Not long after, Bai miserable came to the recruiting venue and found a place where he could see the high platform in front of him.

Although Bai miserable is already a king level genius famous in the six realms, his appearance is too ordinary.

As long as Bai miserable changes into a Chinese suit, no one can recognize it without changing face.

Unless Bai miserable uses his own means, no one will believe even if he tells others that he is Bai miserable.

The strong man of the sea demon Palace also came.

Among them, the demon son Gongming sent to record the demon cultivation of the water demon family.



A figure came to the water magic island like a shadow.

He has beautiful hair, beautiful face and looks better than many women. His eyes are gentle with some women, but with a smell of blood killing. It gives people the feeling of being both evil and strange!

This man is no one else. He is an LAN Zhiqiu who has experienced in the demon world.

Now, Anlan Zhiqiu has perfectly integrated his demonic nature with himself, and his cultivation is close to the realm of the ten powerful.

In the endless fighting of the magic killing mountains, Anlan Zhiqiu also created his own magic skill "Anlan Ming Di Jing"!

Master the power of the nether world and generate the power of the nether world. The emperor of the nether world is beginning to show his edge!

The reason why Anlan Zhiqiu will come to Shuimo island is mainly for Jasper!

In that year's fighting experience in the magic killing mountains, an LAN Zhiqiu was targeted by Warcraft once and was in danger. Fortunately, he was saved by the passing Jasper and his party.

After knowing the identity of Jasper, an LAN Zhiqiu also deeply remembered the woman's name.

Hearing that the Jasper Princess of the water demon family wanted to recruit a son-in-law publicly, an LAN Zhiqiu felt something was wrong and specially came to have a look.

One is to see if there is a chance to repay Jasper's help. The other is to see the talent of the demon world.


With the busy arrangement of the water demon family, the night passed quickly.

When the light enveloped the heaven demon world again, the patriarch of the water demon family stood in the middle of the high platform and said to the hundreds of millions of strong people:

"Thank you for coming to recruit a son-in-law for your son-in-law. I won't say much nonsense. All participants need to take the lead in passing the six levels, and they will be my brilliant son-in-law."

"You don't need to sign up. If you want to participate, start directly from the first level."

"The first pass is the demon heart pass. When the demon heart reaches level 10, the king can pass the pass. Other big world Tianjiao needs level 10 Tao hearts."

For the cultivation of the devil world, the devil heart determines the talent. The higher the level of the devil heart, the more likely it is to reach a higher level.

The devil's heart is also a kind of Tao's heart. It also needs to be tempered to ten levels of perfection and reach the realm of the ten powerful before it has the opportunity to impact the small Taoist realm and succeed.

However, the devil cultivation pays more attention to the level of the devil heart. The higher the level, the stronger the strength and the greater the upper limit.

In the world of heavenly demons, the magic heart is divided into 12 levels: Level 1 to 9, level 10 King level, level 11 emperor level and the highest level 12 emperor level.

Just like an LAN Zhiqiu's half magic heart belongs to the twelve emperor level magic heart.

According to the level of the devil's heart, the devil's cultivation in the heaven devil world is also divided into ten realms: one to seven star devil, devil emperor, devil emperor and devil Zun. Above the devil Zun is the eternal realm.

Those who want to become the gifted and powerful husband of the Jasper Princess of the water demon family have successively started to go to Gaotai to test the demon heart or Tao heart.

The water demon family has a secret treasure water magic mirror, which can estimate others' magic heart level and Tao heart level according to the intensity of light. The more light, the stronger it represents.

Bai Zhen, who is watching the play, is very interested in this secret treasure. He also wants to test his level of Tao heart and see if he has the talent of magic heart.

Therefore, Bai miserable also followed behind the team and walked slowly to the high platform.

And Anlan Zhiqiu also wanted to know his half demon heart level, so he also joined the team.

Some of the people in front showed that they were ridiculed by people below level 8, and some showed that they were annoyed by level 9. Of course, some reached level 10 and entered the second level.

When it was Bai miserable's turn, the water magic mirror, the secret treasure of the water magic family, did not respond, causing a roar and laughter.

"Hahaha... It's the first time I've seen a guy without heart. How useless it is!"

"Boy, get off. You only deserve to be an audience, or I'm sorry for your face."

