"Yes, I was the successor of the fire smelting gate. I successfully broke through the path and came to the endless world."

"Originally, I thought adults were admirable adults. Unexpectedly, my friends who took me captive did not dare to admit it."

Bai miserably released his blood gas and said with great disappointment.

What else did the eight armed Yan devil's confidant want to say, but he was stopped by the eight armed Yan devil.

Feeling the blood gas released by Bai miserable, the eight armed Yan devil smiled and said, "so you are really the man of the fire smelting gate. We are actually a family."

With that, the eight armed Yan devil asked his cronies to go on and called some ancestors of the fire smelting gate. These called strong men were also the cronies of the eight armed Yan devil.

Fortunately, Bai miserable has been the first treasure of the fire smelting gate for a period of time. He is familiar with the inheritance skill of the fire smelting gate, the holy formula of fire smelting sword, and some secrets of the fire smelting gate.

Bai miserably told the strong that it was difficult to break through the road when he practiced the formula of refining fire holy sabre, so he wandered into the forbidden area of life, got the source of Taoism by chance, integrated the Taoist foundation and achieved the Taoist body.

Being able to understand the five elements formula is the blessing of our ancestors.

In this way, these strong people also regard Bai miserable as their own people.

Since he is his own man, the eight armed Yan devil doesn't hide Bai miserable. He truthfully tells Bai miserable that the fat Qi three people were indeed caught by his confidants.

However, the eight armed Yan devil didn't say that haichan and Daxi had been refined and swallowed by himself, but told Bai miserable that his confidants met a powerful hunting group on their way back. Daxi and haichan died unexpectedly, and pangqi was brought back.

Fat Qi has long been refined into a magic puppet and has been taken to the Qi family in Qinglian sword area.

As for why he took him to the Qi family, the eight armed Yan devil explained that he suspected that the Qi family had taken refuge in the Tianzhi family, so he caught the Qi family disciples to inquire about the news.

"Eight seven, it's Ben Jun's fault. I don't know these three people are your friends in the college. Otherwise, Ben Jun will never let his men catch them."

The eight armed Yan devil was deliberately annoyed.

"You don't need to blame yourself, sir. You are also thinking about the overall situation. It's a sin for me to disrespect you just now. I don't know, sir. It may be restored if I'm refined into a magic puppet?"

Bai miserably resisted his anger and said respectfully.

Daxi and haichan could never have been killed by heaven and man, but they were killed by the eight armed Yan devil.

In order not to stimulate the rebellious genius of eight seven, give him some buffer time, the eight armed Yan devil said with a smile:

"Don't worry, the devil puppet is just under my control. When I use him to get the information that the whole family colludes with heaven and man, I will recover it."

All the strong here know that once they are refined into a magic Puppet by the eight armed Yan devil, they have been taken away by the eight armed Yan devil Taoist knowledge and become his part. I am equivalent to dying and can't recover.

The eight armed Yan devil has made a good plan in his heart. At that time, let pangqi be blown out by heaven and man.

In this way, 87 will only vent their anger on heaven and man.

"Now that I know their situation, I will go back to the college first and graduate in the future. I will surely come to Tianhuo domain, follow the steps of adults and kill heaven and man!"

Bai miserable knows pangqi's whereabouts, so he is not ready to stay.

"Well, well, your boy is not only gifted, but also so profound. He will surpass me in the future."

Then, the eight armed Yan devil sent someone to escort Bai miserable back.

After Bai miserable left, the eight armed Yan devil was pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, eight seven, who is famous in the six realms, is actually the man of the fire smelting gate, that is, his own man.

In this way, the eight armed Yan devil had a sinister idea.

If eighty-seven is obedient, cultivate it into the first general.

If eighty-seven will not easily succumb to others, then take advantage of his failure to rise, seize it and refine it into a separate body.

Of course, this will have to wait until after graduation in 1987.

What we need to do now is to fully confirm the situation of Qijia.

