Soon, drunk heaven and earth slowly woke up from his dream.

Bai miserably saw this, quickly collected the sky brick, lay on one side and pretended to be a dreamer.

When he woke up, he felt pain all over and couldn't open his eyes. Then he hurried to check his soul.

At this sight, he was startled, drunk and stunned to find that his head was swollen like a pig's head.

No wonder you can't open your eyes. Your eyes are swollen and covered with meat.

The whole body is also scarred, bruised and bloated, which can be seen everywhere.

What's more exaggerated is that his elegant hair is gone and he has become a naked bald brother.

This is Bai miserable. After he had a good time shooting, he shaved his head with a five element Zhentian knife.

That's what this kind of sabre can do. Other sabres, even small Dao sabres, can't hurt a hair drunk in heaven and earth.


Drunk heaven and earth covered his head and screamed, "dead rabbit, did you do it?"

The yin-yang rabbit tilted his mouth and said faintly, "do you think I will do such a boring thing?"


Drunk heaven and earth looked at Bai Pang lying nearby and adsorbed Bai pang to his palm, "boy, did you do it?"

Bai miserable continues to pretend to be dead


If you are drunk with black lines, you will slap this guy who can't pretend to die.

You say you pretend to be dead. You still have spirit grass in your mouth. Do you despise me for being drunk?

"Brother Bai, stop pretending. I'm embarrassed to see your acting."

Brother make complaints about it.


Bai miserably swallowed the spirit grass he had just chewed, then opened his eyes and said innocently, "no, my acting skills are Oscar level in my hometown. Only a strong generation like the dream demon can find out my flaws."


Drunk in heaven and earth, the power of Taoist patterns surged all over. This small trauma recovered quickly, but the hair didn't recover so quickly.

This makes him want to kill people inexplicably. His cool and elegant hair is gone.

Seeing that drunken heaven and earth was about to break out, Bai miserable hurriedly said: "elder drunken heaven and earth, elder lingdu asked me to come to you."


Drunk heaven and earth didn't care about the hair. He immediately grabbed Bai miserable's arms and said in a trembling voice, "what are you talking about? Lingdu? She's not dead? Where is she? Tell me, I'll give you everything you want. Tell me where lingdu is?"

Looking at the crazy drunk heaven and earth, Bai miserably told the truth: "elder, lingdu elder, she actually fell long ago."


"Are you kidding me?"

"You also said lingdu called you."

Drunk with heaven and earth, heaven and earth turn pale, and the power of the terrible dream demon king sweeps the whole demon world.

This time, he directly surprised all the creatures in the demon world.

The dream devil is angry and the earth is falling apart!

You know, among the top ten demons in the world of heavenly demons, dreamy demons ranked second, second only to mixed heavenly demons.

"Master, don't get excited. Although master lingdu fell, her disability is still there. She has something to tell you."

Bai miserable shouted.

The dreamy devil immediately took back his terrible momentum, then trembled all over and said with tears: "lingdu residual consciousness is still there? Let her come out to see me. I miss her..."

Bai miserable quickly took out the soul tears melted by lingdu fairy.

Drunk heaven and earth saw this drop of soul tears, crying like a child, "it's lingdu, it's her soul breath."

Soul tears seem to feel the breath of lover bawuji, directly bloom the soul light and turn into lingdu soul shadow. Miaoman's posture looks at bawuji with a smile.

"Brother Wuji, do you think I'm bald?"

Lingdu fairy said sadly.

"No, it was just shaved by the boy."

Drunk heaven and earth said a word, and then made a final talk with lingdu fairy.

Bai miserable and Starling went aside and didn't bother them.

In a quarter of an hour!

Lingdu fairy began to turn into soul light and dissipate between heaven and earth. "Brother Wuji, take my share and live well. Although I die, my spirit will be eternal with you."


Drunken heaven and earth, roaring up to the sky and dreaming, the demon king is so helpless at this moment.

Nine days and nine nights!

Drunk heaven and earth knelt on the ground and kept the posture of looking up to the sky and crying.

At this time, Bai miserable came over, "senior, you shouldn't be so depressed, and senior lingdu doesn't want you to be like this. Therefore, she also has a last word for me to tell you: you will always be the God of war in my mind. Stand up and go to the endless world to let the world know that the male of lingdu is the most domineering in the world!"

Drunk heaven and earth did not speak, but stood up and looked into the depths of the sky, as if there was a supreme paradise.

"I want to be quiet."

This is the first sentence I have said since I was drunk and sad for so many days.

"Master, you can't do this. Master lingdu just left. You want to be quiet. Master lingdu will be sad."

Bai miserable suddenly jumped out such a sentence.


Drunk heaven and earth waved their hands directly, and Bai miserable and Starling flew out of the dream ancient forest directly.

Then drunk heaven and earth, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "you want to be quiet. Is there a beautiful lingdu in my house? Really."

Then, drunk and sit on the spot, motionless!


Out of the dream, Bai miserable of the ancient forest didn't break in again. Whether drunk heaven and earth can get out of his demons depends on him. Bai miserable has done everything he can do.

So Bai miserable goes to meet Dahan.

When Bai miserable returned to Dahan, he was stunned to find that Princess Jasper and other strong people of the water demon family were here, so he asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

"Brother Bai, we water demons can't see Bi mengran's ancestors, so I want to ask you for help."

Jasper simply told Bai miserable about the situation in the past eight years.

Knowing that the water demons have been running into a wall in the little King Kong sect for eight years, Bai miserable can't smile.

However, Bai miserable also intends to help the water crossing King Kong. After all, the water crossing King Kong is a respected elder.

Anyway, the two things in the world of heavenly demons have been completed. We should help the water King Kong get out of the sea of suffering, and then go to fight the cattle family of heavenly demons to find it difficult to find cattle. Take a look at the beloved disciple Shi Xiaohao.

After thinking about it, Bai miserably smiled and said, "no problem, I'll go with you."


Jasper and others didn't expect Bai miserable to agree so easily. They didn't react for a while.

"However, you have to pay for the transmission. We have no money."

Bai miserable is almost engraved with the word "poor" on his forehead.


Jasper said in tears and laughter, "don't worry, brother Bai. My water demon family can afford this cost."

Therefore, Bai miserable takes Dahan, Zhiqiu, starling and lucidale, who wants to follow Zhiqiu, to go to Tianmo city and prepare to return to tianwu world.

This time, there were not so many people in the water demon family. Only Jasper and old ancestor Bilian went together.


After they arrived at the Tianmo City, they used the large boundary transmission array together and arrived at the tianwu city of the tianwu world.

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