Temple of evil!

"Overlord, I still haven't found any trace!"

The three tailed Black immortal Jiao said in horror.


The eight heavenly evil king shouted angrily, and then looked at the moon fairy who was practicing Tiangang guide, "aren't you the overlord of Kenben?"

"I'm not going to do this boring thing. Among the four guys I gave you, the bald big man who looks simple and simple is the owner of Tiangang India. If you can't find it in the south, won't you go to other places?"

The Moon Fairy despised him faintly.

If it were outside, the Moon Fairy would kill this fool and make snake soup!

"Hum! The other three places are the territory of those three bastards. Our four overlords have an agreement not to interfere with each other. If we rashly pass by, it means to declare war!"

"Before the owner of Tiangang seal is found, if we fight with one of them now, we will be taken advantage of by the other two bastards!"

The eight heavenly evil king snorted coldly.

But it didn't dare to be so arrogant, because it was shocked by the blood talent of the Moon Fairy.

In a short time, I even reached the black gang realm. The cultivation speed is faster than it!

"I have the secret skill of blood moon, which can hide my own blood breath. I tried to use vigorous Qi, and I can succeed. I'll give it to you as the welfare you provide us with vigorous spirit stone!"

"You let a group of immortal beasts who are good at lurking. After successfully cultivating the blood moon secret skill, you sneak into other overlord sites to secretly look for and inquire about the whereabouts of Bai miserable."

"If found, commit suicide immediately!"

The Moon Fairy said faintly.

"If you have such secrets, you can!"

The eight heavenly evil king smiled.

The Moon Fairy and other ten powerful people of the moon family laughed coldly in their hearts.

The secret skill of blood moon is not simple. It is a secret skill cultivated by the dead of the moon family!

Once cultivated, the Moon Fairy and others can control the creatures who have practiced the blood moon secret skill with the anti blood moon secret skill.

Moon Fairy, this is an opportunity to secretly control a group of fairy beasts!

Because the eight heavenly evil king can't cooperate with the Moon Fairy!

As long as it gets the Tiangang seal, it is estimated that it will sell directly to the Moon Fairy and others!

In this way, the eight heavenly evil kings arranged hundreds of millions of dark immortal beasts to practice the blood moon secret skill, and then sneaked into the three overlord territories to secretly look for Dahan!


Sea lion island!


Except for children under the cultivation age, others are desperately cultivating Tiangang Yin, but the entry is too general, and those who have achieved success in cultivation will be in the virtual Gang realm!

No wonder after the heavenly Gang Lord disappears, the Terran will be pulled down to the altar and become food!

"That won't work!"

Bai miserably frowned at all this.

If these people practice so slowly, it's hard to have the power to resist the overlord!

"Starling, is there any way with your experience?"

Bai asked.

"If there were strong immortal blood to baptize them, maybe they could make progress faster."

"I have a blood sacrifice technique, which can make people integrate the blood of other creatures to form new blood, but if it fails, it is death!"

Starling thought for a moment and said.


Bai miserable hesitated when he heard that failure was death.

But without doing so, Renzong will never be able to compete with immortal beasts!

Unless Bai miserable four can cultivate to Tiangang state!

However, there is an ancient legend that only the Lord can cultivate to Tiangang.

Other creatures, even if their blood talent is as strong as the overlord, can only stop in the red gang realm!

Bai miserably guessed that it should be Tiangang staff body and Tiangang seal to reach Tiangang state!

In other words, in addition to Da Han, even he can practice to the top of the red gang realm!

At this moment, Da Han has just reached the early stage of the eleventh heaven in the black gang realm. With the speed of Da Han's cultivation, it can't be done for hundreds of years to reach the sky Gang realm.

It's more and more difficult to improve. This is the speed of training against the sky!

It took hundreds of thousands of years for the four overlords to cultivate to the peak state of Honggang realm and the eleventh heaven.

Let alone a hundred years, that is, more than ten years, are full of unknowns!

If a strong immortal beast comes to sea lion island and even the overlord attacks, wouldn't it fall short of success?

In order to ensure that Renzong has self-protection power, Bai miserable decides to let some people perform blood sacrifice!

Only when some people become strong, Bai miserable can take them to fight everywhere and save more people!

Bai miserable summoned everyone to gather and show them the situation!

As soon as I heard that there was a way to become strong quickly, everyone responded!

"Lord Bai, let us useless old men come first. Anyway, we don't have much time, so we should fight for ourselves."

The old people took the lead in expressing their position.

"We will too!"

Young and strong men echoed.

"Please also ask the white saint to let us fight!"

Women are unwilling to show weakness.

Bai miserable sees a firm belief from these people. They want to control their destiny. Even if this generation can't, they also want to win a future for the next generation.

They don't want future generations and make food!

"I know you are not afraid of death, but you can't die blindly!"

"I need a strong army to fight with me in all directions to save more people and expand the strength of the Terran. The four overlords dare not easily provoke us!"

"Now, listen to my orders. Men under the age of 18, women under the age of 20 and pregnant women are not allowed to participate in blood sacrifice. The rest are ready to start blood sacrifice tomorrow!"

Bai miserable shouted.

After the meeting, under the direction of Starling, a blood sacrifice pool was built with the blood of Juli mage corpse.

The blood of Juli evil ape is not weak. It is a little similar to the human race. It is the most suitable to use their blood as sacrifice blood at present.

The next morning!

Blood sacrifice begins!

Except for those who can't participate, a total of 800000 people participated!

Finally, only 300000 people succeeded, with a mortality rate of more than half!

"Brother Yun, this is the job arrangement of the army and the general way of team training I've sorted out these days. I've also found the communication bird. I'll leave it to you to deploy and train."

Bai miserably borrowed the military flag, and 300000 troops were divided into parts!

Platoon commander, company commander, brigade commander, head, division commander, army commander, general, step by step, clear division of labor!

Each small group is equipped with communication birds to facilitate combat contact!

This communication bird is a thunder speed bird found by Bai miserable. It is small but as fast as lightning.

This is the bird that Bai miserable accidentally found when rescuing the Terrans on the dome strange territory. He persuaded them to follow him to the sea lion island through soul transmission.

When everything is ready, everyone enters cultivation and training.

In this way, Renzong spent five years of peace!

In the past five years, Bai miserable not only promoted his cultivation to the top of the eleventh heaven in Zigang territory, but also tamed the ice scale dragon, fish fairy and beast family in the sea, and designed a set of green Chinese war clothes suitable for mountain and forest operations.

Today, 300000 troops gathered in this uniform and painted their faces with camouflage, ready to stand by!

"You have practiced for five years and have the power of World War I. in the future, you will grow up in fighting and bathe in blood!"

"Once I founded an army, called the expedition. After rebirth, this army still exists!"

"Now, I'm willing to include you in the heavenly army. I hope you will die and live and move forward bravely!"

"I only give you one piece of advice: be a man and stand tall!"

Bai miserable said seriously to the army.

"I would like to obey the general's orders, although I die without regret!"

The army saluted.

"Good, the heavenly army will listen to the order!"


"Follow me, target, chongyun mountain!"


Led by Bai Nai, followed by the top ten military commanders, 300000 troops rode on the ice scale dragon fish and set out from the sea.

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