"What happened?"

"Why is my thunder robbery so unstable?"

"What do you seem to be afraid of?"

The day after tomorrow, the disciples of the college looked at their robbery clouds in amazement.

Although there are many crossing and robbing spaces in the crossing and robbing hall, they are actually connected together.

The whole room of Dujie hall is actually the entrance of a special great pole, corresponding to the corresponding place of Dujie, which can absorb the power of thunder.

The appearance of Bai miserable thunder robbery naturally affects the inside and outside of the hall.

The Taoist priest at the gate felt uneasy, "strange? How do I feel that something bad will happen?"

When Bai miserable began to cross the robbery, the robbery clouds of other disciples were all scattered.

"Ah... How did my robbery cloud disperse? I haven't succeeded in robbery yet!"

Many people who have been robbed are alas.

If you want to break through the current realm, you need to be baptized by thunder robbery when you hit the realm.

If you don't go through the baptism of thunder robbery, you can't break through to the next level, and all your previous preparations will be wasted.

Now, Bai miserable and Xuan Huang thunder robbers directly scare away other thunder robbers, so that the disciples of Du robbers can't be completely baptized, that is to say, they all failed.

No wonder they stumbled and beat their chest and feet.

Well, Lei Jie broke up by himself, which really refreshed their three views.

These disciples ran out of the room one by one with sad faces. When they learned that others were the same, the robbery clouds dispersed.

They thought there was something wrong with Dujie hall, so they went to the door keeper to cry.


The gatekeeper nodded in his heart, "I'll go. Something really happened?"

At this time, Bai miserable has finished three mysterious yellow thunder robberies, and his cultivation has reached the mid-term state of double heaven in the path realm.

In order to facilitate the robbery, Bai miserable didn't leave. He decided to refine the treasure in the place of No. 666 robbery, and then wait for the next robbery.

The gatekeeper hurried to check the place of Dujie hall and found that everything was normal.

Of course, so many disciples failed to cross the hall and suffered great losses. The door keeper called the elders in charge of the hall and other strong people.

The elders also launched an investigation and found no problems.

"There's no problem crossing the robbery hall. It's estimated that your foundation is unstable, which leads to the disappearance of the robbery cloud. Go back and practice well."

After being reprimanded by the elder, these disciples turned red one by one and were extremely oppressed.

Everyone with a clear eye knows that there must be a problem when so many people disappear all at once.

Only the elders didn't want to carry the black pot, so they let these disciples carry the black pot by themselves.

Soon, another group of disciples came to cross the robbery.

The day after tomorrow, each school hall of the college has organized experience, and the number of disciples near the breakthrough has increased a lot.

All of a sudden, the failed disciples who were going to leave heard the same cry of grief as them.

I saw that shortly after entering the Dujie hall, all the disciples preparing for Dujie ran out, with tears streaming down their faces.

"No, my robbery cloud is gone. I'm ready for a thousand years. Once it's empty!"

The former disciples felt it one after another and saw the hope that the college would be responsible.

"I said there was a problem. Look, another group of disciples robbed the cloud has dissipated. There must be a problem in durobbed hall."

The first group of disciples echoed one after another, clamoring for the college to compensate for the losses.

The elders were silly and went to check again, but they still didn't find anything.

At this time, Bai miserable has broken through to the later stage of the double heaven in the Xiaodao realm, and began to refine and cultivate treasures

The elders know that it is impossible for these college disciples to carry the pot by themselves.

If they go to the Dean, they will also be withheld benefits, and the gains outweigh the losses.

So the elders asked a new group of disciples to take the developing Taoist stone and see what happened during the robbery.

These robber disciples are flustered and don't want to go to the robber. If they also encounter sudden changes, they will lose a lot.

If it were not for the elder's compulsory request and the elder's promise, if the crossing robbery failed, they would compensate these disciples for their losses. Only the third batch of disciples reluctantly chose the crossing robbery room.

The elders and other strong people carefully watch the image developed through the developing path stone outside.

At first, these disciples were very normal.

When some disciples were ready to cross the third thunder robbery, the robbery cloud suddenly trembled, as if afraid of something.

"Look, elder, we just met this kind of situation. The robbery cloud trembled and dissipated automatically."

The disciples who failed to cross the robbery said one after another.

Sure enough!

Soon after shaking, the robbery cloud dissipated automatically.

That means that the disciples in the robbery failed again.

These disciples came out of the room one by one.

"Hiss... What's going on?"

The elders are stupid.

The first time such a strange thing happened in Dujie hall, if this matter is not solved, their name of Dujie elder will come to an end.

"Are there any disciples in the Dujie hall? Call them all out. My elder will thoroughly investigate the Dujie hall."

The elder of DUJIE Hall said seriously.

At this time, the gatekeeper said, "tell the elder that there is a disciple 87 in room 666. He hasn't come out."

"Hmm? Eight seven? The factotum disciple who is recognized by the five elements town Tiandao, but only has the quasi fan level Taoist base?"

The elder asked solemnly.

"Yes, elder."

The gatekeeper dare not hide anything.

"His spirit has been robbed again?"

The elder asked.

"I don't know this, but he was inside at the beginning and hasn't come out yet."

The gatekeeper told the truth.

The elder frowned, "go and have a look."

Not long after, the strong came to room 666.

"I'll go first."

After that, the elder opened the entrance of the extreme state and entered the place of Bai miserable crossing robbery.


When he came in, he was frightened to find that Bai miserable was crossing the robbery, and a terrible nine color black and yellow thunder hit him.

"Lying trough!"

Feeling the terror of the nine colored black and yellow thunder, the elder knelt and climbed out of the place of crossing the robbery.

But it was still a step late and was affected by the residual power of the nine color dark yellow thunder.



The elder was dark all over and was seriously injured. He ran out of danger.

Bai miserable, who was determined to cross the robbery, didn't notice the big elder's intrusion.

The escaped elder, smoking all over and foaming at the mouth, said weakly with unstable breath, "hurry, go and inform the dean."

Then the elder fainted.

Only the xuanzodiac body can withstand the dark yellow thunder robbery.

Others, unless the road is perfect, will never be able to resist the dark yellow thunder robbery.


The other elders were confused one by one.

For a while

"Come on, save the elder quickly and inform the president quickly!"

All of a sudden, the disciples of the whole college and the strong fried the pot the day after tomorrow.

It's unheard of that the elder of Dujie hall was knocked unconscious by thunder robbery.

When President Nan Xinzhe got the news, he hurried over.

Dujie hall is the most important treasure land of the college. If something goes wrong, it's terrible.

Besides, it seems to have something to do with Bai miserable. He has to deal with it himself.

Soon, Nan Xinzhe rushed to the Dujie hall, where there were a lot of disciples, Taoists and other elders watching the play.

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