Seeing that Bai miserable has completely subdued the disciples of congenital college, Nan Xinzhe's inner joy is unparalleled.

Of course, we still need to control it in the end.

The president naturally gave such a great honor to Nan Xinzhe. He just pushed the boat along the water.

Under the attention of countless people, Nan Xinzhe came to the battle platform and first gave Bai miserable a positive look.

"Xiaobai, I saw you right. You did a good job and were more domineering than when I was young."

"It's all the care of President Nan. The boy has today."

Bai miserable is neither humble nor arrogant.

Nan Xinzhe nodded with satisfaction, then looked at everyone and began to do the final finishing work.

"This is the end of the first exchange meeting of the college. You must have a lot of doubts about August 7th. I'll explain it to you."

All the strong looked forward to hearing that President Nan Xinzhe was going to reveal the secret of August 7th.

To tell the truth, they can't wait to know why Bai miserable is only a factotum disciple of the factotum hall with such terrible strength.

Nanxinzhe, as the head of the Academy, has rich experience and has long thought of everything.

Bai miserable is also curious about how nanxinzhe will explain his strength.

Nan Xinzhe told the crowd that Bai miserable would detect the quasi fan level Taoist base at the beginning because Bai miserable had gathered his own body long before he fused the Taoist source, broke through the small Taoist realm and came to the endless world.

By chance, Bai miserable learned the skill of the Lord of the five elements Avenue, successfully reached the Xiaodao realm and successfully understood the five elements Avenue!


Countless strong people exclaimed.

It's an ancient wonder to understand the five elements Avenue separately.

In the endless world, the Tao understood by the strong in the eternal realm is generally inferior to the noumenon.

The strong who integrate the Daoji, their separation is generally hopeless to break through the Xiaodao realm all their life.

Nan Xinzhe continues to make up his perfect speech.

"Because I came to a college in the ancient city at the beginning of August 7th, I was on guard, so I retained the real strength of the five elements Avenue and participated in the detection with the unknown way of understanding. August 7th became the disciple of the miscellaneous service hall of the college the day after tomorrow!"

The elder in charge of Daoji detection suddenly realized, "I see!"


Bai miserable looked at Nan Xinzhe and admired him for a while. "Jiang is worthy of being old and spicy. I almost believed it. It depends on how you make flowers, Dean Nan."

"If it hadn't been for the lingdu robbery of the heavenly sabre in the five elements Town, I wouldn't have found the jade of 87."

"As the new generation owner of the five element Tiandao, how can it be simple?"

"So I took eight seven to my residence and tested eight seven again. It was also his five element Avenue."

"But the five element avenue that can eight or seven is just a new understanding, not to mention mastering the profound meaning of the king of the five element Avenue."

"I suggested that eight seven go to the monster Hall of congenital college to study, but eight seven wants to stay. He said that the college can learn what he wants the day after tomorrow."

"Forced by the death of eight seven, I can only reluctantly promise eight seven to stay in the college the day after tomorrow."

Nan Xinzhe was like a saint, and what he said was vivid.

White miserable, unable to make complaints about the heart, "your uncle's only forced to die."

"Facts have proved that eight seven is right. With the efforts of cultivation in the college the day after tomorrow and the guidance of me, eight seven not only mastered the secrets such as small movement, but also understood the supreme meaning of the king of the five elements Avenue."

"The real story of August 7th tells us that it is not that the integration of Daoji talent is necessarily poor. As long as there is the heart of the strong, the crow can become the Phoenix."

"The disciples of the day after tomorrow college are never inferior. They are all soldiers to cultivate and become stronger, guard the ancient city and the six realms!"

"The reason why a college is divided into two colleges, the north and the south, is just like what eight seven said earlier. Teaching students according to their aptitude and growing up in different environments."

"We are all comrades in arms and partners. When we unite as one, we can defeat the family of heaven and save the world!"

After listening to President Nan Xinzhe's impassioned speech, countless strong people were silent.

If as usual, Nan Xinzhe said so, others will be awakened at most. In the end, they will sink into the sea and recover their original appearance soon.

But now it's different. Bai miserable's appearance and the amazing performance of the exchange meeting have severely crushed the arrogance of the disciples of congenital college.

It also makes countless strong people see that the college can cultivate invincible talents the day after tomorrow.

Although Bai miserable understood the five elements Avenue, he came to the college to practice for a short time, and he had never practiced in the congenital college. He was a disciple trained by the college the day after tomorrow.

In the congenital college, there is no lack of monster level talents. What they understand is also the heaven level best avenue, and the cultivation time is definitely far more miserable.

But they were all hanged and beaten by Bai miserable. Even the courtyard master's apprentice was not Bai miserable's opponent.

Therefore, nanxinzhe's speech now is absolutely straight into the hearts of the strong. No one will refute nanxinzhe.

Countless strong people who graduated from college the day after tomorrow burst into tears.

They have been living blindly, like walking corpses, without the sustenance of their hearts and the purpose of moving forward.

Even if they die in battle, few people will remember them.

In the eyes of others, these strong people die.

Therefore, they learned to be oily and tried their best to live in a safe place for the rest of their lives.

Over time, this became the curse of the graduates of the college the day after tomorrow.

Now, they see hope, and Bai miserable has brought them dawn.

There are many strong people who integrate Taoism. Once they change their oiliness, they are ready to condense and separate themselves, and try their best to become stronger.

The strong people of the innate Daoji lowered their arrogant heads and fell into meditation.

Looking back on the past, the people they despised were also unknown comrades in arms guarding the six realms.

Just because they look down on them, they suffer and lose their way.

Thinking of this, these strong men all repent.

Many awakened congenital Daoji strongmen knelt down and apologized directly to the fusion Daoji strongmen they despised.

"Brother, I'm wrong!"

For the first time, the strong man of fusion Daoji was recognized by people. All of them burst into tears and knelt down.

"We are also wrong. We should not curse you behind your back or abandon ourselves. Good brothers, in the future, we will fight side by side!"

Feeling the atmosphere of the ancient city world, the elders and Taoists of a college all got up and paid attention to the ancient city.

At this time, master Han, the chief of the courtyard, flew into the air, and the power of Taoist patterns swept away, and the Taoist sound rolled:

"The president announced that from today on, the north and South colleges will be merged, the congenital college and the postnatal college will no longer be divided, the learning hall will also be cancelled, and the Daoji talent will no longer be tested publicly."

"In the future, it will be divided into three university halls according to its strength. The path will enter the common hall within three days, the earth hall within six days, and the heaven hall within nine days."

"From now on, a college will be comprehensively reorganized, from disciples to elders. Anyone who fails to comply will be expelled from the college!"

When the Dean announced the completion, all the disciples and the strong ones of the college shouted: "I will abide by the order of the Dean!"

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