"From today on, this token is your identification. You must not lose it. Otherwise, it will be directly executed as a traitor of the heavenly family."

"Well, take your identity token and follow me to the Daoji test hall to test Daoji's talent, and then you can report to the corresponding college."

Said Taoist mo.

"Corresponding colleges? Are there any branches in a college?"

Bai miserable followed Taoist Mo and expressed doubts.

"Naturally, there are two colleges in a college, the South College is also known as the day after tomorrow college, and the North College is also known as the congenital college."

"If you are a disciple who integrates into the Tao and breaks through to the Xiaodao realm, you will enter the day after tomorrow college, and your plasticity is very low."

"With their own talent and perception, disciples who break through the Xiaodao realm enter the congenital college with strong plasticity."

Under normal circumstances, the guide master will not waste more words with new people.

However, Bai Peng is a genius who is famous in the six realms and even the endless world. Naturally, Taoist Mo who leads the way will carefully explain Bai Peng's doubts.

In his opinion, Bai miserable is definitely a super genius and future overlord who is firmly determined to enter the congenital college.

"Eight seven, here we are. Just go in and test it!"

Master Mo explained.

"Yes, thank you for leading the way."

Subsequently, Bai miserable entered the test hall with curiosity.

There are many disciples who have just come to a college, and they are also queuing for testing.

"Integrate the Taoist foundation, the way of Cang wood, level: every grade is inferior, the hall of factotum of the college the day after tomorrow, next!"

"Fusion Daoji, the way of fog, grade: all grade middle grade, ordinary Hall of the college the day after tomorrow, next!"


"Congenial Daoji, the way of small seal, grade: every grade is inferior, the ordinary Hall of congenial college, next!"

As you watch, Bai miserable is also clear.

There are three levels for judging Daoji in this college: Fan level, prefecture level and sky level.

It is subdivided into low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade and top-grade.

After testing the Taoist basic level, it is arranged to the corresponding college hall.

In the test array, operate the power of your Tao patterns to show the Tao you understand.

There are three thousand roads and countless paths.

Those who can understand the great road are all amazing and gorgeous, but this kind of genius is extremely rare!

The day after tomorrow college has five learning halls: miscellaneous hall, ordinary hall, elite hall, demon hall and monster hall.

Congenital college has no Hall of factotum, only ordinary hall, elite hall, demon hall and monster hall.

The so-called factotum is a pure cannon fodder and a porter who is specially responsible for building and transporting materials.

After testing one after another, a genius finally came out.

"Congenial Daoji, the way of Jianshan, level: prefecture level best, congenial college demon hall, next!"


It was detected that it was the best Taoist base at the prefecture level, which caused many disciples to exclaim.

The demon genius was very excited, proudly looked at the people to be tested, and then followed a strong man to the congenital college.

Before long, it was finally Bai miserable's turn.

Bai miserable gives the identity token to a strong person in the college, then steps into the Taoist pattern array and operates the power of the Taoist pattern.

The whole array did not respond, nor did it show any shadow.

The shock caused a burst of consternation.

This kind of thing has never been seen before.

The strong person in charge of the array thought there was something wrong with the array.

After some testing, it was found that the array was intact without any problems.

An elder personally tested it and showed that everything was normal.

"Eight seven, you try again."

Bai miserable has realized that it is his own way of dark and yellow, which does not belong to the scope of 3000 Avenue, so it will not appear.

But Bai miserable won't explain. This is his own secret. The less people know the big secret of the game with the leaders of the heavens in the future, the better.

So Bai miserable ran up and tried again, but he still didn't show his way.

College elders and other strong whispers.

After some discussion, it was determined that Bai miserable integrated the extremely weak Tao and half understood it, which led to the failure of the Tao based test array.

"Fusion Daoji, nameless Dao, level: quasi fan level, the hall of miscellaneous workers of the college the day after tomorrow, next!"


"Quasi fan level!"

All the disciples waiting in line for the test looked at Bai miserable with ridicule.

A college has never had any quasi ordinary Daoji. Bai miserable broke the college record.

Taking back the token, he looked at the three words "Zhun fan level" written on the back, and was speechless for a while.

However, Bai Shi did not get entangled too much. His own way has the final say.

Therefore, Bai miserable follows a strong man of the college and is ready to report to the factotum Hall of the college the day after tomorrow.

After leaving the hall, the former Taoist priest Mo's strong man hurried over and asked eagerly, "how? The test is the best avenue base at the heaven level?"

Before Bai miserable spoke, the strong man next to him turned his eyes, despised Bai miserable and said: "Taoist Mo, what heaven level top-grade Avenue base, you look at him too high. He can't even count any level Dao base."

"Ha? It's impossible, absolutely impossible. How can his Daoji not even be a level? Are you mistaken?"

Taoist Mo was confused.

"Taoist Mo, go and tell the elder about it. I have to take him to report to the college the day after tomorrow. Goodbye."

Then the strong man left with Bai miserable, who gave Taoist Mo an innocent look.


Master Mo hurried to the inside of the college.

make fun of!

For the first time!

A genius who covers the six realms is a quasi fan level Taoist foundation. Who believes it?

Soon, the news of a new associate Taoist foundation waste material came out of a college, which suddenly spread all over the college, causing countless disciples to laugh.

"Hahaha... The day after tomorrow, the college welcomes the most useless new disciple in history. I'm laughing to death."

At this time, Bai miserable didn't know that he wanted to keep a low profile. He had become famous in a college.

It is estimated that before long, the whole ancient city world will hear the name "eight seven"!

At this time, Bai miserable followed the strong man of the college to a palace with three big characters of the factotum class written on it.

"Go in, and you will live here until you graduate and go out to be a factotum."

After that, the strong man left indifferently.

Bai miserable had to step into the factotum hall.

After a while, the Taoist master of his own factotum class came and told Bai Pang the rules:

"... finally, in this college, you should always remember one sentence: you are the most abandoned worker, you are the salted fish that can never turn over. No matter what grievances you suffer, you should bear them."


After confirming some things in the factotum hall, Bai miserable goes to the arranged house: room 1314.


A college, Presbyterian!

"Elder Feng, is there something wrong with the test today?"

Taoist Mo questioned.

"Taoist Mo, there are no questions in the test. Why do you ask so?"

Elder Feng was a little unhappy.

Taoist Mo quickly told the story of Bai miserable.

The elders were stunned one by one.

The elder hurriedly said, "quickly tune out the white tragedy test image."

Elder Feng had to take out the mirror and release the image of Bai miserable's test at that time.


After reading it, the strong people couldn't understand it.

"It's really no problem. What's wrong?"

"It is reasonable to say that Bai miserable should not be able to show even the Tao. There is no 301st Avenue in the world!"

After some discussion, the elders had to ask Taoist Mo to go to the president. They ignored the matter.

"Elders, I'll leave first."

Master Mo went directly to a college dean, hoping that the Dean would allow him to secretly investigate Bai miserable's talent.

Soon, Taoist Mo came to the dean's residence!

"Smelly old man, you wait for me to croak. Sooner or later, suppress you and feed you fart!"

A strange stone duck was suppressed on the ground and cursed madly.

Taoist Mo naturally knows that this is the apprentice of heaven and earth animals collected by the dean in the early years.

"Tell the president, don't wait to tell me something important!"

"Come in!"

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