

Gongzhou hurriedly returned to the forbidden area of the sea demon Palace by means of transmission and fell to the ground.



Feeling that the bones of the whole body are about to break, the soul is extremely unstable, and the origin is also seriously injured, Gongzhou hurriedly called for emergency treatment.

With a sigh of relief, Gongzhou said weakly, "go and ask the devil to awaken the separation of the ancestors."

"Yes, palace master."


The devil Gongming learned that his father had returned and asked him to wake up his ancestor. Gongming looked gloomy, and then turned to the forbidden area.

Not long after, a wave of magic power from the great devil broke out, and its power reached the sky, making the devil fix tremble all over.

"Brother Bai, it's the power of the great devil."

Starling said solemnly.

Bai miserable's eyes were more dignified, and then let the Warcraft army withdraw successively.

"Dahan, can you still use the power of your forehead mark?"

Bai miserable couldn't help looking at Dahan.

"Young master, I've run out."

Dahan apologized.

"Starling, Zhiqiu and Dahan, you also follow the devil to kill the young master and retreat!"

After that, Bai miserable carefully looked at the direction of the forbidden area of the sea demon palace. He wanted to stay as bait and buy Zhiqiu time for them to leave.


A huge man condensed in the sea came in the air with an ice sea magic halberd.

Looking at the sea demons the size of a mountain, countless watching demons retreat one after another.

"Oh, my God, it's the sea devil!"

The demon king who arrived here gave a cry of surprise to the powerful.

"I am the sea demon king. Who dares to attack our sea demon palace? I will nail you to make an example!"

The sea demon king roared, which caused a terrible storm and had a great opportunity to kill.

"Lord sea demon, it's none of our business. We're just here to see the play. I'm a family of fighting demons and cattle."

"Yes, Lord sea demon, I'm the family of Ganqi demon!"

"I'm a family of sun chasing demons!"

"I am the clan of LAN Feng demon Jun!"

"I am the family that calls the cloud demon king!"

"I'm a family of star refining demons!"

"I am a family of heterodox demons!"

"I'm a family of fierce winged demons!"

Eight of the top ten evil monarchs had strong inheritance forces and spoke one after another to avoid disaster.

Sure enough, after these strong people reported out of their homes, the power of the Tao pattern of the sea demon king was no longer aimed at these strong people.

"Lord sea demon, I'm king Xuan of sanxiu. I'm not long from the small world of deep space. Please be merciful."

Said an old magic monk.


The sea demon king didn't even look at him and directly flew his blood spitting out. I'm afraid it's more or less bad.

Bai miserable paid attention to Wang Xuan, and then continued to look at the sea demon king.

At this time, the devil son Gongming and others flew out again. Pointing to Bai miserable, he shouted to the sea demon king: "ancestor, that guy is the murderer who attacked our sea demon palace."

The sea demon king looked at Bai miserable. Without saying a word, he could easily pierce the ice sea demon halberd in the world and stab it with a powerful halberd.

Looking at the huge sea demon halberd like a hill, the white miserable Qi machine was locked. It couldn't escape at all. It had to shrug and wait for death.


A halberd stabbed the sea demon king into the space where Bai miserable was located, and a huge and long crack appeared in the sky, as if the sky had been torn.

Looking at Bai's tragic death without a whole body, Mo Zi Gongming and others showed a victorious smile.

"Jie... The next step is to destroy the Warcraft and the strange bald man."

However, before Gong Ming accompanied the sea demon king to slaughter the Warcraft army, Bai miserable's body appeared out of thin air, and his white ass was stained with ice crystals, emitting a strange light.

"How could it be? He's not dead?"

Demon Zi Gongming took a step back.

The sea demon king is also surprised to see Bai miserable. He doesn't understand how Bai miserable escaped his inevitable blow, so he looks at Bai miserable curiously and wants to see through Bai miserable's secret.


The boss, who stared at the sea demon king, was sweating and trembling.

"It's clearly a water separated body, but it's still sweating. At first glance, it's a qualified parallel product."

Bai miserably despised the sea demon.

"Ancestor, he must have used some big means to kill him again!"

The devil Gongming was mad and wanted to let Bai die miserably immediately.



The sea demon king separated and backhanded with a stream of water to bombard Gong Ming, seriously injuring him and smashing him into a palace in the sea demon palace.


The strong men of the sea demon Palace are petrified.

What did they see?

Their ancestors even blasted their demons.

What's going on?

They don't understand, they are confused, they feel that the world is suddenly so bad.

And the devil's eyes were dull, staring at the sky, as if he were an abandoned child, so helpless.

At this time, the sea demon king manipulated the power of Tao Wen separately, became as big as Bai miserable, gathered a huge ice hockey, shrouded himself and Bai miserable, and then apologized to Bai miserable and said:

"I don't know you came here. If you offend me, please forgive me. I'm willing to make an apology."

"After all, the sea demon palace is also an inheritance force guarding the six realms. I hope you will leave this inheritance."

The strong people who watched the play were amazed one by one. They didn't know how the sea demon king behaved so strangely.

"Does he know Bai miserable?"

The strong can only guess so.

Now the sea demon king separated and shrouded himself and Bai miserable with ice hockey. They don't know what happened inside.

"The killing demons in the sea demon Palace are too strong. Leaving them will only bring down countless talents in the demon world."

Said Bai miserably.

The sea demon king suddenly became so counselled. Bai miserable also guessed that he probably learned the guarding power of the six gate Lord in his soul.

"Don't worry, sir. After today, I will leave constraints so that they won't easily kill the practitioners who understand the potential."

The sea demon king said sincerely.

Bai miserable was not moved by the profound righteousness of the sea demon king.

If he didn't have six main guard forces, I'm afraid the sea Demon Lord would stab himself with sea demon halberd. You can see one or two from the beginning of the attack.

The reason why the sea demon palace is so domineering is the "credit" of holding the sea demon king.


"Later, you will set constraints on the whole heaven demon world. In addition, as my spiritual loss fee, I will take all your cultivation resources in the sea demon palace as compensation."

Bai miserable is not polite to this demon king's inheritance force.

If it weren't for the sea demon king, it would be possible to destroy the sea demon palace.

Then, the sea demon king scattered the ice hockey and immediately set a new constraint, shocking everyone.

Moreover, the sea demon king also stripped away all the cultivation resources of the sea demon palace, including those of the strong such as Gongzhou and Gongming, and gave them all to Bai miserable.

"Lying trough! Ancestor, are you our ancestor or Bai miserable ancestor?"

Countless sea magic houses, strong hearts make complaints about their hearts.

But they could not only make complaints about their hearts.

"Hum! Let your affiliated forces go back immediately. I'll cover the water demon island."

Bai miserable Leng snorted and went to meet starling.

Leaving a crowd of demons in the rain.

Therefore, these strong men quickly contacted their respective forces and asked them not to offend Bai miserable. Whoever dares to offend Bai miserable will be expelled from their forces.

Soon, Bai miserable's attack on the sea demon palace spread all over the Tianmo world in detail, and even other big worlds smelled something.

After the water demons learned the results of the war, they were very happy and had a miserable dialogue. They were very grateful.

In this way, the crisis of the water demon family is relieved. They can also rest assured to go to the tianwu world to pick up Bi mengran's ancestors and go home.

Bai miserable meets starling and decides to go to the dream ancient forest to find the dream demon king.

Zhiqiu said he also wanted to see it.

Lucidale naturally wants to follow Zhiqiu.

As for the Warcraft army, lucidale asked them all to return to the demon killing mountains.

In this way, Bai miserable five rushed directly to the first forbidden area of life in the demon world, dream ancient forest!

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