"There is no great emperor in our abyss family. We can't participate in the contest between the great emperors."

The eight kings of the abyss returned to their ancestral land.

In the ancestral land, they are the strongest existence. When the great emperor comes, they are not afraid.

But outside the ancestral land, where the great power of the abyss ancestral spirit could not cover, they did not dare to step out rashly.

"What should I do?"

During the day, the Lord asked.

"Let's see."

The Lord of heaven Avenue said solemnly.

Not long ago, the old man daopeng and the six gate master appeared.

I saw that the army of the six heaven regiment and the army of the abyss stopped fighting.

How can the Lord of the six gates not understand that the heavenly family and the abyss family seem to be a real alliance.

"This is trouble."

The martial Master said with great dignity.

"No trouble, six Taoist friends, please look!"

Old man daopeng pointed in a direction.

The nine clawed golden dragon, who went against the Tao, arrived with 800 Daozi and an LAN Aojiao.


The nine clawed Golden Dragon roared.

Immediately, the eight hundred Taoist priests took the nine clawed golden dragon as the array base and each took out the supreme secret treasure to arrange the array.

"800 Dragon King array, Qi!"

Eight hundred boundless dragons appear and turn into the real dragon world. They will cover a large abyss, including the abyss ancestral land.

"No, break up!"

The Lord of heaven Avenue exclaimed.

The six heavenly masters wanted to fight, but the six gate masters stopped in front of them.


The Lord of Heitian Avenue glared at old man daopeng, "are you the person behind the organization?"

"Taoist organization? I don't like the name. Let's get to know it again. I'm the acting owner of Jietian Taoist temple."

"Six heavenly masters, you can leave, but the abyss family and the army of the six heavenly regiments have to stay."

"Don't worry, I won't do it to them."

Old man daopeng smiled.


This time it's the main shock of liudamen.

What does this old man daopeng want to do?

Old man daopeng suddenly looked at the six gate masters, "six gate masters, you can also go back. With me in the sky cutting Taoist field, the abyss family and the six heaven regiment will not easily appear outside in a short time."

Although we can't see through the purpose of Jietian Taoist temple, the six gate Lord still hopes to see such a situation.

As long as the six heavenly groups and the abyss do not appear, the six realms can protect themselves.

The six heavenly masters were all angry. They wanted to attack the Jietian Taoist temple, but the six gate masters stood on the side of the Jietian Taoist temple this time.

Seeing this, the six heavenly masters know that it is impossible to break the game.

We can only hope that the abyss family has a way to break through.

Then, the six heavenly masters and the six gate masters left at the same time.

They restrict and contain each other, and no one can do anything.

Seeing that the twelve strong people against the Tao state had left, old man daopeng showed a mysterious smile, then looked at an LAN Aojiao and whispered, "sorry, xiaoaojiao, I want you to suffer a little."

After that, old man daopeng disappeared.

The nine clawed Golden Dragon and the eight hundred Daozi formed the real dragon world, and the top strongmen of the six heaven group and the abyss family could not be shaken.

This is a large array based on the ancestor of the real dragon and the nine clawed Golden Dragon against the Tao. It can't be broken without going against the Tao!

The big men withdrew. Anlan Aojiao rubbed her hands and looked at the ancestral land of the abyss without concealment.

She didn't take part in the formation of 800 Daozi and nine clawed Golden Dragon.

So, Anlan Aojiao jumped to the ancestral land of the abyss!

The nine claw Golden Dragon controls the array with a knowing smile and gives an LAN Aojiao some help.

If the ancestor spirit of the abyss knew that his front foot had just spent a lot of money to manifest his spirit, the whole abyss family of his back foot was cut off by Jietian Taoist school, and it was estimated that he would spit blood angrily.


A college!

The rectification has been completed today.

Bai miserable and others are undergoing strength test, and then enter the corresponding learning hall.

This test is not a secret method, but based on your own strength.

After testing, Bai miserable successfully entered the temple of heaven with the initial state of the eight fold heaven.

The three roommates, fat Qi, can only enter the hall.

Although they got Bai miserable blood essence and greatly improved the Taoist base, they also practiced to the dual heaven realm of the small Taoist realm.


When he came to the temple of heaven, Bai miserable met many old acquaintances.

Although the learning hall has changed greatly, the internal competition here has not changed.

The strongest six can be promoted to cadres and enjoy additional benefits of the college.

Bai miserable and Xiaoshi duck need not say more. The two animals directly become cadres, and none of the other tiandian disciples has an opinion.

Diyi is also one of the cadres!

In other words, others can only be jealous of the remaining three cadre positions and can compete.

Finally, the last three cadre positions were won the title of cadre respectively by the strongest genius black-and-white impermanence of the impermanence family in the heaven ghost world, the strongest genius wa Huang Zhang Tian of the wa Huang demon family of the four Huang demon families in the heaven demon world, and Yang Jinwu, the strongest genius of the Tianyan Xian family in the heaven fairy world.

In the past, the disciples of the monster hall wanted to graduate. In addition to mastering the necessary secrets, they had to practice to the avenue and complete the graduation task arranged by the college before they could graduate.

Otherwise, only after waiting for 10000 years, they will be labeled as not graduated.

This kind of disciple who cannot graduate smoothly will often be looked down upon by others after leaving the college.

However, this situation is rare. Ordinary monster talents can graduate smoothly.

Now, the atmosphere of the whole college has changed greatly, and no disciple can easily mention the innate Daoji and the integrated Daoji.

It is inevitable that all schools will compete with each other.

This is the competition tacitly approved by the college. Only competition can make progress.

After Bai Zhenhua finished the benefits given by the College (tiandian disciple welfare, cadre welfare, plus the elder welfare given by President Nan Xinzhe and the private welfare given by President Han Normal University), he was ready to go for a walk in the ancient city world.

After all, after refining welfare resources, staying in the college for cultivation is not much different from the independent cultivation of xuanzodiac body.

In that case, it's better to go out and see if you can get some resources.

Seeing that Bai miserable wants to go out for a walk, little stone duck naturally won't miss such an opportunity to sneak out with Bai miserable.

Of course, Bai miserable and little stone duck sneaked out of the college without disturbing others.

Otherwise, there may be a lot of people following.

"Little stone duck, say it first. Before the president checks your cultivation, you must refine all the welfare resources, otherwise I won't bring you out next time."

"Don't worry, brother Bai, I'll follow you while refining. It's no problem!"

At the moment, Bai miserable became the appearance of the former super passer-by a, and the small stone duck became the size of an eardrop and hung under Bai miserable's ear.

If I didn't look carefully, I thought Bai miserable was wearing a duck earring. How strange.

"Little stone duck, where is there a place like Tianbao Pavilion in the ancient city world?"

Bai miserable asked the voice of his soul as he strolled around.

"Brother Bai, I know something about this. There is a place in the ancient city world with many treasures."


"It's called a treasure city. It's the holy land of alchemists, weapon refiners, treasure appraisers and so on. It's the concentration of ancient treasures in the ancient city world. As long as you have sharp eyes or have great skills, you can get the treasures you want!"

"What are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

So, one person and one duck ran towards a treasure city.

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