Looking at the top talents of the two heavenly families, Bai miserable knows that even with the help of Dabao and Bai ban, he will not be an opponent.

Once the secret of their immortality is known by them, it is estimated that they will be suppressed and brought to the heavenly family. It is difficult to say that the secret of being a nine generation Walker will be discovered by the heavenly family.

In this way, the sledgehammer is dangerous.

With the guardian power of the six main gates, I'm afraid the heavenly family may not obey their orders. They may think that the overall situation of a door is to pit the heavenly family, so they may be under permanent house arrest.

Moreover, Bai miserable doesn't like the family of heaven very much. He doesn't want to be caught.

"If you want to defeat these two top talents of the heavenly family, white prohibition alone is not enough!"

Bai miserable decides to use his innate insight talent to fight. This is the first time Bai miserable uses this talent to fight.

Bai miserable didn't want to fight before, but this is his last means to press the bottom of the box. Bai miserable also wants to use this talent to crack the layout of many bosses in the future.

It will not be used easily unless it is absolutely necessary!

The reason why Bai miserable decided to fight and display this time is also because this is the layout place of the family of heaven, which must shield this boundary.

Moreover, if there is a sledgehammer in the heavenly family, it will also prevent the leaders of the heavenly family from shooting at themselves.

Therefore, Bai miserable dared to take a risk!

Although Bai miserable's appearance has not changed much, Bai miserable's crystal soul's eyes are filled with Hongmeng light and infinite mystery.

Immediately, Bai miserable fought with the proud son of heaven and the two great talents of heaven.

"The fire is shining!"

"Towering spear!"

The fire light enough to burn and kill the strong in the field can easily wear the water spear to kill the monster genius and kill Bai miserably.

Huolingtian and shuilingtian will also block Bai miserable's retreat and kill him strongly.

In the face of such a desperate situation, I'm afraid only invincible India level talents can break the situation in the strength of the law environment.

Bai miserable has no superfluous actions. In the face of insight into the talent of all dharmas, he can see through this dilemma in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Bai miserable was about to be killed by a terrible attack, Bai miserable's body began to flash.

"White forbidden Art - no empty!"




In the flash, huolingtian and shuilingtian will be easily cut off by Bai miserable, lose their balance and reveal bigger flaws.

Then Bai miserable turned his body, grabbed the head of Shui Lingtian general with one hand, threw him to the attack of the proud son of heaven, kicked the chest of Zhong Huo Lingtian general and kicked him to the towering attack.

This series of actions only took place between lightning and flint. Bai miserable easily disintegrated the dead situation, and only cast a white prohibition.

This shocked not only the proud son of heaven, but also the leaders of the Tianzhi family who watched the war in the Tianzhi realm.

"How is this possible?"

It can be said that Bai miserable's performance surprised them.

If you were the six heavenly masters, in the law realm, although you can break the game, it is absolutely impossible to be so easy and picturesque as Bai miserable.

"Brother Bai, I thought I was the first genius in the world and the strongest in the same realm. Even if I was an invincible Indian strongman, I could win with confidence!"

"But you surprised me. Your talent is not weaker than me. Even I look at you like an ancestor!"

"My name is Putian, declare war on you!"

The proud son of heaven unleashed the strongest fighting spirit.

At this moment, the son of heaven regarded Bai miserable as an opponent to surpass, just because Bai miserable now gave him a feeling that the super ordinary boy in front of him was the most terrible genius in the world.

"Hahaha... It's a great honor for me to get such a high opinion from brother Putian. I accept your challenge, but I won't release water. At this time, you can't win!"

Bai miserable stood proudly in the fire and water, as if he were the center of the world, above the sky!

Tianzhi family, heaven and man, have realized a set of their own skill since they were born. They are strong and weak at birth.

Putian and taotian naturally understood their own supreme power.

"Burn the profound meaning of the universal way of heaven, heaven Dharma, fire, I am fire Dharma, fire zero heaven body!"

The proud son of heaven shows his greatest power.

