

A strong man like a real dragon, the demon is rolling in the air.

"Is the young supremacy of the Dragon female clan, one of the inheritance forces of the demon king!"

One day, the strong man in the demon world exclaimed.

Those who fought against Bai miserable before were ordinary powerful men.

After Bai miserable won hundreds of thousands of games in a row, the strong inheritors finally couldn't help fighting.

"It's said that the Longnv clan has a trace of real dragon blood. Now it's the strongest genius of the Longnv clan. It's sure to hit the mysterious man."

Said the strong.

"The Dragon Dihua, the first demon of the Dragon female clan, is here to learn. What do you call it?"

Long Dihua said politely.

"Call me Gu Shaobai!"

Bai miserable said at will.

"Gu Shaobai?"

None of the strong has heard of the name.

After all, this is a pseudonym used by Bai miserable, and two times have passed, and basically no one will know.

After being polite, long Dihua made every effort to display the inheritance skill "dragon demon skill", because he felt great pressure from Bai miserable!

Therefore, as soon as he made a move, longdihua used the upanishadism killing move.

"The dragon is proud of the world!"

Many demon practitioners in TIANYAO world shouted loudly to cheer longdihua.

"The Dragon demon skill is a unique inheritance skill of the Dragon woman family. It needs the Dragon woman's blood to practice. I don't believe he can copy it. If he can use the same move, I'll call his father on the spot!"

A demon xiuhao said.

Next second!

"The dragon is proud of the world!"

Bai miserably showed the profound meaning of longdihua's killing move with great ease.


Not only the Dragon female clan was frightened, but also other demon clans were frightened.

"Is he the strong man of the Dragon woman clan?"

A demon monk guessed.

The Dragon female clan is dignified. They are convinced that Gu Shaobai, the mysterious man, is by no means a demon of the Dragon female clan.

Because the whole dragon female clan has mastered the profound meaning of dragon demon skill.


Bai miserable and long Dihua hit each other.

Longdihua is a little inferior!

Because he was shaken back a few steps, but Bai didn't.

Long Dihua, who doesn't believe in evil, has full combat power and uses moves frequently.

But white is as like as two peas of his shadow. The same way he used to make the same thing, but the shadow made it even more fierce.

However, longdihua was completely suppressed with the same move for the first time.

"I admit defeat. Can you tell me that you are an ancestor of my Longnu clan?"

Longdihua admits defeat.


Bai smiled sadly.


Long Dihua was stunned and had to step down from the five element stage.

Under the stage!

A demon repair said to the demon repair who spoke arrogantly before, "don't you call your father?"


The demon Xiu blushed, but he still shouted at Bai miserable: "Dad!"


Bai miserable was speechless. "Bet is a bet. Don't bet your father."


The strong laugh.

They thought Bai miserable was a serious strong man, but they didn't expect to be very sophisticated. They liked this kind of strong man without airs most.

Also because of Bai miserable's easygoing, these strong people no longer have a tense atmosphere.

Then, there were still a steady stream of strong people coming to power to fight Bai miserable.

Many strong men are conquered by Bai miserable's charm and become loyal iron powder. Ask Bai miserable if he needs to rest and restore the power of the law.

But Bai Zhen said he didn't need it. He could absorb the power of the laws of heaven and earth and supplement it quickly.

Gradually, the four emperor demon clan, the nine tail demon fox clan, the Baize clan, the evil dispelling clan, the Heishan tree demon clan, and the most powerful TIANYAO clan in the TIANYAO world all went up to fight Bai miserable.

Whether it's talent, magic, secret arts, blood skill, inheritance skill and so on.

As long as you can use it, Bai miserable can be easily and perfectly displayed.

No one in the same realm and move is the enemy of white misery.

Bai miserable also gradually realized the essence of Taoism by constantly fighting with these powerful beings.

In the back, all the strong inheritors in the six circles want to fight Bai miserable.

They don't expect to defeat Bai miserable, they just want to hit Bai miserable once.

Because so far, no one can hit white once.


"Tianyan immortal Sutra, Tianyan Tong!"