Therefore, the eight armed Yan devil announced that the Yan devil army guarded the base camp, while he wholeheartedly controlled the fat Qi body and mixed into the Qi family!

Back to the ancient city, Bai miserable went straight back to the college, handed in the task, and then immediately led the task of Qinglian sword domain!

Little stone duck also took another task and continued to follow Bai miserable.

Although I don't know why the eight armed Yan devil targeted the Qi family, it's definitely not simple.

Two younger brothers died miserably, and pangqi was tempered into a magic puppet. It is still unknown whether he can recover.

Bai miserable decides to participate in this matter and confirms the matter between the eight armed Yan devil and the Qi family.

If the whole family really took refuge in the six realms, Bai miserable would not destroy the layout of the eight armed Yan devil.

If the whole family does not take refuge in the six realms, but has another secret, Bai miserable will definitely do his best to destroy it!

When Bai miserable comes to the green lotus sword region, he confirms the location of the Qi family and goes straight to it.

In order not to be discovered by the eight armed Yan devil, Bai miserable specially disguised himself as a small stone duck.



"Stone on the ground?"

The strong guard of the whole family looked at Bai miserable in amazement.

As an apprentice of the dean of the college, the world is strange and the animals lie on the ground. Now who doesn't know, who doesn't know!

"Yes, it's me. I came to Qinglian sword area to do a mission. I passed by here to visit the leader of Qi family. Go and inform him."

Said Bai miserably.

The Qi family guard hurried to report.

Not long ago, Qi Heng, the contemporary head of the Qi family, came out to receive him in person.

"Hahaha... Little friend Shi Fu's visit to the cold house makes the cold house shine!"

Qi Heng greeted him politely.

Although the strength of the Qi family is not weak, Qi Ming, the first ancestor, is also a generation of Da Dao Jun, but because he was once an affiliated force of the poet, he has not been reused and can only guard in the small green lotus sword field.

The reason why this domain is named Qinglian sword domain is Qi Ming.

Although the Qi family is not reused, it also gives the Qi family a relatively peaceful environment.

There are not many wars in Qinglian sword area. It's just a small fight at most.

People living here have long been used to peace.

Therefore, the leader of the whole family still attaches great importance to such figures as the grand Dean and his disciples.

After taking a seat in the main hall, Bai miserable directly said: "master Qi, it's like this. Fat Qi and I have become good friends in the college because of August 7th. He hasn't returned to the college for many years. Today, when I come here to complete the experience task, I'll come and inquire. Can fat Qi return?"

"Fat Qi is your buddy?"

Qi Heng naturally knows that he is fat. This is the famous waste material of the Qi family.

Some time ago, the college heard that pangqi was a roommate of 87 and was taken care of by 87. His cultivation soared, which really shocked the whole family and marveled at pangqi's good luck.

Unexpectedly, fat Qi became good friends with the dean's apprentice, which shocked Qi Heng again.

"Fat Qi did come back. He said he took a training task. If he didn't finish it over time, he would be removed from the college, so he had to go home."

As soon as he heard that "pangqi" was really at home, Bai miserable narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I wonder if the owner can let pangqi come over for a while. I haven't seen him for a long time."

"That's no problem."

Then Qi Heng ordered people to call fat Qi.

At this time, the eight armed Yan devil controlled pangqi's body and was competing with a group of Qi's talented disciples to conquer them with strength so as to lay a foundation for himself to inquire about the secrets of the Qi family.

The ancestors of the Qi family were not allowed to go to a college because they were not important and arrogant.

Anyway, he can teach his family the secrets that the college has to learn.

It's just that there will be more benefits and safety in the college.

But the ancestor of the Qi family was indignant. He didn't do anything sorry to the six realms, but he was excluded.

They would have betrayed the six realms if they had not firmly believed and vowed not to take refuge in the family of heaven to the death.

"Qibulu, the owner told you to go there!"

"Fat Qi", who conquered the genius of the Qi family, quickly stopped the competition and went to the hall in doubt.

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