Bai miserably broke out the vigorous Qi power of Jingang territory in the later period of the eleventh heaven. With the vigorous Qi of lightning, he broke out a very fast and fierce attack.

"Gang inverse - white tiger thunder blade!"


Terrible thunder white tiger with concentrated blade, crazy kill to the dome blade!


The four female guards also broke out one after another and fought with Bai miserably.

The four female guards understand that the vigorous Qi attribute is wind, and the attack speed is also rapid, with the cutting power of the wind blade.

But for Bai miserable, it's not a worry!

In this hall, Bai miserable was like a smart thunder. With his small body, he was like a loach, which made the four female guards helpless.

"Vigorous step - Thunder dance!"

Bai Zhenmeng's powerful footwork and "white tiger thunder blade" instantly cut the four female guards.


The four female guards were cut by Bai miserably and roared one after another, making the attack more bloodthirsty and crazy.

Watching the battle, the dome blade drank all the wine in the barrel, and then crushed the barrel.

"Just a human race, dare to disobey the will of our commander. No one can save you today."

The dome blade takes out the staff, explodes the eleven heaven peak power of the golden Gang realm, and then joins the war.

A burning vigorous Qi swept away. It seems that what the dome blade understands is the flame vigorous Qi.

Outbreak, speed and burn also brought great trouble to Bai miserable.

If Bai miserable didn't understand the thunder vigorous Qi, the speed was not weaker than the dome blade, otherwise it would be difficult to compete with it.

Even if your own Sabre is a five element Zhentian sabre, it's useless if you can't cut it.

Not long ago, Bai miserable had the idea of killing the dome blade. He used his own resurrection means to give it a fatal blow while it relaxed its vigilance.

The premise was that he had to fight until the vigorous Qi was exhausted, which made the dome blade feel that he couldn't hold on, so he was killed by it.

In other words, one word, play!

Bai miserable wants to use his acting skills to complete the hunting task!

Therefore, Bai miserable exerted "Gang armor - Thunder armor" with all his strength, and then went crazy for one dozen and five!

Seeing that Bai miserable is so desperate, the dome blade and the four guards are also crazy to talk to Bai miserable.

The main hall was collapsed. It was fought outside. It was a life and death fight.

Bai miserable is a game of exchanging injury for injury.

When the four female guards were forcibly killed by Bai miserable, Bai miserable was also seriously injured, received the five element Zhentian knife, and waited to die on the boulder on one side.

And the dome blade gasped and couldn't believe looking at Bai miserable.

The Terran youth who is dying at present is so powerful.

One dozen five, he was still a little higher than him. He killed four guards and hurt himself.

"Boy, I didn't expect your little body to hide such great potential. I ate you. I think my blood can go to a higher level!"

"The Terran has no future, so I will create the future for the Terran. Although I die, there will be thousands of me in the future."

"When death comes, you dare to talk big. Terrans are just our delicious food."

Then the dome blade grabbed the white body.

Looking at Bai miserable as the size of his eyes, the dome blade opened his mouth and ate Bai miserable like a grape.

"Hahaha... It's really delicious!"


Dome blade felt his blood boiling, "hiss... What a terrible blood force. I feel that I will surpass my father and overlord. My strength is rising rapidly."

So, regardless of the injury, Qiong blade quickly sat up and ran Tiangang guide to break through the red gang state in one fell swoop!

Only when you reach the Honggang realm can you go to the purple gold temple.

At the critical moment when the dome blade relaxed its vigilance and was about to break through, a figure suddenly appeared behind it and a cold knife appeared.

Feel the abnormal dome blade and want to see the situation behind you.



Bai miserable cuts out the "white tiger thunder blade" with all his strength and runs through the heart of the dome blade.

"GA, poof!"

The dome blade stared at the pierced heart with big eyes and couldn't believe it. "Why... Didn't you... Die?"

It's unwilling!

It has just felt the rapid improvement of its blood vessels. Cultivating Tiangang leads to great momentum. It will soon be able to cultivate in Honggang state, and even reach the peak of Honggang state in a short time.

But all good things are broken with the breaking of the heart.

Bai miserably flew to the shoulder of the dome blade and said faintly, "I've just died, but I can resurrect."


Dome blade looked at Bai miserable in horror.

It knows that a human monster appears, and the immortal beasts in the fairy world will usher in the most terrible monster.


Bai miserable again waved a huge thunder Gang Qi knife to cut off the head of the dome blade and let it die completely.

After receiving the bodies of five Troll apes, Bai miserable goes to the huge stone hall to find the captive Terrans.

"The Terran is saved!"

One by one they knelt down and wept with joy.

"Sorry, I can't take you with me. I need to meet my comrades in arms and hunt other immortal animals, so that the people who have been saved and the new generation of saints have enough time to practice and become strong."

Bai miserably apologized.

"Your Excellency, go quickly. We are the people waiting for death. Even one day is enough to restore our freedom. Don't affect the plan because of us."

The people knelt down.

"Find a place to hide, practice well and wait for the call of the new Lord!"

After that, Bai miserable directly left some space rings and the "Tiangang seal" skill, and then flew to support starling.

This group of rescued people spontaneously organized and quickly left here to find a place to stay and become stronger!

After Bai miserable meets starling, he directly joins the war and frantically hunts and kills these strong guards.

After finishing these strong men, Bai miserable and Starling began to return to save the 3 million heavenly army!

Along the way, Bai miserable and Starling are on their way, swallowing the animal pill of immortal beasts such as dome blade for refining.

Bai miserable felt that a big storm would come soon. He had to cultivate and become stronger as soon as possible.

When Bai miserable came to the Kun ape sea area, he found fairy beasts everywhere, shouting wildly.

"Keep looking for those hateful people and kill them!"


There was a battle in the distance.

"Come on, you must have found the Terran again."

A large number of fairy beasts poured in.

Bai miserable's eyes coagulated, "starling, come on, go and support!"

"Long live the heavenly army and the Terran!"

The five strong soldiers of the heavenly army shouted and struggled to resist the endless impact of immortal beasts.

When Bai miserable and Starling come to see it, they directly burst into a strong momentum, and then sweep away these immortal beasts.

"Ah, run away, it's a strong Terran in Jingang territory!"

"Inform the commander that they will come and kill the Terran and rabbit Ji!"

In a short time, a large number of immortal beasts were killed by Bai miserable and Starling, and their blood dyed the sea water in this area red.

The immortal beast who fled only dared to look at Bai miserable and Starling from a distance, did not dare to approach, and quietly waited for the commander to come.

"General, have you come back from the assassination?"

The five asked weakly.

Bai miserably nodded, "it's successful. You should adjust your breath and heal your wounds. How are others?"

"General Bai, it is estimated that everyone except our team died in the war."


After a quiet moment, Bai miserable said to Starling, "starling, take them back from the bottom of the sea. Here's the fairy * * for me."

"Don't worry, I'll take them back safely."

Starling promised.

"General Bai, you can't take risks alone!"

Five people still want to commit suicide, not drag Bai miserable.

Starling youyou said, "don't worry, my white brother, he is immortal. If this fairy world is destroyed, he won't die. You'll know in the future!"


Seeing Bai miserable also admitted that he was immortal, the five quickly followed starling to evacuate.

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