Tianyan fairy monster genius and Bai miserable use the same move to bomb.

Looking at Bai miserable's forehead, Tianyan also appeared, which almost didn't frighten the Tianyan fairy family.

Previously, Bai miserable had shown the talent and Dharma of various races. The Tianyan fairy family thought that Bai miserable could never imitate their Tianyan.

Now, they have seriously doubted whether Bai miserable can naturally simulate the constitution of other people's blood.

It's just that this kind of constitution is unheard of and too incredible.

"I'll come, three heads and six arms immortal method!"

The three altar Zong strongmen fought, but they were still suppressed and defeated by Bai miserable.

"You can't do it in the celestial world. It depends on the means of my impermanent family!"

An impermanent ghost repair monster level genius went up.

After a while, he ran off the stage with a gloomy face.

"Look at my five thunder fairy Sutra!"

The chief of the five thunder immortal's Academy went to war.



"Cough, I admit defeat!"


"Jiutian Xuannv Sutra's profound meaning, Jiutian Xuannv goes down to the world!"

The saint of Xuannv Temple goes to war.



The saint vomited blood from her beaten mouth.


"Emperor Gao of Luocha nationality has a pulse of Gao mubai. Please give me your advice."

It seems that the man who fought was a genius of Gaodi of Luocha nationality. Bai miserable intended to release water.

In the battle with Gao mubai with Gao Di Jue, Bai miserable also understood clearly that Gao mubai was the elite of monster genius.

So, Bai miserable fought with him and gave him secret advice.

This can look at the other strong.

"How do I feel that Gu Shaobai is giving Gao mubai advice?"

Said the strong.

The others nodded.

Everyone can see that Bai miserable is conducting a guidance war with Gao mubai.

Half a day later!

Bai miserable beat Gao mubai only after he hit Gao mubai intentionally.

"You hit me. You can choose any treasure here."


Gao mubai bowed respectfully to Bai miserable, and then chose a treasure useful to the soul.

With Gaomu baidebao, those talents who did not play were excited to play one after another, hoping to get Bai miserable advice.

Unfortunately, except for a small number of powerful people such as little Vajra sect, Tiandou sect and Luocha clan, who can be instructed by Bai miserable to deliberately release water, others were quickly defeated by Bai miserable.

With the passage of time, Bai miserable fought for hundreds of thousands of years again.

Gu Shaobai has become the benchmark of this era!

Even the six circles call this era the Shaobai era.

Because Gu Shaobai almost picked the whole six realms, and no one was his enemy.

The most frightening thing is that he can master everyone's moves.

How can such an earth shaking and strange man not disturb the leaders of the six realms of eternity.

If not for the order of a sect leader, he should not interfere with the six realms. It is estimated that many strong people in the eternal realm will return to the TIANYAO realm to see who Gu Shaobai is.



Under the rule of Li Da Chui, the endless world has been calm for more than two million years.

The family of heaven almost successfully lost a lot of territory and was taken away by the strong six in the world.

It can be said that under the rule of sledgehammer, the family of heaven has never had losses and grievances.

But heaven and man still have to endure, smile and unconditionally obey the "divine deployment" of sledgehammer.

The six circles, under the magical deployment of sledgehammer, have developed rapidly. It can be said that everyone is full of confidence and confident that they can fight with the family of heaven.

Even in the six circles, many strong people are grateful to the mysterious ten generation tiandaozi of the Tianzhi family, praise the ten generation tiandaozi's wisdom and martial arts, and hope that he will always rule the Tianzhi family.

"Young master, I wonder if you can see my low profile?"

The sledgehammer is on the boundless palace, looking at the galaxy in the distance.



Bai miserable finally realized his own Tao in the continuous fighting.

Tao follows nature and is originally a trace.

There are traces to be found, which is called the Tao.

As the saying goes, there is no road in the world. If someone walks through it, there is a road.

"No one has crossed my road, so my road is a new road, named Zhi!"

When Bai miserable just realized the Tao, there was a crack in the nine color xuanhuang egg in Dantian, and the six circles were full of Taoist flowers at the same time

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