"Hmm? What's going on?"

This makes Bai miserable very curious!

"It has something to do with Yunwu Hall's desire to regain the rule of the mainland. At that time, they will destroy all other inheritance, leaving only one inheritance in Yunwu hall, and this big ratio is a turning point!"

Wuxinzi put away the ice spirit mirror and continued, "if Yunwu hall sweeps all Tianjiao this time, they will be recognized by the world and win the hearts of the world, and they will act in advance... Take advantage of the trend to subdue major forces, and when the world is unified, they will start to exterminate other inheritance one by one! If Dabi is defeated and loses his prestige, the war will be delayed for one year!"

"Er! After all, there will not be a war. What does that have to do with you coming to me?" Bai miserable said speechless.

"It's very simple... Defeat Tianjiao of Yunwu hall by all means! Let Yunwu hall fail in this competition. This... Only you can do it!"

Heartless children rarely put away their smiles and talk seriously.

"Aren't you very talented and powerful? You can't defeat Tianjiao in Yunwu hall?" Bai zhenleng said.

Wuxinzi shook his head. "I'm too young. My cultivation time is too short. I can't beat the cloud world temporarily! If you give me more time, I'm not afraid of his cloud martial hall when I grow up!"

"I have calculated with the celestial sphere. Among all Tianjiao, only you can defeat yuntianxia, and you are most suitable to attack the prestige of Yunwu hall, because you only have the initial state of expanding the palace!"

"In this way, the Yunwu hall will be suspected by the world, and they will redeploy and restore their prestige. It will take about a year..."

"Six months later, the Xiaoji state will open. At that time... It is the best opportunity for us to kill the strong people who enter the Xiaoji state and weaken their strength. In this way, there will be a glimmer of vitality in the follow-up war!"

After listening to wuxinzi's words, Bai Zhenning said again, "I can't beat them in the cloud world, can I?"

"No! Believe me, you fought! As long as you are willing to believe us, this is also the main purpose of our Tianji sect in the war to help you defeat yuntianxia!" Said Wu Xinzi.

"Well, I'll refer to it first!"

"Yes! I felt it from the first time I met you, so I induced you to show little old man Xuanfeng... Today's calculation confirmed that... You are a glimmer of life for many creatures in Yunwu continent!"

"Then how can I defeat those perverts in Yunwu hall?"

"This secret... Can't be revealed for the time being. Then... You'll know! Well, little old man Xuanfeng told me everything I should say. I'm going back to play with the treasure!"

Say it, wuxinzi is gone!

"His grandmother's!"

Bai miserable hurriedly checked everything and found that everything was still there except the lyrics of the left hand pointing to the moon!

"Sleeping trough! Little bastard, steal my lyrics!"

"Starling, what do you think?"

"I'm not strong enough and my memory doesn't recover much, but what the little boy said should be true. The practitioners of Dayan Tianji won't play with Tianji at will, or they won't!"

"Well... It seems true. Can we win a year to defeat Yunwu hall? It seems that this big competition is not just to compete for territory! Starling, start the next game, be serious..."

"No problem! As long as you find the right opportunity, you won't have a problem defeating the cloud world if you get my yin-yang heaven shaking skill, but I can only do it again for the time being!"

"You pit father goods, you still mean to say, who told you to use indiscriminately and blew me up. Fortunately, Bilian is powerful, or I'll strangle you!"



When the scorching sun rises, early, Bai miserable and his party fly to the competition field

This morning, it was the ruthless sect versus the war refining sect!

Bai miserable has been curious about the ruthless sect that only accepts women. What is their strength? Today we can have a good look at their combat strength!

Soon, ready to fight

I saw a slim woman boarded the battle platform, wearing a smoky skirt and gray hair. At first glance, the woman seemed to be an ash fairy who didn't eat human fireworks

A handsome young man with short red hair came up from the Lianqi sect. He held a red staff in his hand. At the top of the staff was a bead emitting flame

These two people are Bu Shengyan of the ruthless sect and Sikong Jingchen of the refining sect!

Yun Zhanxia announces the start of the war!

They began to fight. Both of them were in the early stage of the spirit state. Bu Shengyan practiced the prefecture level high-level "smoke and fantasy step", and Sikong Jingchen practiced the prefecture level high-level "fire formula"!

This is a battle of fireworks!

Bu Shengyan's weapon is actually a pot. The purple smoke pot is a low-grade spiritual weapon... When Zhenli is exerted, the purple smoke pot keeps emitting gray smoke!

I saw the third chakra magic power of Bu Shengyan, a flash of green awn and a light drink, "smoke wave technique"!

The whole battle platform is shrouded in gray smoke, including the sky, but also gray smoke!

People are speechless, and the auxiliary magic powers cover their sight. How can they see the battle

An old strongman showed his eyes and explained to everyone on the scene. Only then did they know what happened on the stage

Sikong Jingchen has also launched an attack, and it is a large-scale attack on the magic power. As soon as the green magic power "fire burning the original" is displayed, the best spirit tool in his hand spits fire beads and blooms fire

In an instant, the whole gray smoke became red, the heat wave rolled, and the flames burst

But it seems that fireworks blend, up and down

In order to avoid the "fire burning the original"... Bu Shengyan performed the second green level magic skill "smoke hiding". He was as light as smoke and dodged the attack of "fire burning the original"!

And he came to Sikong Jingchen, with real power in his hand, and hit Sikong Jingchen on the back!

Feeling the attack on his back, it was too late to dodge. Si kongchen hurried to display the first green level magic power "fire spit breath", and burst into flames all over

The startled step produces smoke, displays "step by step like smoke" and disappears!

This is the first green level chakra magic power of Bu Shengyan. The magic step is like smoke, and the body method magic power!

The third green level supernatural power beat the dust in the direction of Bu Shengyan's disappearance

”Fire Eagle! “

The attack speed of this move is very fast. As soon as the sound of breaking the air is heard, "huoliuying" has already arrived at the battle platform. It is blocked by the defense array arranged this morning and hit a ripple!

Bu Shengyan covered her arm. She was bruised by the "fire Eagle" who was attacked quickly, but it's not a big problem. Just be careful next time

Think about it... Body shape disappears again!

The fireworks battle between the two continued. The three magical powers of Bu Shengyan are auxiliary and can't be used together, which makes Sikong unexpectedly dust for a while

The three attacking powers of Sikong and Jingchen are powerful and have no place to use. They fall into a stalemate

Finally, bu Shengyan was provided by the continuous smoke of the purple smoke pot, which consumed the real power of Sikong Jingchen and narrowly won!

This protracted war is really a long time. It's near the end of time (almost 11 o'clock) before the victory is decided!

Soon, the second game against Tianjiao came on, and the ruthless Zong Jishi Qi fought against Zong Yeyuan!

Ye yuan is quite famous because he often activates various forces to help refine weapons. As long as the power's Tianjiao... Is willing to fight him!

It can be said that ye yuan has rich combat experience!

Moreover, he is a man who pays attention to his own physical body. The condensed magic powers are auxiliary magic powers to improve his physical combat power. His recovery, endurance and physical strength are amazing!

In the sound of everyone's discussion, the two put on a posture and the competition began soon!

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