For this kind of scene, Bai miserable and naturally happy to watch the play.

I saw the empty cold grasp the empty Hou and make the empty Hou tremble all over.

But Xu Hou thought about it. My son is a descendant of his ancestral land. What are you afraid of him in the future?

"Xu Han, from today on, you are no longer the king of the black pupil family. You should give up the throne. My son is the real king."

Seeing that Xu Hou is still so hard at this time, it's hard for others to say anything.

"How dare you call my king's name, Xu Hou? Are you serious? I dare not kill you?"

The empty cold is killing.

To tell the truth, Xu Hou was still a little flustered. He turned his head and looked at Xu Duola and found that they had no movement.


This is the end of the matter. I have to install it myself.

So, Xu Hou's voice and color stubble, "you move me, you move me, as long as you dare to move me, I'll lie here today, and my son will kill you in the future."


The virtual cold is approaching the limit of tolerance.

Seeing that the deficiency cold was about to kill, Bai miserably coughed, "cough, have you had enough? It's not enough?"

How can we say that this virtual Hou is his father who disguises his body. He is in love and reason. He has to stop it.

Otherwise, you may be caught by weak cold and other strong people.

After all, his purpose is to stay in a high position and quietly provide the virtual King City with the information of the black pupil family.

Hearing Bai miserable giving orders like a king, the virtual cold didn't come, "virtual little bamboo, do you really think you are the king?"

Bai miserable didn't speak. Xudora's killing intention has been released and locked into Xuhan. "King, as long as you give an order, I'll suppress him immediately."


The virtual cold is extremely dignified.

He can ignore other people, but he can't ignore xudora.

To tell you the truth, if you really fight with him, half the probability is that you may lose.

The most important thing is that now the situation of the virtual master of the Terran is unknown. At this time, the black Tong clan is fighting among themselves. Isn't it cheaper for the Terran.

Therefore, Xu Han had to let Xu Hou go, and then said coldly, "Xu Dora, why do you recognize him as king?"

"Because he is the real king and the supreme king. Even if his ancestor is alive, he has to give up the throne."

Said xudora faintly.


Everyone was shocked.

Should the ancestor recognize Xu Xiaozhu as king when he was alive?

Seeing that Xu Han seemed to be counselled, Xu Hou proudly said, "Xu Han, don't you know that the ancestral land of rootless mountain will be destroyed because all the inheritance of the ancestral land has been given to my son. My son is the strongest king in the future of the virtual abyss!"


"The ancestral land of rootless mountain was destroyed because the virtual bamboo got all the inheritance?"

Xu Hou's words completely frightened the people, which was enough to shake the whole black Tong family.

Xu Shengzu, who had a dream of becoming king and then waited to become the virtual Lord, was already buzzing with melon seeds.

In this situation, I'm afraid he can't take the throne.

Therefore, Xu Shengzu was worried. "Xu Xiaozhu, I don't believe you have all the inheritance of the ancestral land. Dare you fight me? If you really have all the inheritance, you won't lose to me."

At this time, Xu Han was cruel and had an idea of killing people with a knife.

Whether he really got all the inheritance of the ancestral land or not, as long as he strangled it in the cradle, the king of the black pupil family, or himself.

"Yes, my son is a genius. If you can defeat him, we should regard you as king."

Other strong performers also communicate in a low voice and agree with the practice of virtual cold very much.

It's clear whether you have all the inheritance of the ancestral land. You only need to show it once.

Bai miserable will not take this competition to heart. "Well, I am invincible at the moment. My king accepts the challenge of Xu Shengzu."

"OK, have courage."

Then, the conversation of Xu Han turned, "this is a major event related to the whole black Tong family. The king needs to go back and inform all the black Tong people. The competition is scheduled for tomorrow. At that time, under the observation of all the people, confirm your inheritance strength."

"No problem, but in tomorrow's World War I, you can't use any treasures or the power of others. Otherwise, I'm afraid the treasures I inherited will accidentally kill your son."

Bai miserably smiled.


"It's natural. Tomorrow's World War I will be on the stage of ancestor worship of Heitong family, a fair war."

After that, Xu Han took Xu Shengzu and others back.

Other strongmen such as the house Lord had to bow down to Bai miserable one after another to show their intention. Bai miserable really became the king and cut them.

After the people left, xudora respectfully said to Bai miserably, "Wang, I'm afraid Xuhan will do small tricks."

Bai miserably waved his hand, "it's all right. In the war tomorrow, no matter what means he plays, I can only stand on the stage at last."

"My son is mighty!"

Xu Hou shouted excitedly.

For this cheap father, Bai miserable directly ignored him and said faintly, "father, I have something important to discuss with chief manager xudora. If there's nothing wrong, you can step down!"

"Yes, it's important for my son."

Xu Hou quickly withdrew all the others.

In order to build momentum for Bai miserable, Xu Hou decided to go out to publicize. First, he won the hearts of his son in advance, and second, he could take advantage of this opportunity to have a good prestige!

And Xu Xiaowu and other lineages, as soon as Xu Hou wants to show off in the whole black pupil family, he will naturally follow. This is the best time to show his face and raise his momentum!

Therefore, there was a speechless scene in the black pupil family.

"My son Xu Xiaozhu is the real king and the future virtual Lord!"

Xu Hou rode a very powerful virtual fire spirit tiger and shouted loudly in the streets and alleys.

"My brother is the only king of the black pupil family. I'm his sister Xu Xiaowu!"

On the other side, Xu Xiaowu also rode a virtual fire spirit tiger to publicize.

The other children of the virtual Marquis house also walked one side and held their heads high, such as the king's inspection. It was a majestic.

Soon, almost half of the black pupil clan knew that Xu Xiaozhu was the real king.

"Xu Xiaozhu? Isn't he a waste? How did he become a real king?"

"Are the people of xuhou's house looking for death? Aren't they afraid of the king to destroy them?"

"Shh, don't be so loud. I have hearsay news that Xu Xiaozhu has been inherited from his ancestral land."


When the black pupil clan was in such a commotion, Xuhan looked gloomy in the palace, "hum, just be proud. After tomorrow, I'll let you cry."

Then Xu Han looked at Xu Shengzu seriously, "Sheng Zu, your talent is very strong. You are likely to surpass the achievements of your ancestors in the future. You must destroy Xu Xiaozhu tomorrow, and the future king can only be you."

"Father, I'm not sure. If Xu Xiaozhu really gets all the ancestral inheritance, I'm afraid I'll lose."

Xu Shengzu is not a stupid man.

"It's all right. My father has a way for you to destroy him. Unless his cultivation reaches the peak of the avenue, he can't escape."

"Father, what can I do?"

"My father decided to pass on the supreme secret of your black pupil family. If you use this secret, you will be able to kill him!"

After hearing this, Xu Shengzu was overjoyed, "well, my son and Minister listen to my father."

Xu Han nodded, his eyes revealing a secret ruthlessness:

"Then xudora's father will contain him, and there will be others in xuhou's house."

"As long as Xu Xiaozhu dies, Xu Dora can only continue to regard me as king. Everything is still in our one vein."

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