
Wuxinzi and yuntianxia returned to the secret base through the large transmission array.

"White elder brother, give them, they are awesome, they help to arrange, and soon they will arrange a big battle."

Wuxinzi returns the five elements Zhentian Dao to Bai miserable.

"Well, since the big array of Xianming island has been deployed, we'll wait for the opportunity."

"Let the prophets, the French, exhaust the means of the Moon Clan, and then it's time for us to perform."

After that, Bai miserable continues to refine the treasure in this secret base.

Starling looked pale and always felt something was wrong.

"Brother Bai, since you came out of the fairyland, how do I feel that your murderous nature has increased a lot."

Yuntianxia also recognized the words of Starling, "brother Bai, it's true. You used to stay on the front line. Now, in the face of some weak people such as crazy Xianzong and moonlight gate, you are decisive and have no waves."

"Brother Bai, do you want to prove it by killing?"

Anlan Zhiqiu is very sensitive to killing. His deep heart can clearly feel that Bai miserable has an extremely secret killing nature, which is like an abyss, which is countless times more terrible than him!

Bai miserable in cultivation stopped and frowned.

He really felt that he was bloodthirsty, and it was common to kill creatures.

You know, when he first came to this world, he had to forgive others, had the so-called virgin heart, and thought of others everywhere.

And this feeling began to have after the second battle with insight.

"Is it the mysterious feeling in the dark that makes my body different?"

But without a clue, he had to say with a faint smile:

"You don't have to worry too much. I've just seen too many deaths all the way, so my mood has grown."

"Everyone needs a growth process. After all, human nature is good. I'll just adjust it a little."

People didn't care much when they heard Bai miserable say so.


More than ten days later!

The prophet FA finally reached the void outside the moon family.

"Xiaobai, we have arrived."

Zhong xuanmei said to the tone stone.

"Well, please wait for a moment, clan leader Zhong, and our allies will arrive soon."

Bai miserable replied.

Soon, when tianjimen, bashenzong, Luocha and other allied forces arrived.

Bai miserable's seven member team went out of the secret base and appeared in front of the army of affiliated forces of the moon family.


The strong man of the moon family looked at the appearance of Bai miserable seven people, and immediately issued a startling roar, "that's Bai miserable seven, Bai miserable they appeared."

The strong people from all walks of life who have already gathered here are watching the play in the distance.

"Unexpectedly, Bai Zhen really dares to appear?"

"Courage is commendable, but it's unwise."

"Yes, in the face of the war strength gathered by the moon family, seven people, even the ten powerful ones, are trying to shake the big tree!"

The melon eaters talked about it one after another.

The Moon Fairy in the Holy Land soared into the sky and appeared over the army in an instant. She looked at seven white eyes curiously.

The cautious Moon Fairy still asked the ancestors of the moon family to check the surroundings and emptiness in case of white tragedy and fraud.

From the understanding of Bai miserable for many days, Bai miserable is crafty and really Yin.

"Bai miserable, you really show up. I think highly of you."

The Moon Fairy sneered and prepared to catch Bai miserable and others.

When the ancestors of the clan entered the void to check that month, they immediately saw a scene of panic. They saw countless armies on standby in the void.

There are prophets, ghosts, gods and the army of tianwu.

The old ancestor hurried back to the celestial world, and then was shocked and said, "there is an army in the void, an army of inheritance forces in the four worlds."


The Moon Fairy and other strong people gave a collective exclamation.

At this time, the sky behind Bai miserable seemed to be torn by some huge fierce beast, and countless strong armies broke through the air!

The first to appear was the army led by the five saints and seven sons of the prophet FA family riding the star eye dunkong chicken, followed by the ghost city army led by the king of the ten halls of the ghost city, followed by the Luocha family, the little King Kong sect and other allies.

For a time, the dense army occupied the sky behind the white tragedy!

The melon eaters lost their voice, "what's going on?"

They could not imagine why so many inheritance forces would appear in the territory of the moon family together.

Are they here to fight the Moon Clan?

Thinking of this, countless people took a breath of air conditioning, and even other unknown inheritance forces such as the celestial realm realized that the event was bad.

Once they really unite to attack the Moon Clan, it will be the most terrible turbulence in the six worlds.

It's hard to say that the eternal strongmen of the major inheritance forces are fighting in the endless world.

Therefore, the ancestors of the inheritance forces of the celestial realm, Xianlai Island, Narcissus palace, Xianxun clan, Tianyan Xian clan, Santan clan, Xuannv hall, Wulei immortal yard, Taibai house, and Tianxian mansion, all came out to be peacemakers.

"You Taoist friends of the prophet FA family, ghost city and other Taoist friends, I don't know what's the matter when you come to the moon family?"

Zhong xuanmei just said coldly, "Zhu Yue clan!"

"Lying trough!"

"Really come to attack the Moon Clan?"

Countless people were stunned.

The ancestors of the moon family were furious, "clan leader Zhong, we moon family asked ourselves, we have never offended your prophet FA family. What do you mean?"

Zhong xuanmei took out the spirit treasure box and suspended it in the air. She said faintly, "this is the relic left by the little prophet Zhong Ling of the previous generation of our prophet FA family. It has the prophet's seal left by her."

Hearing that it was the relic left by Zhong Ling, the Moon Fairy turned pale and kept muttering, "no, it's fake. It must be fake."

Then, Zhong xuanmei shot a divine power, the prophet's seal released light again, and the handwriting became apparent again.

After everyone saw the handwriting, they were all in an uproar, "did the Moon Fairy take refuge in the family of heaven?"

"It's impossible. You're setting me up. This Prophet's seal is false, not left by the spirit!"

The Moon Fairy was crazy and roared at the prophet FA family.

"Whether it is false or not will be decided by adults in the endless world in the future."

Zhong xuanmei said coldly.

At this time, Bai miserably took off his mask and smiled at the Moon Fairy and said, "Moon Fairy, you can't imagine that the spirit God didn't fall immediately, but went to a small world and left this treasure box."

"Hum, Moon Fairy, I got the chance of the spirit God. The spirit God asked me to find you for revenge. Originally, I just wanted to fight for life and death with you, but your moon family destroyed my wife and children. Today, you are doomed!"

Under the cloud, the sword points to the Moon Fairy.


The Moon Fairy trembled with anger.

What she had been worried about happened.

Once she takes refuge in the family of heaven and frames the spirit and God, even if there is a secret treasure of heaven, she can't escape.

"The moon family, hand over the Moon Fairy, and then surrender collectively. The innocent can be forgiven. Anyone who takes refuge in the family of heaven will be killed without amnesty!"

Yang Ruyun's voice exploded.

The strong people of the Moon Clan were confused and didn't know what to do for a while.

Suddenly, the Moon Fairy laughed, "ha ha... Bai miserable, you really have great powers. You even found forces such as the prophet FA family to entrap me. The reason why they helped you is because of the face of your pet beast, yin-yang rabbit!"

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