserable.

Bai miserable threw a thank-you look at ximengqian, then faced the Buddhists and announced loudly: "from now on, open the Buddhism and welcome a new tomorrow."

"Abide by the decree of the white Buddha!"

The Buddhists knelt down.

To open Buddhism, the masters of the five great powers need to take the Buddha seal to the small Buddha sound temple, the Holy Land in the center of the virtual heaven.

After Bai miserable understood, he asked the leaders of the five Buddhist countries to set off for the little Buddhist temple now, while others followed.

When all the people left the King City, the female Buddha saint's peak guarded the animal world, and the dog stood alone on the Buddha lotus platform.

"Wuliangtian Buddha and Bai miserable, if they can surrender, they can take them to the blissful world in the western sky. If they can't surrender, the Buddha's ruling will eliminate future trouble!"

After that, the white cute dog turned into a white streamer and disappeared into the sky.


Little Buddha Temple!

Its size is like the size of the Buddhist palace, and the resplendent walls are carved with all kinds of Buddha, Bodhisattva, arhat and King Kong.

But the whole little Buddhist temple is closed, and there is no Buddhist practice here.

Only the leaders of the five Buddhist countries holding the Buddha seal can step into the small Buddha sound temple and open the Buddha door.

Li dachui, Mu Guanyin, Xi Mengqian, huobukong and dixuzang each held a Buddha seal, and then stepped into the Little Buddha Temple.

Others can only wait outside for the results.

before long!

When the five Buddha seals were used, the whole Little Buddha Temple released huge Buddha light and turned this holy land into a holy land of Buddha.

The Buddha's voice is rolling, ringing from all directions, Buddha animals are singing, and Buddha flowers are all over the sky.

Then, a Buddha rain fell from the sky. Everyone bathed in the Buddha rain and gently praised the Buddha's name: "boundless Buddha!"

Soon, the Buddha light gathered over the Little Buddha sound temple, and a huge Buddha door slowly emerged.

Bai miserable and others know that the huge Buddhism is the exit from the virtual heaven.

At this time, a white figure suddenly appeared, standing at the top of xiaoleiyin temple, suspended under the Buddha.

"That's... Color dog!"

Bai miserably recognized that the sudden white figure was the color dog he was familiar with, "it can also fly? What does it want to do?"


As soon as baimeng dog appeared, the supreme Buddha power of xiaofoyin Temple emerged, accompanied by a mysterious strong Buddha knowledge, all entered baimeng dog's body.

The body of baimeng dog grew rapidly, and soon it became as big as the small Buddhist temple.

Then, a dazzling Buddha light flashed, and baimeng dog turned into a huge white Buddha. He sat upright in the air, held up by the Buddha lotus, and folded his hands like a real Buddha!

"Limitless Buddha!"

The Buddha only gently praises the Buddha's name, there is supreme Buddha power.

All the Buddhists of the five Buddhist countries knelt on the ground and dared not move.

The strong men in the divine world, like great enemies, looked at the sudden emergence of the real Buddha in horror.

Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue are also ready.

This is not normal.

It's just opening the Buddhist door. How can a real Buddha suddenly appear, and it's still transformed by baimeng dog.

Bai miserable tried to transmit her soul to the nearby master Meijia, but she didn't respond. She didn't dare to do it in front of the real Buddha.

"Wu Naixi, the Buddha of the heaven blissful world, the heaven blissful Buddha, the Buddha door is opened and blissful comes to the world."

With that, the Lord of the extremely happy avenue looked at Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue separately, and fowei rolled over.


Luo Tianxue was shocked and vomited blood directly, but Luo Tianxue's eyes were sharp and did not bow to the owner of extreme Lotte Avenue.

But Bai miserable used the means of death turn and Su Changsheng, but there was no great harm!

"Bai miserable, Luo Tianxue, are you willing to submit to the Buddha, who can take you to the blissful world in the West and take you as disciples."

The winning ticket of extreme Lotte Avenue is in hand.

Dabao three told Bai miserable that the blissful world of the Western Heaven is in the realm of heaven, and it is the territory of the Lord of the heavenly family.

Bai miserable suddenly realized that the virtual heaven was the layout of extremely happy dark chess.

The Buddha's self explosion led the Buddha to take himself and Luo Tianxue to the secret place of Xiaoxitian.

Then Xiao Xitian was destroyed, and the entrance of the virtual heaven appeared, sucking himself and Luo Tianxue into the virtual heaven.

The only way to leave the virtual heaven is to open the Buddhism, which will lead to the separation of blissful heaven.

It's no wonder that the colored dog has been pestering Luo Tianxue before. I'm afraid the goal of blissful day's separation is to defeat Luo Tianxue, the Lord of Heitian Avenue.

Bai Nai guesses that the color dog is a part of the layout of the separation of blissful heaven. It needs to absorb the supreme Buddha power of the Little Buddha Temple to turn into the separation of blissful heaven.

Unfortunately, Dabao, Erniu and Lulu tell Bai miserable that even with the power of Bing Daowen, he is not the opponent of this blissful heaven separation, because his separation is the real peak power of the great heaven realm.

After figuring out the context, Bai miserable looked dignified, "this is trouble."

There was no way. Bai miserable had to show the Buddha based Taoism again. He hoped that the Buddha based Taoism could have some great magic power to resist the separation of blissful heaven.

When the Buddha came out, he saw the separation of blissful heaven and was rarely quiet.

When Ji Lotte saw the Buddha based Tao, he directly folded his hands and gently praised the Buddha's name, "limitless Buddha, Bai miserable, you are destined to be my Buddha. Are you willing to convert to my Buddha?"

"I am the Buddha, why convert!"

Bai miserable refused directly.

Although he is a member of the ninth generation, he is not interested in the heavenly family, nor does he want to be with the heavenly family.

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