"Young master, these are the four images of Tiangang. When I practice in Tiangang, Tiangang seal can guide me somewhere, and then use it to open the door of Tiangang!"

Dahan tells Bai miserable what he understands from Tiangang seal.

"It seems that the four temples in the fairy world are the place to store the sacred objects of the four elephants in Tiangang."

"Dahan, put away the Tiangang four elephants. Let's talk after we get rid of the immortal beast."

Bai miserable touched his chin and said.

"Yes, young master!"


Looking at the scared immortal beast, looking at the vigorous Qi almost exhausted, it is still a strong and loose army for heaven.

Bai Nai knows that it's time to solve the human nightmare in the fairy world for countless years.

Therefore, Bai miserably soared into the air, ran vigorous Qi, and his voice rang through the world.

"The four overlords have been destroyed by the new Lord. There is no overlord in the fairyland. So far, the era of human food is over!"

Hearing this, everyone in fengxianjie burst into tears, and the nightmare of food was finally over.

"Long live the Heavenly Master, long live the white general!"

Zheng Tianjun and others all knelt down, wept with joy and cheered loudly.

All the immortal beasts trembled and turned pale.

They are deeply afraid of being retaliated by the human race, destroyed by the race, or reduced to captive food.

At this moment, they felt how happy the ancestors of immortal beasts in the era of Tiangang Holy Lord.

Although the immortal beasts were suppressed by the Terrans at that time, they did not have a foothold. Each immortal beast also had its own territory, but respected the Terrans.

Then, Bai miserably looked at the strong immortal beasts and handed over the power to deal with them to Renzong people.

Only they have jurisdiction over these immortal beasts!

"It's up to you to decide how to deal with the immortal beast race in the immortal world."

Bai miserable shouted.

Look at me and I'll look at you.

Some people shouted: "the Terran has been used as food for thousands of years since the heavenly Gang Lord disappeared. How deep is the blood debt? When they are killed, none of them will be left!"

Some people also said: "not all immortal beasts are bad. Some immortal beasts also have good intentions and have not harmed the Terran. Some, such as ice eyed sea lions, ice scale dragon fish and thunder spirit birds, have not harmed the Terran and helped the Terran. Although they were succumbed by general Bai, they should not be killed."

More people shouted, "Terrans are not beasts, nor executioners. They should not be as inhuman as some ferocious immortal beasts!"

After a heated argument, the people deliberated on a conclusion.

That is to kill the immortal beasts that have harmed the Terran, but leave their young blood, and uniformly imprison a place, so that they can't leave the forbidden area for life.

Bai miserably agrees with Renzong's decision.

These immortal beast strongmen who have harmed the Terran also know that the general situation is gone. It is the best result to leave blood.

Therefore, these immortal beasts committed suicide collectively, and their bodies were collected by people.

Then, Bai miserable asked people to reward the meritorious immortal beast * * and give it to the treasure land.

Renzong began to take over the four temples and rebuild the glorious era.

In order to ensure the prosperity of the Terran, Starling passed the blood sacrifice to the army of heaven.

But Bai miserable made rules that people should not harm other creatures for no reason. They should seek common development!

In this way, the Terran will remain strong and will not reproduce the dark age.

Bai miserably tells Dahan Haosheng to cultivate and strive to cultivate in Tiangang as soon as possible, and then find a way out.

Bai miserable takes starling and yuntianxia to search for the whereabouts of the missing Moon Fairy.

Renzong also ordered all immortal beasts to look for them.

But the Moon Fairy seemed to disappear without trace.

There was no way. Bai miserable guessed that the Moon Fairy had hidden some secret treasure, so he had to give it up!


One day!

In the temple of heavenly evil, a supreme power broke out.

Bai miserable and others were happy, "Dahan broke through!"

Not long after, Dahan went out of the customs, touched his bald head, talked miserably and said with a smile: "young master, I succeeded."

"OK, may I confirm the gate of Tiangang?"

Bai asked with a sad smile.


Dahan nodded.

Wu Dabo, the new female leader of Renzong, and the top ten military commanders all trembled.

General Bai wants to find the gate of Tiangang, that is to say, general Bai is leaving the fairyland.

"General, please take us away together. We are willing to follow the general all our life!"

Everyone knelt down and asked.

Bai miserable shakes his head. It's not that Bai miserable doesn't want to take them away, but that if he goes out, he will be hanged by the army of the moon family.

It's no better outside than here. The moon clan has great means. If there is a big killer or guardian force, these people are not enough to kill.

"It's very dangerous outside. Even God Tianzhu and I may not be safe. You can practice in the fairy world."

"When you find another opportunity to go out in the future, you should bear in mind the purpose of our heavenly Army: low-key life and low-key work."

"We should uphold the heart of the right way and not harm the four sides!"

Bai miserable explained.

"Yes, I will remember the order of the general all my life!"

The crowd replied sonorously and forcefully.

"In the future, your top ten generals will be the top ten generals of the heavenly army."

After that, Bai miserable let Dahan lead the way.

Dahan uses the power of Tiangang to input the Tiangang seal, and the Tiangang seal bursts into a bright Gang light, which goes straight to a certain place.

Then, Bai miserable took the people to the location of Tiangang gate.

The Moon Fairy, hiding somewhere in the fairy world, also saw the divine light and quietly set off to lurk in the past.


Not long!

Bai miserable and his party came to a sea area.

This is the largest sea area without land in Fengxian world. It is a magical sea area without any storm. I don't know how deep it is, like a bottomless cave!

The light column emitted by the Tiangang seal on Dahan's forehead points to the center of the sea area here.

"Here we are, young master."

Then Dahan plunged into the sea, and Bai miserable and others entered.

I don't know how deep it is. Dahan stops and the light column printed by Tiangang stops somewhere.

There is no living creature here.

If it weren't for the Great Han's Tiangang territory strength, the leader of Renzong and the top ten generals wouldn't come here at all. The gang pressure here is too strong, so they can't come here unless they are in the quasi Tiangang territory.


The four images of Tiangang autonomously inserted into the place illuminated by the light of Tiangang seal, and then grew sharply.

Not long ago, a huge Holy tree appeared, blooming with bright light, illuminating the area.


A wave of light blooms and a portal inexplicably emerges.

At the same time, the four temples burst into light.

The people of Renzong knew that the Lord and general Bai were leaving.

Everyone knelt down with the immortal beast and shouted in unison: "we congratulate Tianzhu, general Bai, cloud Lord, Starling saint!"


"Young master, the gate of Tiangang appears. We can go in."

Dahan said.

Bai miserable turned to Wu Dabo and the top ten generals and said, "you will be handed over to the people's clan and the heavenly army of the expedition. When any of you break through the quasi Tiangang territory, you can come here again to find your way out."

"Yes, general Bai, we look forward to seeing general Bai again!"

The eleven said firmly.

Bai miserable nodded and said to Dahan, "Dahan, send them to safety."

Soon, Dahan sent them to a safe sea area with the power of Tiangang, and then Bai miserable, Dahan, starling and yuntianxia broke into the gate of Tiangang.

Just before the door of Tiangang was about to close, a figure also shot into the door of Tiangang.

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