Whether it is the Dharma phase of heaven or itself, at this moment, regardless of each other, it turns into a fire man. Bursts of the heavenly power of fire are frightening!

Seeing the proud son of heaven, he goes all out. Tao Tian knows that if he doesn't go all out, he may fall.

Although she thinks she is strong and unparalleled, she is not arrogant enough to think she can surpass the arrogant son of heaven.

Therefore, taotian also displayed his profound meaning of heavenly power, "great silence, the profound meaning of the Tao of heaven, the waves of heaven are like me, the boundless Dharma sea, and the great silence sea body!"

At the next moment, the sky turns into a boundless sea.

Although the heavenly power of water is weaker than that of heaven, it also gives Bai miserable huge prestige.

"Is this the horror of the top genius of the Tianzhi family? Maybe the six realms, except Luo Tianxue, can fight against one, even if they are better than stars and moons and black and white impermanence."

After thinking about it, Bai miserable's eyes coagulated and began to fight with all his strength.

No matter what kind of Dharma in the world, Bai miserable's insight into all Dharma talents can be broken at a glance and attack their weaknesses with their own strengths!

Subsequently, Bai miserable took the initiative to make the best use of his own means and fought fiercely with the top talents of the two Heaven families.

A little spark can turn into supreme killing, and a drop of sea water is full of killing opportunities.

One on two, Bai miserable is trapped in a tight encirclement, but he is still able to do it without losing the wind, and vaguely takes the upper hand!



Swallow the devil's cave, outside the hundred tomb cave!

Bi LAN and Bi Meng have come out, but they have forgotten what happened in the hundred tomb cave and don't even know how they came out.

"Where's Xiaobai?"

Bi mengran frowned.

"Ancestor, I don't know. Did Xiaobai go to the cave first?"

Bi LAN responded.


Dream ancient forest!

The dream demon is drunk in heaven and earth. After some thinking, he is determined to fight in the endless world!

Although he knows that Bai miserable's last wish of lingdu is false, because he will not leave such a last wish with lingdu's nature, Zui Qiankun is sincerely grateful to Bai miserable.

The one who made the decision was drunk, took a bath, changed a suit of war clothes, touched the light... Head!

"I'll go to your grandmother's bald head!"

Zui Qiankun scolded, and then decided to find Bai miserable and give him a reward. As Bai miserable, he asked him to say goodbye to lingdu.

When the drunken heaven and earth magic knowledge enveloped the whole heaven demon world, Bai miserable and yin-yang rabbit were not found, but Bai miserable's breath finally appeared in the swallow demon cave.

So, drunk heaven and earth directly appeared in the swallow devil cave and saw Bi mengran and Bi LAN, "you have the smell of white tragedy. Do you know where white tragedy is?"

"Who is your excellency?"

Bi mengran looked at drunk heaven and earth with dignity.

"Dream devil!"

Drunk heaven and earth said faintly.


Bi mengran and Bi LAN were silly. "Dream devil? How is this possible?"

Then they quickly respectfully worship Zui Qiankun and tell Zui Qiankun about their loss and Bai miserable.

The strength of drunken heaven and earth is unfathomable. Naturally, I found that their memory had been tampered with at a glance.

So, drunk heaven and earth repaired their memories with the power of supreme Tao patterns. Only then did they know where Bai miserable was.

I was shocked to learn that there was the layout of the family of heaven in the depths of tunmo cave.

"You leave here first. I want to kill the evil of the family of heaven!"

Bi mengran and Bi LAN know that there is going to be a war here, so they retreat quickly.

As for Bai miserable, it's not a big problem if there is a dream demon!

Then, drunk heaven and earth entered the pool alone, and the animals in the eternal realm naturally felt the arrival of drunk heaven and earth.

They have the order of the Lord of the daytime Avenue. They can't fight in vain, but they can fight drunk heaven and earth.

In an instant, countless terrible beasts poured out of the time and space gate, burst the pool, and fought madly to get drunk!

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