Seeing this, Bai miserable said faintly, "the sea demon palace is attacking. It's because of us, and the army of the sea demon palace will be handed over to us."

After that, Bai miserable understands the marching route of the sea demon palace, and then directly rises to resist the sky to find the starlings to meet.

Seeing that Bai miserable was going to stop the sea demon palace and others, the hanging heart was more than half relaxed.

"Although Bai miserably went to block the sea demon palace, there are many affiliated forces of the sea demon palace and spare no effort to resist the incoming enemy."

"In addition, call away all the strong forces of other forces in the water magic island. As for the strong forces of inheritance, they don't have to pay attention to them."

Soon, the whole water demon family moved quickly, the defense array was started, the strong were ready for war, and women and children were ready to evacuate at any time!

The strong men who had come to recruit their son-in-law and watch the play didn't stay much. They basically withdrew from the water magic island.

This is a battle of life and death. If you stay here, you may die.


The blood demon sea is an uninhabited island!

Bai miserably flies down and starlings manifest directly.

"Starling and Dahan, get ready for battle. The sea demon palace is coming to attack the water demon island."

Bai miserable said seriously.


Zhiqiu exclaimed, and then made a decision in an instant, "brother Bai, I caused this, and Princess Jasper has saved my life. I will also stay to help the water demon family."

Then Zhiqiu said to lucidale, "sister, you are the young master of the evil killing mountain. Don't participate in this matter. Go back first."

"Hum! Brother Chou, you can keep it, but I can't?"

"Although the sea demon palace is strong, my demon killing mountains are not weak. Why are you afraid of it?"

Lucidale snorted, and it seemed that she was going to fight side by side with Zhiqiu.

"How is that the same?"

Zhiqiu also wants to persuade.

"Why is it different? We should go together and stay together!"

Lucidale held her chest in her hands and turned her head to one side.

Bai miserable's eyes turned and he had an idea. He smiled and said, "Zhiqiu, your sister is strong and self-protection should be more than enough. In this way, let's act together to intercept the army of the sea demon palace."

Then Bai miserably looked at lucidale, "but before that, the little sister of the devil killed the young master, can you let the strong man of the devil killed the mountain come to help?"

"Of course there's no problem with this."

Lucidale still respects Bai miserable. After all, Bai miserable is the most respected person in Zhiqiu.

"Well, the marching route of the sea demon palace is extremely simple and there is no layout. They just want to attack strongly and show their strength without tactics."

"In this way, you let the devil kill the strong of the mountain and raid from the rear of the army of the sea demon palace."

Bai miserable simply arranged.

"Yes, brother Bai."

Then, lucidale used the tone stone to contact the strong men of the magic killing mountains, briefly explained the deployment, and asked them to start immediately.

For a time, the whole devil killing mountain was boiling, and countless powerful Warcraft came roaring and surging, making the strong people in the world of Warcraft who had adventure and experience here flee one after another, thinking that the tide of Warcraft was coming.

With the support Army, Bai miserable personally took Zhiqiu and others to stop the army of the sea demon palace.

On the way, Starling put on the powerful secret treasure found from Tianhan palace. The weapon is a brick.

According to Starling, this is the sky brick. It is the weapon of jiujue female when she was young. It is a secret treasure refined to shoot the strong of the sky family.

The reason why jiujue women like to dance is that when they were young, they used to dance to deliberately attract the attention of heaven and man, and then they went down with cold bricks to shoot heaven and man to death, and gradually formed a habit.

"Want to enjoy the most beautiful dance? Come on! I seem to see your beautiful ending."

This mantra of nine unique women was formed at that time.

Zhiqiu changed into the blood golden battle suit, which was refined by lucidale for Zhiqiu.

Zhiqiu, who wears the battle clothes of the emperor of the underworld, is equipped with a slender ghost Blood Sword in his hand. The power of the emperor of the underworld arises spontaneously.

Lucidale was much more direct, shrouded in magic light, and instantly turned into a twelve winged magic spirit body, about two meters high. The magic patterns on her body were blooming with a faint aura, and her body was slim and beautiful.

The most eye-catching thing is lucidale's long legs and six pairs of magical wings behind her. There is a gorgeous Aurora accompanying her. It's not charming!

Turning into noumenon, lucidale was ready to fight with all her strength, with fierce sword in her hand.

As for Dahan, he wears a set of guard armor. This is a set of top-grade ghost armor that Bai miserable led the strong people of the ghost city to suppress the impermanent clan in the heaven ghost world. The armor is engraved with ghost dragon patterns. There is an extremely special spirit of ghost dragon, which is deeply loved by Dahan.

Therefore, Bai miserable specially named this suit of armor dragon pattern ghost armor and Da Han a title: Tiangang Dragon Guard, who is his most trusted personal guard!

Dahan liked the title and threatened, "who dares to shoot the young master, I'll beat him with a stick!"

Bai Zhen was unprepared. He was wearing a simple Chinese war suit, carrying a magic night ancient knife and riding a starling.

"Rabbit, brother Bai, I his rabbit's discovery. Since you rode me on the way in the divine world, you like to ride me."

Make complaints about the eight way brother.

"No, this time I'm riding you to meet the army of the sea demon palace as soon as possible. Who else can I ride?"

Bai miserable said duplicity.

In fact, Bai miserable just thinks it's cool to ride a Starling on the way.

Yin Yang rabbit!

What an awesome existence.

Now I'm riding along, Doraemon!

"You ride Zhiqiu's dry sister. Isn't she a twelve winged demon? You ride her!"

Starlings continue to make complaints about their brother's life.


As soon as lucidale heard this, she was covered with black lines. She almost couldn't resist a sword and cut at starling. She said angrily, "hum! I won't ride anyone except Zhiqiu."


"As you said, it's Zhiqiu's dry sister. Is she used to ride? Don't talk nonsense and concentrate on driving."

Bai miserably and speechless took a sentence from starling.

Zhiqiu was embarrassed. She only hoped that lucidale wouldn't mind, "sister, don't mind. Brother Bai and Starling are so straightforward."

"Well, I know. I don't care."

Lucidale cut a large void out of the sky with a sword, squinting and laughing.


Zhiqiu shrinks her neck and can only show Bai miserable and Starling to converge.

Of course, lucidale cut the sky so "gently". Bai miserable and Starling became good babies immediately.

Dahan opened his eyes and looked at lucidale, Zhiqiu, Bai miserable and Starling. For a moment, he was full of question marks.

When Bai miserable five came to the north edge of the blood demon sea, they could feel a huge magic power from a distance. Bai miserable knew that the army of the sea demon palace was coming.

The sea demon palace is in the silent sea area at the North junction of the blood demon sea. It doesn't take long to cross the sea area with some means.

"Be careful, you four. Once the sea demon palace doesn't give me face... If there is a war, if you are not an opponent, don't love the war. Our plan is to hold them back and wait for the support of the strong ones in the mountain."

Bai miserably explained it so that the four people would not lose their heads when the war began.

"Don't worry, brother Bai, they are not my opponents."

Starling said confidently.

"The same!"

Zhiqiu and lucidale agreed.

"Young master, I will fight with you to death!"

Big Han said with an iron head.



These four guys are afraid that they are too confident in their own strength.

But these four guys are really strong, especially Dahan. He doesn't know how powerful he is when he breaks out with all his strength.

Soon, the army of the sea demon palace met Bai miserable five

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