Watching Shi Xiaohao overcome Xing Zhen, Bai miserable couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Bai miserable quickly collects cultivation resources from the strong man who gambled with him.

These strong men are red eyed one by one, like gamblers who lose red eyes.

They couldn't understand why the punishment was really lost to a little boy.

Don't say they don't understand, many strong people don't understand.

If starling hadn't explained to Bai miserable, Bai miserable probably thought Shi Xiaohao had won Xing Zhen.

"Is there anyone else coming up to fight me?"

For the first time, Shi Xiaohao faced the Tianjiao of the whole demon world, which can be described as high spirited.

On another bullfight stage, Niu Xiaojin also showed his strength in front of the world for the first time. Naturally, he felt invincible and heroic.

"That's all you are!"

Many strong people gnash their teeth and want to dispel their anger, but their lack of strength is a hard injury. They can only look at other monster level talents.

Other demon kings inherit their forces and monster level talents. They don't want to take advantage of people's danger.

After all, Xing Zhen and kua Shaoxuan have fought, and their arrogance makes them unwilling to challenge.

After collecting cultivation resources, Bai miserable looked at the bullfighting platform... The arrogant Shi Xiaohao and Niu Xiaojin, "these two smelly boys really think they are invincible in the world."

So Bai miserably released starling and took a secret treasure mask from starling to put it on.

Bai miserable decides to go out with Starling to teach Shi Xiaohao and Niu Xiaojin how to be human.

Starlings also wear a mask and a set of airtight armor so that they won't be recognized.

Then, Bai miserable said to the strong man next to him, "guys, I decided to teach that smelly boy myself. Are you still willing to bet with me?"

These strong people naturally want to win back the cultivation resources they have just lost, so they borrow a lot of cultivation resources from their own forces, saying they want to continue gambling with Bai miserable.

This time, more strong people joined the gambling game and bet that Bai miserable was not Shi Xiaohao's opponent!

"Put your bet into the space ring and give it to my guard Dahan. You can raise it before you can decide the outcome."

After that, Bai miserable slowly stepped on the bullring where Shi Xiaohao was.

The Starling jumped onto the bullfighting platform where Niu Xiaojin was, and kept throwing up and down the sky brick in his hand.

Shi Xiaohao and Niu Xiaojin were surprised to see that their opponents were wearing masks.

But soon, they didn't care.

Just defeated the monster genius, they are confident that no one in the world will be their opponent.

Subsequently, Starling took the lead in breaking out strength and began to fight against Niu Xiaojin.

Niu Xiaojin casually sweeps away with a stick, but Starling's body suddenly turns into an illusion and disappears, and a strong punch hits Niu Xiaojin on the back.

Feeling the power of Starling's fist, Niu Xiaojin's back is hairy and he quickly tries his best to dodge.

However, the bricks played by the opponent suddenly appeared in front of Niu Xiaojin and kept enlarging.

Niu Xiaojin's pupils contracted, and cold sweat ran down his forehead involuntarily.

A moment's carelessness has led to a brick that can only resist the mysterious man.



Niu Xiaojin was sturdily hit by the door, and suddenly his face was black and blue and he cried out in pain.

However, Niu Xiaojin's physical defense is extremely strong by virtue of the fighting to turn the golden body formula, and he has not been beaten by starlings and lost his combat power.

This scene shocked countless strong observers.

After a while, the strong burst into cheers, "OK, shoot down this arrogant guy!"

The strong men of the fighting demon cow family looked at starling dumbly.

Although Niu Xiaojin was careless, it is impossible for ordinary strong people to easily hurt Niu Xiaojin.

It can only be said that this guy wearing armor and mask is a full strong man with extremely strong combat experience!

The injured Niu Xiaojin roared and danced wildly with the devil fighting stick in his hand, ready to go all out to save face.

Starling opened the real eyes of yin and Yang and fought with Niu Xiaojin with his own advantages and shooting bricks.


And Bai miserable also began to fight with his beloved Shi Xiaohao.

