After Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue came out, they completely burst.

Because white clothes are worn backwards.

"Ah... All the clothes are worn backwards, isn't it..."

In an instant, these demon repair geniuses were alas.

Bai miserable looked down and really put on his clothes upside down. Then he whispered to Luo Tianxue, "why don't you tell me the clothes are upside down?"

"I only noticed your strong figure, not your clothes."

Luo Tianxue smiled cunningly.


Bai miserable was speechless and hurried back into the palace to tidy up his clothes.

The demon repair talents in the demon world were all lost, "no, my goddess is gone, arched by animals..."

After Bai miserable came out, he saw that these demon repair geniuses were lost and asked curiously, "what's the matter with them?"


Luo Tianxue gave Bai miserable a funny look.

"Ah... White wreaked our holy daughter. We are mortal enemies."

These demon repair geniuses are crazy.

Bai Zhenjing dodged away, and then said to Tianxue, "Tianxue, you were born here to recuperate. I'll come to see you when I have achieved success in cultivation. Goodbye!"

Then Bai miserable ran away.


"Bai miserable, you beast, return our saint!"

Demon repair geniuses chased the past.


Luo Tianxue smiled, and the world was shy.

"Later, Bai miserable will be the second leader of Tianxue palace."

"Yes, palace master!"


When Bai miserably went down the Tailian demon mountain, the strong people in the TIANYAO world chased Bai miserably.

"How dare you defile our first saint and suppress white misery for thousands of years!"

Angry demon repair geniuses attack madly.

Bai miserable quickly fled into the void and ran away from the void.

The geniuses of the demon world are crazy.

It's no wonder that anyone who makes Bai miserable wear clothes and come out of Luo Tianxue's boudoir will mistakenly think that something indescribable has happened between Bai miserable and Luo Tianxue.

This is enough to show how sacred Luo Tianxue is in the demon repair position of the demon world.

Hard to get rid of a group of demon repair talents, Bai miserable touched a virtual sweat, "it's too dangerous, these demon repair are crazy."

"In their eyes, you have defiled their most sacred saint. Who will you cut if you don't cut it?"

Starling said something.


At this time, a figure quickly approached Bai miserable, "chief Bai, wait!"

Bai miserable looked back and was stunned, "Dugu smiled?"


Dugu smiled and appeared in front of Bai miserable, "chief Bai, long time no see."

"Dugu smiled, how could you find me?"

White surprise.

"I was near the Tailian demon mountain in the heaven demon world. I heard that chief Bai went to the Tailian demon mountain and saw countless demon repairs chasing chief Bai, so I followed him to have a look."

Dugu Yi smiled.

"I see. Have you reached the realm of ten powerful men?"

Bai Pei was surprised to see Dugu Yixiao's powerful sword.

"In the life forbidden zone of the heavenly demon world, there was an opportunity in the ancient demon cave. After years of bloody battle, it was lucky to reach the realm of the ten powerful."

"OK, I'm going back to the beast king mainland to practice in seclusion. Are you interested in going with me?"

"Oh? That's just right. I can go back and see my old friends."

So Bai miserable and Dugu Yixiao returned to the tianwu world together.

Bai miserable asks starling to inform wuxinzi, chick, Jintian Qiufu, Anlan Zhiqiu and yuntianxia to see who wants to go back to the beast king mainland together.

Chick, wuxinzi and yuntianxia don't want to go back.

Jintian seeks defeat because he misses Nangong poetry. Anlan Zhiqiu wants to go back to see the Anlan family, and they also follow.

Soon, Bai miserable and his party rushed back to the beast king continent.

Of course, when Bai miserable and others return, they will be known by old people.

After a party, Bai miserable went to little Mengqi and began to practice in seclusion.

With little Mengqi's current means, it can continuously give Bai miserable a lot of reincarnation power, which is more powerful than taking Tiancai and Dibao.

In this way, Bai miserable wholeheartedly attacks the peak state of yingsoul realm, and has the momentum of becoming benevolent if he fails!


Cultivation has no sun and moon, the vicissitudes of the sea and the fields.

It was only when Bai miserable reached the peak of Ying soul realm that he ended his retreat.

Little Mengqi also scattered the light mask wrapped with white and miserable reincarnation power.

"We welcome chief Bai to leave the customs!"

Nangong Weimeng and other people guarding here paid homage to Tao in unison.

Looking at Nangong Weimeng and others who have changed greatly, Bai miserably smacked his tongue and asked, "how long have I been closed?"

"Brother, a total of 980000 years."

Little Mengqi smiled.


"What? 980000 years? How did I get through it?"

Bai was shocked.

In a trance, Bai miserable felt isolated from the world.

"Myna, where are they?"

Bai miserable asked.

"Cousin, 80000 years ago, Starling, Zhiqiu and Dugu smiled and said, with your physique, it is estimated that it will take a long time to practice in the British spirit realm, so they decided to go to the endless world."

"We are also going to wait for your cousin to finish your cultivation, and then go to the endless world."

Nangong Weimeng said.

"Have you reached the eternal realm?"

Bai was stunned.

"Yes, brother Bai, with the help of the reincarnation Taoist Lord, we have also successfully broken through to the path."

Said the lion and the chicken.

"It's not just us, Zhu Liangjiu and Mo Yuxuan. They also broke through the trail, but their breakthrough is not normal."

Dongfang ruoxian nestled in Nangong Weimeng's arms and said.

"Not normal?"

Bai miserable doubts.

"Brother, it's like this. Zhu Liangjiu and Lao Shiji have limited talents and can't break through successfully."

"Therefore, I chose to let them do reincarnation, so that they can reach the realm of Xiaodao, but they can never break through."

Little Mengqi explained.

"I see. It's good that they live forever and can experience the beauty of the world for a long time."

After that, Bai miserable and others returned to the beast gate.

Looking at a group of acquaintances, those with poor talent have become reincarnation envoys, and those with good talent have broken through to the path by themselves. Bai miserable is also sincerely happy.

In this way, samsara can stay here with little Mengqi, so that little Mengqi won't feel lonely.

After all, I will leave in the future and go to the endless world.


"Cousin, ruoxian and I are going to the endless world. We are waiting for you in the endless world."

Nangong Weimeng and Dongfang ruoxian bid farewell to Bai miserable.

"Chief Bai, master Erniu, my way of Fuyin also needs to be tempered in a wider and endless world. Goodbye Zhuge Yu!"

Zhuge Yu kowtowed first.

"Chief Bai, I'll also leave."

Mo Zhiyin and Gu Huayu also said goodbye.

Huaguduo, Mo Yuxuan, Luo Liyin, laoshiji, Xiao Mingjin, Li Qingcang, Niu Qingqing and other reincarnation envoys stayed in the beast king mainland.

As for Jingba, the beast king of the beast gate, because he absorbed the blood essence of the little stone duck, he broke through the path and his strength was not weak.

And Jingba has deep feelings for Bai miserable, so they want to follow Bai miserable.

Bai miserable will not refuse.

It can be said that Jingba is the witness of Bai miserable's first meeting with Bilian!

Then Bai miserable said goodbye to the people, took Jingba, and found a desolate and uninhabited planet somewhere in the void, ready to attack the destiny realm here.

According to the four of Dabao, cultivating the five elements formula and breaking through the realm of destiny will usher in a powerful disaster.

If there is a stronger person nearby, the power of Tianjie will be doubled.

That's why Bai miserable didn't break through in the beast king continent.

When ready, Bai miserable took out the five gods and began to attack the destiny realm!

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