"That is, the Taoist heart hasn't been tempered at all, and I don't know how you came to the demon world!"

Listening to the ridicule of the people, Bai miserable smiled calmly, "I thought the demons in the demon world were a group of strong men who had experienced many battles. They were all wine bags and rice bags. How can you be sure that the mirror is not broken, or my Taoist heart is so strong that it can't show light?"


The strong man of the water devil family looked bad for a moment.

His grandmother, dare to say that the secret treasure of our water demons is broken. This is challenging our dignity in public!

"Don't be ashamed, just you little boy, aren't you 20 years old? Go home and nurse!"


Countless demons laughed.

Anlan Zhiqiu's pupils condensed and his face was shocked, "isn't that chief Bai?"

No matter from the expression, the eyes, the temperament, and the seemingly extremely popular appearance of chief executive Bai, in fact, this is the most unique feature of chief executive Bai.

From a comprehensive point of view, the ridiculed boy on the high platform is the supreme chief Bai of the beast gate he knows.


Anlan Zhiqiu immediately flew up and came to Bai miserable. He bowed to Bai miserable and said, "see chief Bai. I didn't expect to meet chief Bai here."


"Who are you?"

Bai Pei looked at an LAN Zhiqiu who suddenly appeared in amazement.

It's no wonder Bai miserable doesn't know Zhiqiu. Zhiqiu's temperament has changed too much. In addition, Zhiqiu is wearing a strange mask. Bai miserable can recognize ghosts.

"Ah, it's me, chief Bai. I'm an LAN Zhiqiu."

Then, knowing autumn as like as two peas, he took off the mask and showed the charming face which was exactly like the one of LAN LAN.

"Oh, it's you, Zhiqiu. You've changed too much. Don't you like women's clothes? I have a set of Chinese women's clothes. Do you want to?"

Bai Nai was surprised.

It was said that an LAN Zhiqiu was in the demon world. Bai miserable wanted to find Zhiqiu after finishing the work. Unexpectedly, Zhiqiu also came to Shuimo island.

"Well... I don't like women's clothes now."

Anlan Zhiqiu blushed.

If the demon beasts in the mountain were to see it, the emperor would blush and would definitely be petrified collectively.

At this time, a strong demon cultivator shouted, "smelly boy, how dare you jump in the queue, you two get out of here!"


Anlan Zhiqiu pulls out the ghost Blood Sword, and the real killing intention sweeps out. A pair of pupils have blood light flashing. The strange ghost power envelops everyone's mind, giving people the illusion that they will be killed if they violate Zhiqiu's majesty.


The demon Xiu, who wanted to shout, immediately shut up, and cold sweat dripping on his forehead.

The strong men of the water devil family wanted to teach Zhiqiu how to break their rules. When they saw Zhiqiu's terrible power, they immediately stopped.

Bi Huihuang sees it, and the strong one of the water demon clan will step down first.

"Chief Bai is a saint of our beast sect. Chief Bai doesn't care about you. Chief Bai has the heart of a saint."

"But if anyone dares to speak unkindly to the chief confessor again, the dark blood sword in my hand will cut off the head of the person who speaks unkindly, and so will the inheritance force!"

Anlan Zhiqiu said coldly.


Countless demons dare to be angry but dare not speak. The power given by an LAN Zhiqiu is too terrible.

The real intention of killing. How many creatures can you have!

This is a bloody man!

Of course, there are strong people who are not afraid!

"Hum! Beast gate? I haven't heard of it. It's a declining force to make a waste man a saint!"

The demon king inherited his power, and one of the eight powerful men in the sea demon palace sneered.

In the heaven demon world, the sea demon palace is the most arrogant. It thinks that in addition to inheriting forces, others are mole ants.

Seeing the strong man of the sea demon palace, many demons sneered at an LAN Zhiqiu, "I think I have some strength and dare to be arrogant here. I offended the Lord of the sea demon palace. It depends on how you die this time!"



An LAN Zhiqiu appeared strangely and silently beside the strong man of the sea demon palace and cut off his head with a sword.

Don't talk about others. Bai miserable didn't react.

"I'll go! Is Zhiqiu so decisive?"

For a time, the whole recruiting venue was quiet

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