This is Bai miserable's first battle with Shi Xiaohao, the first battle between teachers and disciples!

Both of them are the power of the strong three.

In order to prevent Shi Xiaohao from recognizing himself and the melon eaters from recognizing himself, Bai miserable does not use the common attack moves, but uses the Xuanwu Zhentian style and the rosefinch burning the sky style.

But these two moves put great pressure on Shi Xiaohao.

Xuanwu Zhentian style can strongly lock him down and suppress him. Rosefinch burning style can block his actions in an all-round way. Shi Xiaohao can only resist with powerful sword 33 style sword moves.

After fighting for a while, Shi Xiaohao suddenly sneered and said, "it seems that you can only do these two moves. It's much weaker than the punishment just now."


Make complaints about the white heart of the mask, "Hey, ah, how dare you say that I am weak?"

However, Bai miserable did not immediately use the mysterious move of hanging and beating Shi Xiaohao. He had to use Shi Xiaohao to lure more strong people to bet heavily to buy him to lose.

"Sixth move, double shadow of sword!"

Shi Xiaohao first used this move to resist the white rosefinch burning.

Then, Shi Xiaohao cut a powerful sword mark with another sword, "the seventh style, sword seal!"

The huge "Xuanwu" wanted to suppress Shi Xiaohao, but was blocked by the huge sword seal.

Seeing Shi Xiaohao disintegrate his offensive one by one, Bai miserable is also very pleased. At least Shi Xiaohao has really grown a lot over the years.

"Hum, mask monster, your two unique moves are blocked by me. Next, when you will lose, the eighth move is to stop the eight wastelands!"

Shi Xiaohao cut out a bright sword spirit with a sword, and suppressed Bai miserably.

Bai Pang who doesn't use the white forbidden art can't hide in the past.

With a bang, Bai miserable's body was penetrated by the sword gas and suppressed to the ground.

Shi Xiaohao showed mercy. Instead of killing Bai miserable, he suppressed him with sword Qi.

The strong man who bet on Bai miserably lost earlier quickly made a crazy bet. He simply begged grandpa to sue grandma and borrow many cultivation resources or treasures to give them to Dahan.

"He hasn't lost yet. I'll bet too!"

Those who heard that someone was gambling on the strong, but also crazy to join the fun.

Dahan doesn't care about thirty-seven twenty-one, anyway.

Holding a long sword, Shi Xiaohao came to Bai miserable with a victory smile. The sword pointed to Bai miserable lying on the ground and said with a smile: "you lost."

Bai miserable looked at Dahan and felt almost ready to close the net.

So Bai miserable smiled at Shi Xiaohao and said, "really?"

With that, Bai miserable began to perform the five elements formula, transforming his self-cultivation strength into the strength of the five elements, and then instantly disintegrated Shi Xiaohao's "eight wastelands in town".

Shi Xiaohao was surprised to see the crackdown sword fragmented.

Immediately, Shi Xiaohao felt the great threat and immediately retreated.

It's silly for those who bet heavily.

They comforted themselves and said, "he should be just the end of a powerful crossbow and can't win Shi Xiaohao."

Bai Zhen, who got up, suddenly looked serious and said faintly, "Shi Xiaohao, don't think you have a strong inheritance of swordsmanship. If you win a small victory, don't look up to the world's genius. Today, I'll let you fall from the cloud to the bottom of the valley and let you know that there is no strongest, only stronger truth!"

"Impossible, he can't be so strong. In the same realm, I can't lose to others!"

Facing the white tragedy at this time, Shi Xiaohao feels that he is a child and the other party is a giant, so he can't defeat it.

It feels terrible!

Shi Xiaohao roared, "hum, come and defeat me if you have the ability!"

"The ninth move, nine combination chop!"

"The tenth form, senro!"

Shi Xiaohao uses two powerful sword moves one after another.

Bai miserable remained unmoved!

Looking at Shi Xiaohao in an unstable state of mind, Bai miserable gently displayed the profound meaning of the formula of the five elements Avenue, "the five elements are really me!"

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